Gdansk Lecture: materials for optics P. Audebert Where we are : ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE DE CACHAN (Paris area) Main goal: Train future university and high school teachers 1320 students “normaliens” 760 other students 300 foreign students (China, US, Canada, Poland, India) 260 PhD 345 professors and assistant professors 70 Post-docs 238 technical staff More than 100 international programs 17 departments 12 laboratories 3 institutes Outline Introduction – Basics on light and matter Fluorescent molecules and materials. – – – – – What is fluorescence-theory Fluorescent molecules Fluorescent materials Plasmon resonnance and sensing Applications Molecules and materials for NLO – – – – – Second order Third order Non-linear absorption Molecules and materials for NLO Figures of merit and influence of size. – Conclusion INTRODUCTION: Recalling what light is. Wavelengths of “Light” nm: for near UV, visible, and near IR light mm: for IR and far IR light (sometimes wavenumbers preferred, n = 10000/l if n in cm-1 and l in mm) Typical range of IR spectra recording Å: for x-ray. But in this regime people usually use photon energy in eV. We have eV 1240 l (nm) Light Wave Plane electromagnetic wave E x (x, t) E0 cos (wt - kz f0 ) Re[ E0 exp( jf0 ) exp j (wt kz)] Re[ Ec exp j (wt kz)] – k: propagation constant or wave number k 2 w: angular frequency – Phase of the wave (wt –kz+f0) Wave front : A surface over which the phase of a wave is constant. Optical field : refers to the electrical field Ex. Ec E0 exp( jf0 ) /l Ex Direction of Propagation k x z z y By An electromagnetic wave is a travelling wave which has time varying electric and magnetic fields which are perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation, z. © 1999 S .O. Kasap,Optoelectronics (Prentice Hall) Traveling wave along Z Propagation of Light Light is a kind of electro-magnetic wave. In the general case the field varies with all space ordinates (in addition to time) A: amplitude vector. f: phase. Wave Vector and Wave number Wave Vector, k : Use to indicate the direction of propagation. The vector whose direction is normal to the wavefront, and magnitude is k = 2/l. For a plane wave, A is constant, and k f k r wt The magnitude of k, k = 2/l, is also called the wave number. Phase velocity The relationship between time and space for a given phase, f, that corresponds to a maximum field, can be described by: f wt kz f0 const So, during a time interval dt, this constant phase (max. field) moves a distance dz. From the relation above it comes : wdt kdz 0 Therfore it defines the phase velocity of this wave as: v dz where dt w / k l , is frequency (w 2) Basics of fluorescence What happens to molecules upon photoexcitation? Fluorescence deals with light reemission after absorption; It competes with plenty of other phenomena that can also occur after a photon absorption. Absorption is a linear process, which occurs when the incident photon energy matches a molecule/atom orbital gap + some additionnal conditions… Optical absorption basics: What are the possible transitions in a simple molecule? Not all transitions are allowed (there are symetry rules) and some of them, eg the n* are associated to a partial charge transfer (results in a increase of the transition dipole). Singlet and triplet states From Hund’s rule, the triplet state lies always below the singlet state. Conversion is sometimes possible, but not always. Transmittance and absorbance; the Beer-Lambert law. Experimentally, the efficiency of light absorption at a wavelength l by an absorbing medium is characterized by the absorbance A(l) or the transmittance T(l) , defined as In a (very) large majority of case, the absorption of a solution is given by the Beer-Lambert law below. The unit of e is therefore Absorption coefficients and cross section We can define the decadic absorption coefficient: And the Naperian absorption coefficient: Which allows to introduce in turn the molecular absorption cross-section: Relation between s and e This is exactly the Beer-Lambert law with e = (1/2.3)Nas Examples of e values The molar absorption coefficient is a very widespread value to estimate the absorption efficiency of a given compound. Here are reported the values for classical organic chemicals and dyes (at maximum). Origin of emission from a molecule : The Perrin-Jablonski diagram. Emission (or non-emission) from a molecule : The time scale for the processes. Absorption and emission from a molecule : The fine structure. Molecules can be in different vibrational states; the relative proportion of molecules in the different states is given by the Boltzmann law: N0/N1 = exp[-(E1-E0)/kT] This can induce a fine structure in the spectrum, if the vibrationnal levels have enough spacing. In the case of anthracene, the spacing is around 1400 cm-1, which comes to 2.8 10-20 J, and has the consiquence that virtually all molecules are in the ground state (N0/N1 = 0.001). In this case the spectrum has the shape represented on the left. In the general case, the levels are tighter spaced (quasi continuum) which leads to overlap between absorption and fluorescence spectrum) Summary of all the possibilities for desactivation of a molecule. Each process can be favoured according to the position of the different energy levels and the molecular structure (presence of heavy atoms favour intersystem crossing. Fluorescence life-times Once a molecule has been excited by absorption of a photon, to its excited state that we will call A*, it has therefore several paths of deactivation, fluorescence being one of them. This is quite well exemplified in the scheme below: We can call knr the constant summarizing all the non radiative processes, against kr which summarizes the radiative ones (mainly fluorescence). The disparition of A* follows a classical 1rst order kinetics, and its life-time can be measured. Fluorescence intensity The fluorescence intensity is directly linked to the amount of excited molecules still remaining inside the solution, and the radiative rate constant: Most of the time the decay is monoexponential, and parallels what is observed in radioactive decay, although with much faster decay rates! Quantum yields A very important property for a fluorescent molecule is the radiative quantum yield, that is, the proportion of reemitted light against the absorbed light. The fluorescence yield is therefore nothing else than the ratio of the radiative rate constant against the sum of the deexcitation constants. Or otherwise: It is also possible, on the same basis, to define the yield for the intersystem crossing (isc) and the phosphorescence, which are usually lower than for fluorescence. Some values for classical fluorophores Aromatic hydrocarbons are usually good fluorophores, here are some examples with life-times and quantum yields. Emission spectra and Stokes shift Since the quantum yield concerns all photons emitted from a molecule, it can also be described from the integral of the emission spectrum. The Stokes shift is a very important parameter, which describes the energy gap (often expressed in nm) between the absorption and the emission spectra. Examples of Stokes shift Examples of a large and small Stokes shift in two classical dyes, a benzoazinone and a rhodamine. Heavy atom effect The presence of heavy atoms in fluorescent molecules has huge effects on the intersystem crossing, and favors the phosphorescence at the expense of fluoresence, especially with bromine and iodine, as exemplified with the naphtalene derivatives below. Fluorescence quenching The excited state of a molecule can react with several type of substrates, exchanging energy, electrons or chemical species (mainly protons) leading to fluorescence quenching. The kinetic analysis is very similar to deactivation processes, except that it is now a bimolecular rate! (which can comes to a 1rst order kinetics in case of quencher excess) Fluorescence quenching : Main paths Summary of all possible deactivation paths: Fluorescence quenching : Three main situations, relatively to the process. 1) The excited state of a molecule can react immediately with quencher in large excess (interactions already exist between the quencher and the fluorophore): We have extinction of part of the fluorophores. Two life times can be distinguished according to the association of the quencher with the fluorophore or not. 2) The quencher is not in larger excess, but the life-time of the fluorophore is short enough and long-range interactions (eg energy transfer) can occur. Again, part of the fluorophore that are in the vicinity of the quencher are extinct, while others are not. This case is kinetically analogous to 1) for part of the fluorophores, and again two life times can be distinguished according to the presence or not of the quencher in the vicinity of the fluorophore. In the two above cases, the response are concentration dependent. These cases are called : Static quenching. 3) The quencher is not in large excess, and transport can occur during the quenching process (long life-time and/or fast diffusion). Then the pseudo first order may not applies any longer. This case may be more complex. This last case is called « dynamic quenching » and the apparent rate constant sometimes change with time. Static fluorescence quenching : Illustration Fluorescence quenching : Calculation of the two cases of static quenching In the first case (sphere of effective quenching) the quenching efficiency is related to the number of quenchers, equal to Na Q Vq , where Q is the quencher concentration, Vq the sphere volume, and Na the Avogadro number. It can be shown that: In the second case (preequilibrium) there is an equilibrium M + Q = [MQ]. MQ does not fluoresce while the fluorescence of M is unaffected. Therefore: And, at steady state: Dynamic fluorescence quenching : Stern-Volmer kinetics This is what happens in cases 1) or 2) (for selected fluorophores), let be M the fluorophore, and Q the quencher, we have: It comes to: Since the fluorescence intensity is proportionnal to the M* concentration: Fluorescence quenching : Stern-Volmer kinetics (2) Since the fluorescence intensity decay is therefore a single exponential, whose characteristic time comes from the factor inside the exponential: And therefore we have the relation, known as the Stern-Vomer law: For quantum yields we have : Fluorescence quenching : Stern-Volmer kinetics (3) Under steady-state illumination, we have: Where I0 and I are the steady-state fluorescence intensities in the absence and presence of quencher respectively, and KSV = kq t0 Q, proportionnal to the quenching rate, is called the Stern-Volmer constant. The relation is called the Stern-Volmer relation. Fluorescence quenching : Summary, including lifetime dependance. The table below shows the different I/Q and lg(I)/t curves that can be expected from the various mechanisms previously detailed. Examples of classical fluorophores and their syntheses. Very classical fluorescent laser dyes (1) Rhodamine Rhodamine 6G Coumarines (coumarine and umbelliferone) Tétracene Malachite green Classical laser dyes (2) Acridine orange Acridine yellow Pyrilium dye Cyanine Fluorol Phenoxazine dye Cresyl violet Other fluorescent dyes Flavanthrone quinophtalone isoindolinone isoindoline Classical fluorescent dyes: Metal complexes and analogues. Fluorophore Anchoring group BODIPY TR-X Iridium complex Magnesium tetraphenylporphyrin Zinc octaethylporphyrin Magnesium phtalocyanin Fluorescein (A. von Baeyer, 1871) Fluorescein : synthesis Fluorescein: pH sensing QuickTime™ et un décompresseur sont requis pour visionner cette image. 2 excitation lex1 lex2, 1 emission lem Rhodamin synthesis and activation Synthesis of the core Functionnalisation Synthesis of indolium dyes (1) Fischer indole synthesis Synthesis of indolium dyes (2) Near infrared dye Sensing with fluorescence What kind of parameters may modulate fluorescence ? Electric potential H bonding ions ions pressure Fluorescence pH viscosity quenchers temperature polarity pO2 pH Ion sensing fluorophores Calcium green Sodium green I IFAH pH sensing : principles single wavelength measurement AH pH increase IFAH = a.C0 with a eAH , FAH l I IF AH = H+ + Bl I IFB- IF = a.[AH] + b.[B] with C0 = [A] + [B] B- IFB = b.C0 with b eB , FB I IFAH pH sensing : principles single wavelength measurement AH I I AH = F F [AH] IB I F F pH increase [B ] l I IF l I IFB- pH pKa log B log [B ] [AH] AH AH = H+ + B- I I AH pH pKapp log F F IB I F F Bl Disadvantages of single wavelength measurement Measurements of all intensities MUST be done in the very same conditions Measurements of IFAH and IFB are difficult in-vivo Calibration may depend upon [probe] Needs for ratiometric measurements (independent of [probe]) pH increase I pH sensing : principles dual wavelength measurement AH I(l ) R 1 I(l ) 2 I I l1 l2 l AH = H+ + B- RR A pH pKapp log R R B + log 2 b 2 l RR A pH pKapp log R R B B- l a I (l ) + log A 2 I (l ) B 2 Advantages of dual wavelength measurement Independant of source fluctuations intensity Independant of instrument sensitivity Independant of [probe] Fluorescein 2 excitation lex1 lex2, 1 emission lem Fluorescent polymers Organic polymers model vide Energie * (LUMO) * (LUMO) * (LUMO) (HOMO) (HOMO) (HOMO) Ethylène BC Butadiène Octatétraène 2 * (LUMO) (HOMO) BV (pleine) Polyène n As much as the conjugation length increases, the levels get closer and closer Fluorescent polymers (of interest in emitting devices) O MEH-PPV PPV family n O R R Polyfluorene family n PPV SYNTHESIS The Wessling route ClH2C S S CH2Cl CH3OH T = 65°C Cl Cl S 1) NaOH, MeOH/H2O, T = 0°C or Bu4NOH, MeOH, T = 0°C 2) HCl Cl S Cl S n Quinodimethane Soluble precursor Precursor conversion : S Cl THT + T = 180-300°C n + HCl S vacuum 12h n Insoluble BY PRODUCTS PPV SYNTHESIS The Wessling route Mechanism of the polymerisation of the para quinodimethane has not been completely elucidated yet Cl S - radical polymerisation? - anionic propagation? R. A. Wessling, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Symp., 72, 55-66, (1985) Molar mass determination : S Cl T = 50°C n OCH3 CH3OH n SOLUBLE Mn > 100 000 Da PPV DERIVATIVES SYNTHESIS MEH-PPV synthesis O MEH-PPV O n hEL = 1% ITO/MEH-PPV/Ca D. Braun, A. J. Heeger, Appl. Phys. Lett., 58, 1982, (1991) Synthesis : Gilch polymerisation O OH O tBuOK Br HCHO ClH2C HCl dioxane KOH, EtOH re flux O O O CH2Cl THF, T = 20°C O O PPV DERIVATIVES SYNTHESIS Dialkoxy-PPV derivatives * A lot of polymers have been prepared following the previously described synthetic route. * Two homopolymers have emerged : O O O n O MEH-PPV max lEL = 610nm hPL = 15% n OC1C10-PPV Philips Hoechst max max lEL = 592nm lPL = 575nm PPV DERIVATIVES SYNTHESIS Side reaction in the GILCH polymerisation OR2 ClH2C OR2 1 eq tBuOK H2C CH2Cl CH Cl R1O R1O Side reaction Main reaction OR2 OR2 Cl OR2 Cl OR 2 Cl Cl OR2 n OR1 OR1 OR1 Cl OR 1 OR1 1 eq tBuOK 1 eq tBuOK Tolane bis benzyl moiety (TBB) OR 2 OR 2 OR 2 OR2 OR 2 n R1O OR 1 R1O R1O R1O For OC1C10-PPV, the defect concentration is in the range of 1.5 – 2.2% H. Becker et al., Macromolecules, 32, 4925, (1999) PPV DERIVATIVES SYNTHESIS : Cyano PPV Synthesis of polymer with high electron affinity The Wessling route is ineffective when e- withdrawing substituents are involved Knoevenagel condensation OC6H13 NC CN NaCN C6H13O OC6H13 OC6H13 ClH2C CH2Cl C6H13O OC6H13 CN t-BuOH/THF 50°C t-BuOK or Bu4NOH 1) NaOAc C6H13O NC C6H13O OC6H13 2) KOH, EtOH OHC 3) PCC n CN-PPV CHO C6H13O The synthetic route is flexible CN-PPV MEH-CN-PPV OC6H13 many cyano PPV derivatives O OC6H13 CN C6H13O NC C6H13O OC6H13 O CN CN CH3O n NC CH3O C6H13O n NC n PPV DERIVATIVES SYNTHESIS : Heck coupling reaction Preparation of alternating copolymers derived from PPV : OR2 OR2 I I Et3N, Pd(OAc)2 , DMF + P 3 R1O n R1O R. Heck, Org. React.,27, 345, (1982) Precursor synthesis : OR2 OR2 I2, HIO 3 I I H2SO4, AcOH, CCl4 R1O R1O * The Heck coupling reaction approach is versatile * But the obtained molecular weights are limited Z. Bao, Y. Cen, R. Cai, L. Yu, Macromolecules, 26, 5281-5286, (1993) POLYFLUORENE DERIVATIVES R R n * Good opportunity for getting soluble blue emitting polymer * Chemically and photochemically stable * Good hole injecting materials * Good electron transporting materials First attempts for preparing poly(9,9-dihexylfluorene) (oxidative polymerisation) R 2 n-BuLi T = -78°C 2 RBr R R R FeCl3 CHCl3 n Not really suitable for application for the moment… * very low molecular weight * branching * non conjugative linkages through other positions than 2 and 7 Y. Ohmori et al., Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys., 30(11B), L1941-L1943, (1991) POLYFLUORENE DERIVATIVES Yamamoto reaction (Dow Chemical Company) : R R R 2 Br2 R R bis(1,5-cyclooctadienyl) Nickel (0) Br R Br Br CHCl3 N N DMF Br n T = 80°C Polymers were end-capped with monobrominated aromatic derivatives R R R R Yamamoto coupling Br Br n 2 Br n Ni-catalysed Oxydative coupling DPn 48 14 Mw/Mn 2.4 6.8 Tg (°C) 95 55 Mesomorphism 193 N 249 none Fluorescence (nm) 424, 448, 475 425, 495 M. Bernius, et al., Proc. SPIE, 3797, 129-137, (1999) POLYFLUORENE DERIVATIVES Drawback of the Yamamoto route : low solubility of the polymer in DMF Adaptation of the Suzuki reaction (Dow Chemical + others) R R R 1) 2.1 eq n-BuLi THF -78°C Br Br O R O O B O B O R B 2) R Pd(0)[(PPh3)4] O R R Toluene, Na2CO3 Br n Reflux 48h, Ar Br Possibility of making fluorene based copolymers with a wide variety of comonomers : N N N N N R R R R R OR S N RO S N Possibility of finely tuning properties of the EL polymers COPOLYMERISATION Fluorene based copolymers Poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene)s tend to aggregate upon annealing or during operation Use of a lower band gap comonomer PL spectra of PDHF C6H13 C6H13 OC10H21 C10H21O n PDHFDDOP hPL = 40% PL spectra of PDHFDDOP W. L. Yu, et al. Chem. Commun., 1837-1838, (1999) Quantum confinement – Perovskite layers and Q-dots Luminescence from quantum confinement When a wave lenght can be held into a small size environment, this is called quantum confinement Exemple 1 : Plasmon resonnance into a gold nanoparticle of a Q-dot Exemple 2 : Confinement into a bidimensionnal layer of an hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite Résolution in the harmonic case Avec: Hypotheses Solutions A second order developpment shows the fonctions are paraboles Exemple : Organic-inorganic perovskites – (2 d-Qwell) Alternance of infinite organic/inorganic plans Schematic electronic structure [2] Photoluminescence Optical Density Eliaison≈ 220 meV 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9 3,0 3,1 3,2 Energie (eV) • Luminescence at room temperature « strong » excitons observables at 300 K Q-dots - Size effects The Q-dots are very small nanoparticles of chalcogenides, where the wavelength is confined and the emission is size-dependant. Chemical synthesis Inorganic materials where optical properties are linked with electron confinement Type of materials: Various metal chalcogenides Composition effects Blinking as a consequence of single photon emission! Second part of the course: Basics of Nonlinear Optics (NLO) Basics of Nonlinear Optics At the molecular scale, molecules are influenced by electromagnetic fields without need of absorption. The first effect is simply diffraction (linear index change) as a result of the « slowing down » of the propagation in matter vs vacuum. Simple one-photon absorpation is also a linear effect. There are higher order effects, whose intensity is much smaller (not observable at standard intensities) Macroscopic situation: Intense light modifiy matter polarization. Upon application of an electric field, induced dipolar moments appear in the matter, which cause induced polarization P. The linear c(1) term is a second order tensor. For low powers, P = c(1) E This is the linear response of matter to light, the polarisation has the same direction than the incident light, and can be related to the linear refraction index. We have the simple relation e = 1 + 4c(1) = n2 Simplified situation: Only one light beam, and only one direction counts If the light is polarized, only the field direction counts, the equation becomes scalar, and the powers 2 and 3 in the trigonometric equations can be linearized. With: We have: It comes out that, in this very classical situation, second order NLO will give rise to generation of frequency doubling and an additionnal constant electric field, while third order NLO will give rise to frequency tripling + generation of an harmonic at the same wavelength. Second order NLO The non-linear c(2) The non-linear response is a third order tensor and therefore can mix responses to two different incident beams. c P2 = (2) E1E2 and therefore implies the possibility of frequency mixing. c(2) different from zero implies noncentrosymetry in both the material, and the active component, otherwise the effects cancel. The non-linear c(2) term is a third order tensor. Privileged direction (z) For most NLO effects,the response of a material is usually much higher in a privileged direction, usually chosen for z axis (sometimes called x). The P2 tensor comes down to a scalar, like c(2) .We have: Pzzz = c(2) zzz E2z. Second order NLO, the general case: w1 w1 w2 w2 2nd order NLO active material w1 w2 w1 w2 2w1 2w2 Calculation (of the simplest case) If beams have same direction and polarization, and phase matching, we come back to the directionnal case, with simple wave mixing. We have: Etotal = E1cos(w1t) + E2cos(w2t) c(2) Etotal2 , = c(2) {1/2[ E P2 = P2 1 therefore: 2 + E22 + E12 cos(2w1t)+ E22cos(2w2t)] + E1E2cos(w1+w2)t + E1E2cos(w1+w2)t The first term (in white) corresponds to the induced static polarization, the second (in red) to the second harmonic generation (frequency doubling) the third (in yellow) to the frequency sum generation and the last one (in green) to the frequency difference generation. The frequency doubling This is by far the largest application of second order NLO c P2 = (2) EE and therefore generates a wave with doubled frequency. NLO active material Red Blue (sum frequency) The main application is the UV laser (of weak power) for eg information storage.. Other possibilities 1) The non-linear response can be used to generate sum and difference frequencies to detect eg IR beams. IR Yellow Orange (frequency difference) Green (frequency sum) 2) The non-linear response can be used to generate modulation of the linear refraction index through application of a constant field, this is the electrooptic effect (or Pockels effect). The electrooptic effect Applying an external field comes to submit the medium to a sollicitation E = E0 + E(w). E0 is usually large compared to E. If the field is aligned with the light direction the tensor solves to the scalar, along this direction. c(2) EE therefore P = c(1) (E +E) + c(2) (E +E) P = c(1) E + c(2) E + (2c(2)E + c(1)) E + c(2) E P2 = 0 2 0 0 Static term 0 2 0 « new » refraction ≈ n2 Small Therefore we have the « new » refraction index given by: c(2)E n2 – n02 = 2 0 2 Third order NLO The 3rd order NLO One wave is generated at triple frequency, and one at the same frequency. NLO 3rd order active material UV (frequency tripling) Red red (harmonic generation at same frequency) Applications in optical gates (Kerr effect) and UV lasers. Privileged direction (z) Again the z direction can be privileged along the field direction. The P3 tensor is reduced, but not to a simple scalar, we have: Pzzzz = c(3) zzzz E3z. However, this time, the c(3) term contains two components, because not only frequency tripling can occur, but also generation at the same frequency, by simultaneous frequency addition and soustraction The non-linear c(3) The third order non-linear response is a fourth order tensor and therefore can mix responses to three different incident beams. c P2 = (3) E1 E2 E3 and therefore implies many possibilities of frequency mixing. The general case is extremely complicated… c(3) different from zero also for centrosymetric molecules and materials always observed! The 3rd order NLO Generation of triple frequency occurs just like frequency doubling, only the c(3) zzzz values are usually smaller than c(2) zzz values . Generation of same frequency through 3rd order NLO effects leads to a light induced apparent refraction index change called optical Kerr effect. The effect looks like the previously presented Pockels effects, except that there is no applied permanent electric field. However, if a permanent electric field is applied on a 3rd order optical material, it has also an effect on the apparent refraction index (analogous to Pockels effect) which is called static Kerr effect. Static Kerr effect For a nonlinear material, the electric polarization field P will depend on the electric field E: where ε0 is the vacuum permittivity and χ(n) is the n-th order component of the electric susceptibility of the medium. The ":" symbol represents the scalar product between matrices. We can write that relationship explicitly; the i-th component for the vector P can be expressed as: where i = 1,2,3. It is often assumed that P1 = Px, i.e. the component parallel to x of the polarization field; E2 = Ey and so on. For a linear medium, only the first term of this equation is significant and the polarization varies linearly with the electric field. For materials exhibiting a non-negligible Kerr effect, the third, χ(3) term is significant, with the evenorder terms typically dropping out due to inversion symmetry of the Kerr medium. Consider the net electric field E produced by a light wave of frequency ω together with an external electric field E0: where Eω is the vector amplitude of the wave. Combining these two equations produces a complex expression for P. For the DC Kerr effect (E° surimposed) , we can neglect all except the linear terms and those in Therefore : Optical (or AC) Kerr effect In the optical or AC Kerr effect, an intense beam of light in a medium can itself provide the modulating electric field, without the need for an external field to be applied. In this case, the electric field is given by: where Eω is the amplitude of the wave as before. Combining this with the equation for the polarization, and taking only linear terms and those in χ(3)|Eω|3: As before, this looks like a linear susceptibility with an additional non-linear term: and since: where n0=(1+χLIN)1/2 is the linear refractive index. Using a Taylor approximation, since χNL << n02, this gives an intensity dependent refractive index (IDRI) of: where n2 is the second-order nonlinear refractive index, and I is the intensity of the wave. The refractive index change is thus proportional to the intensity of the light travelling through the medium. The values of n2 are relatively small for most materials, on the order of 10 -20 m2 W-1 for typical glasses. Therefore beam intensities in the GW cm-2 range are necessary to produce significant variations in refractive index via the AC Kerr effect. Two-photon adsorption This process corresponds to the simultaneous absorption of two photons, which is possible if there is of course phase matching. This is a 3rd order process. This is a resonnant process involving the imaginary part of c(3). 2-photon absorption may generate classical fluorescence ! Two-photon adsorption : Very localized fluorescence Molecular scale: What happens Molecules for NLO At the molecular scale, molecules are influenced by electromagnetic fields without need of absorption. A molecule which is sensitive to an electric field is a molecule with electronic delocalization For 2nd order NLO, it has to be non-centrosymetric, and it is good to exhibit a high dipole moment For 3rd order NLO, it is enough to have flexible delocalized electrons. Molecules for NLO At the molecular scale, the molecules are individually polarized. We have: P = P(0) + a E(w) + b E(w1)E(w2) + E(w1)E(w2)E(w3) +… Where P(0) represents the permanent dipole moment of the molecule, and the other terms the induced dipoles, through interaction with light. Despite a molecule may have a distorted dipole moment, most of the molecules, and especially the one used in NLO, have a main axis through which the largest component appears, and which will be choses as z. Therefore, the best molecules will present a high dipole moment in a privileged direction. Molecules for 2nd order NLO Molecules with high dipole moment are prefered. Typical example: The paranitroaniline (one of the first molecules studied) Unidirectional molecule: bzzz = bTC Molecules for 2nd order NLO: The two levels model for SHG Calculations show that: bzzz = bCT (-2w, w, w) = (3 e2h/4m) F(w)fDm Where m and e are respecitvely the mass and the charge of the electron, h the Planck constant, F(w) a frequence dependant factor and Dm the difference between the dipole moments in the fundamental and first excited state (Dm = me-mg), and f the oscillator strength. E represents the energy of the incident light (hn) and E° the energy of the electronic transition between the two levels. F(w) = E0 ( E02 E 2 )( E02 4 E 2 ) Molecules for 2nd order NLO: The two levels model for SHG (2) When E 0, the b term does tend towards 0, but towards a value that is really representing the polarizability of the molecules, ie its nonlinear reaction to an electric field sollicitation. This term is called b(0) and we have : b(0)CT = (3 e2h/4m) E0-3 fDm Then, the b at any frequency can be expressed as a function of b(0) and the frequency. It comes: b = b(0) E04 ( E02 E 2 )( E02 4 E 2 ) The first term is an intrinsic characteristics of the molecule, and the second a frequency factor that rises when one gets close to the one photon or the twophoton transition (but also absorption !!). Molecules for 2nd order NLO: The two levels model for SHG (2) The b at any frequency can be also expressed as a function of b(0) and the pulsations. It comes: Molecules for 2nd order NLO: The relation between c and b. Basically, the macroscopic polarisability is the integrated sum of the microscopic ones. When all molecules are oriented, with an a angle, with the incident field: f is the local electric field correction factor, which depends on the polarity of the solvent/medium. Non polar ( ew = n2 ) Polar Ideal molecules for NLO response: Donor-acceptor conjugated molecules -conjugated Donor Bridge Acceptor Most prepared and studied families PNA family Oligophenylenes family Stilbene family Azo dyes family Oligothienylenes family Ground and excited state In the 2-level approximation, people consider that the first excited state corresponds to the complete charge transfer between the donor and the acceptor group, as represented for the classical NLO-phores shown left. Examples of molecules and b values Examples of molecules and b values (2) Examples of molecules and b values (3) Examples of molecules and b values: Organometallics Examples of molecules with other geometries (distorted and V-shaped) Examples of molecules with other geometries (calixarenes) Examples of molecules with other geometries (octupoles) Synthesis of azodyes: Para red Molecules for 3rd order NLO We recall: P = P(0) + a E(w) + b E(w1)E(w2) + E(w1)E(w2)E(w3) +… Therefore, the best third order molecules will also need to present a high electronic flexibility, but a high dipole moment in the ground state is no longer mandatory. However, we have, for a 2-states molecule: 1 0 D A 1 , µ1 µ01, w0 D xxxx (-w, w, -w, w) A 0 , µ0 m 401 m 201 (m1 m 0 ) 2 2 2 2 3 (w 0 w ) (w 0 w 2 ) 2 (w 20 4w 2 ) Molecules for 3rd order NLO D A 1 , µ1 µ01, w0 D Quadrupoles are OK, despite the momentum of the ground tate is zero! A 0 , µ0 D---A---D or D-spacer-D or A-spacer-A Examples of molecules only for 3rd order NLO Optical limitation (2-photon absorption) N N X X Fe X = -, Ph , N , N Optical Kerr effect Fe Figures of merit for Kerr effect So the important parameter is n2, nut it may be considered relatively, compared to the 2-photon absorption b and the standard absorption a. W = n2/al and T = bl/n2 , where a and b are as defined above, are the figures of merit to consider sonce they represent respectively the relative efficiency and transparency of the molecule Figures of merit for Kerr effect: Comparison between two record molecules DO3 is a classical dye while PYDO3 is non classical annd belongs to the pull-push-pull group. One and two photons absorption, along with of DO3 and its pyrrole counterpart PYDO3 1 photon NH 2 N 2 photons N N N N NO 2 NO 2 DO3 PYDO3 A la fois les absorptions à un et deux photons sont décalées vers le bleu du DO3 au Pyrrole-DO3 Gammas at 1280 nm, out of resonnance for the two molecules PYDO3 : (+137±70) 10-36 esu, DO3: (+256±94) 10-36 esu. The are almost the same, despite the large offset from resonnance in the pyrrole ! P. AUDEBERT, K. OHTA, K. KAMADA and M. ANDO Chem.Phys. Lett, 2000. Bibliography: 1)Fluorescence: 2)NLO Personnal and Zyss’s group data + T. Verbiest, S. Houbrechts, M. Kauranen, K. Clays and A. PersoonsJ. Mater. Chem., 1997, 7(11), 2175–2189 Dzekuje bardzo !