Careers in Marine Biology Websites
You would need a 4-year Bachelors degree (BS) either in Marine Biology, Zoology, Biology or similar subjects.
Sarasota Dolphin Research Project
University of St. Andrews MRes in Marine Mammal Science
“Careers in Marine Biology” search a.
Sea Grant Marine Careers
Marine Biology
Ocean Engineering
Others: Education, communication, economics, etc. EX: Environmental
Protection Specialist, Natural Resources Administrator, Environmental
Educator, Marine Technician.
The following provide advice for those interested in a career in the marine or aquatic sciences:
Careers in Marine Biology - Monterey Bay Aquarium
Aquarium Careers - Monterey Bay Aquarium
Careers in Aquatic Science - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and
Careers in Marine Mammal Science - Society for Marine Mammology
Careers relating to marine mammals - National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Career as a Whale Biologist or Researcher - Vancouver Aquarium
Career as a Marine Mammal Trainer - Vancouver Aquarium
Career as a Marine Biologist - Vancouver Aquarium
Guide to Zoological Park Careers - from Sea World / Busch Gardens
Marine Mammal Organizations List - from Marine Mammal Research Program,
University of Hawaii
Careers in Marine Science - - Australian Marine Sciences Association, Inc.
Careers in Marine Science: A Diversity of Opportunities - a video tape from NAML
Marine Careers - Sea Grant, "virtual" interview format with practicing scientists,
engineers , etc.
Marine Science Careers - a booklet from Sea Grant ("virtual" interviews of marine scientists)
Marine Science Careers - other Sea Grant publications, full-text online
Careers in Oceanography and Marine Related Fields - Office of Naval Research
Marine Science Careers - special issue of "Maritimes" University of Rhode Island
Advice and hints about becoming an oceanographer - Texas A & M Dept. of
Training and Careers for Oceanographers - Texas A & M Dept. of Oceanography
Marine Science Career Profiles - OceanLink interview format
Careers in Marine Science - Oceanlink
Remarkable Careers in Oceanography: Women Exploring the Oceans - some
Be a Dolphin Trainer: Marine Mammal Careers - International Marine Animal
Trainers Association
So you want to become a marine biologist?
- Love Lab, UC Santa Barbara
So you want to become a marine biologist? The Revenge - Love Lab, UC Santa
Links to other aquatic science career web pages - Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Careers in Marine Biology - Southwest Fisheries Science Center, MNFS, NOAA
College Programs in Marine Biology - from Jeff Levinton's Marine Biology pages o o
Virtual "Interview" of a Marine Biologist, Jeff Levinton
Becoming a marine biologist - Jeff Levinton, State University of New York,
Stony Brook
National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML) - for links to marine lab web
Careers, Jobs, Internships - MATE, Marine Advanced Technology Center
FAQs about Aquarium Science Program - Oregon Coast Community College
The following have postings for jobs, post docs, traineeships, internships, etc. specific to the marine and aquatic sciences:
American Fisheries Society Job Board
Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography
Aquaculture Network Information Center - AquaNIC
Aquatic Network
BiologyJobs - select "Job Search" then "Marine Sciences "
California Department of Fish and Game - seasonal jobs
Camp SEA Lab Monterey Bay - summer programs for ages 8 - 13
Conservation Job Board - Marine Biology Jobs
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A &M - Job Board
Dolphin Research Center - internships
Estuarine Research Federation
Fish & Wildlife Research Institute - internships & jobs in Florida
Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research - American Museum of Natural History
Marine Conservation Biology Institute
Maritime jobs
Mia J. Tegner Memorial Research Grants in Marine Environmental History and
Historical Marine Ecology
Mote Marine Lab - College Internships
National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML)
New England Aquarium - Internship program
PADI Foundation - source of grants
SEA: Sea Education Association - spend a semester or quarter at sea
Saltwater, Inc.
- biological observing contractor
Sea Grant Funding & Fellowships
Sea Grant, Mid-Atlantic
Summer Class at Hopkins Marine Station - SCUBA required, open to non-Stanford students
Research Experience for Undergraduates: Ocean Sciences - National Science
Student & Summer Opportunities - Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Summer Opportunities - for high school and college students
Summer Courses & Internships in Marine Biology - Marine Biology Web
Internship - Dolphins Plus, Key Largo, FL
Internship - Bonaire
Summer Internship - Shoals Marine Laboratory
Summer Internship - Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Summer Internship - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
Summer Internship - working wtih sea turtles, Bald Head Island Conservancy, Inc.
Summer Internship - Society for Ecological & Coastal Research
Summer Internships - Our World Underwater Scholarship Society
Summer Internships - Society for Ecological and Coastal Research
Summer High School Program - Sea Education Association
Internships - Monterey Bay Aquarium
Internships - Marineland of Florida
Internships - SeaWorld
Internships - Whale Center of New England
Internships - Zavora Marine Lab - Mozambique
Internships - Marine Mammal Care Center at Fort MacArthur, San Pedro, CA