The texts were not checked by a native speaker. All comments, suggestions and improvements are welcome and the authors will be very thankful for discovered errors, advices, recommendations and remarks. We are waiting for your messages on E-mail address: Dental Amalgams and Toxicology of Mercury Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry Institute of Medical Biochemistry Medical Chemistry and Winter Biochemistry term Category I © Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics of the General University Hospital and of The First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague - 2005-2016 Why is mercury so important for dentists? (Dental) Amalgams are formed from mercury Amalgam (from Greek) amalgamation Amalgam = Liquid or solid alloy of mercury (or gallium) with one or more metals, e.g., with sodium, potassium, silver, gold, zinc, cadmium, lead. Amalgam is usually prepared by direct contact of mercury with proper metal (dentists) at room temperature, eventually electrolytically by metal reduction from aqueous solutions by electric current on mercury cathode (polarography, voltammetry). Lifetime of dental amalgams 6 years (traditional alloys) – 20 years (copper-enriched alloys) Amalgams are used: in stomatology (dentistry) as a hard restorative material of silvery-grey appearance (silver amalgam); in electrochemistry; in production of silver mirrors (tin, silver amalgam); in gold and silver mining in measurement engineering (thermometers, manometers (barometers etc.)) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 3 Selection of proper dental material Nucleation, polycrystalline grain structure, microscopic and macroscopic composition Compressive strength Tensile strength Thermal properties (thermal diffusivity, thermal expansion) Adhesivity to tooth material (dentine, enamel) Changes in time Possible formation of galvanic cells, origin of galvanic currents Corrosion properties Dimensional changes Compressivity Hardness Plastic deformations (creep) Fracturability Appearance (silvery-grey, lustre, correspondence with background) Toxicity Allergic reactions, biological compatibility Price Availability (easy of access) Buildability Easy of formation Wish of the patient, health insurance, cost!!! Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 4 Advantages of amalgams Easy to prepare Low (or none) toxicity Low price Long lifetime Disadvantages of amalgams Silvery-grey appearance Content of mercury Formation of galvanic (electrochemical) cells (e.g. with aluminum) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 5 Requirements on dental material (e.g., on amalgam) in course of preparation Condensing, Setting rate – the dentist must have enough time to fill properly amalgam into the cavity, to arrange it mechanically. However, in 1 – 2 hour the filling must be so hard that the patient can use it (eat). In 24 hours it reachs maximal hardness practically. During hardening - the dimensional changes have to be neglectable – the tooth would be ruptured in case of massive expansion, or the filling would come out in case of massive contraction. Chemical resistance - the filling must be chemically and toxicologically inert to the surroundings in mouth. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 6 History of the Use of Amalgams for Dental Purposes The first people, which used amalgams to fill cavities, were the Chinese in the 7 th century. First dental experiments in modern history: French dentist Auguste Taveau (1826): developed a dental amalgam from silver coins and mercury. He prepared a middle rigid paste composed from silver and mercury, which filled a tooth and solidified it in required shape. Taveau’s fillings were cheaper than the used gold leafs, used at that time and they were better workable. This early amalgam was low in mercury and had to be heated in order to dissolve the silver at any appreciable rate. However, they exhibited some serious disadvantages. The amalgam increased dramatically its volume during the solidification process (today is slight expansion considered as advantageous) and it stacked out from the tooth and it complicated the proper occlusion (at that time did not exist the tools for amalgam polishing) or the tooth could be ripped be internal stress. Therefore, Taveau’s „silver paste “ was not popular too much. The brothers Crawcour, New York, used advertisement powerfully, they achieved big success. They were charged by other dentists with amorality and professional incompetence, charlatanism, later, the used material, which the brothers used for dental filling, was impeached. It was declared that amalgam is not suitable for dental fillings, because it is harmful and therefore it cannot be placed in human mouth. It was emphasized that mercury volatized from the filling gradually and it is harmful for human organism. Due to these attacks the brothers Crawcour had to leave New York. Since then it was not possible to use amalgam for any prestigious dentist, to do not be discredited. The anti-amalgam campaign prolonged. The illness with unknown causations were ascribed to the amalgam fillings (paralysis of lymbs, throat diseases, even tuberculosis etc). Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 7 History of the Use of Amalgams for Dental Purposes In 1843 representatives of American Dental Association (ADA) prohibited the use of amalgam generally. Some dentists were proscribed from ADA, because they publicly used amalgam. Some other dentists officially, publicly criticize it, however, they used it frequently in their patients secretly. About 1870: one of the most famous American dentist Joseph Foster Flag declared for the application of amalgam. He declared that after many years of experiments with this alloy, he can conclude that the teeth filled by amalgam have the longer durability in comparison with other fillings, including gold. The amalgam alloys have been the most frequently used type of fillings since the end of 19th century. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 8 Gold and Silver Mining Mercury has been used in the gold and silver mining processes due to the ease with which mercury amalgamates with them. Mercury has been often used to separate the gold from other heavy minerals. Small particles of gold are washed from sand or gravel deposits After all of the usable metal had been extracted from the ore, mercury was poured down a long copper trough which formed a thin coating of mercury on the surface. The waste ore was then poured down the trough, and any gold in the waste amalgamated with the mercury. This coating was occasionally scraped off and distilled to remove the mercury, leaving behind fairly high-purity gold. Mercury amalgamation was first applied to silver ores with the invention of the patio process in Mexico in 1557 (Bartolomé Medina). Other amalgamation processes were invented for processing silver ores, including pan amalgamation and the Washoe process. With the invention of mercury amalgamation to treat silver ore, mercury became essential to the silver mines of the New World. The Spanish Empire transported mercury from Almadén across the Atlantic to supply the silver mines of Zacatecas and Potosí. Another source for mercury in the Spanish Empire was the mine of Huancavelica in Peru, discovered in 1563. In 1648, the Viceroy of Peru declared that Potosí and Huancavelica were "the two pillars that support this kingdom and that of Spain.“ Mercury amalgamation is still commonly used by small-scale gold placer miners, especially in lessdeveloped countries, most notably Brazil. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 9 Voltammetry, polarography Mercury is the preferred electrode material for the analysis of metals by polarography (voltammetry, potentiometric stripping analysis). The formation of amalgams facilitates the reduction of most metal ions in aqueous solutions that is normally not possible, because their reduction potentials are more negative than the potential for the reduction of the solution (the potential of hydrogen reduction is shifted to relatively negative potentials on mercury (“hydrogen overpotential”) and thereby relatively wide potential window for metal reduction is formed). Production of electrochemical detectors, of voltammetric electrodes, which can successfully replace the famous mercury electrode. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 10 Composition of dental amalgams (% m/m) American Dental Association (ADA) prior to 1986 ISO 1559 Ag ≥ 65 % ≥ 40 % Sn ≤ 29 % ≤ 32 % Cu ≤6% ≤ 30 % Zn ≤2% ≤2% Hg ≤3% ≤3% Type Ag [%] Sn [%] Cu [%] Zn [%] Other [%] In, Pd, Se TL = traditional lathe cut 70.9 25.8 2.4 1 — TS = traditional spherical 72 26 1.5 0.5 — HCS = high-copper spherical 41-61 24-30.5 13-28.3 0-0.5 In 3.4 HCAd = high-copper admixed 62-69.7 15.1-18.6 12.0-22.7 0-0.9 In 10 HCL = high-copper lathe cut 43 29 25 0.3 Hg 2.7 GA = alloy for gallium amalgam 50 26 15 — Pd 9 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 11 Production of non-mercury part of the amalgam Lathe-cut Precisely weighted components of the dental alloy are melted (fused), mostly in inert atmosphere; Smelt is cast in ingots “Homogenization” by heating up to 420 °C for 1-2 weeks (for homogenous structure in the whole ingot). Lathe-turning to small cuts. Their proportions depend on lathe-turning rate as well Pulverization in ball grinder, grading Heating up to 100 °C for a few hours to remove internal stresses originating during preparation The alloy is by heating stabilized for reaction with mercury (otherwise lathe cut would react too fast and higher amount of mercury would be needed for amalgamation. Atomization Spherical particle shape (might be a partly irregular) is created by means of an atomizing process whereby a spray of tiny drops is allowed to solidify in an inert gaseous (i.e. argon) or liquid (i.e. water) environment. Magnification 100x Magnification 500x Dispersion-modified alloy powder. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology Lathe-cut particles of conventional 12 of alloy and spherical particles 2015/2016 silver-copper eutectic alloy . Types of Most Frequently Used Dental Amalgams (Generally) High copper Lathe cut Low copper Silver amalgam alloys Admixed High copper Spherical Low copper Traditional Alloys Lathe cut alloys Until the 1960s, the chemical composition and micro-structure of available amalgam alloys essentially the same as those of the most successful systems investigated by G. V. Black (Black, 1895). Blend of different particle sizes rather than a unimodel system Length of particles from 60 to 120 µm, width from 10 to 70 µm, thickness from 10 to 35 µm Tendency to decrease the dimensions of particles in traditional alloys as well Ag 66-73 %, Sn 25-29 %, Cu <= 6 %, Zn <= 2 % Spherical alloys Introduced on the market during the 1960s Particle shape is created by means of an atomizing process Spherical particles generally, the shapes might be irregular, Ø <= 40-50 µm Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 13 High-copper blended alloys Introduced during the late 1960s Dispersalloy, Johnson & Johnson Dental Care Co. (~1963) A mechanical mixture of two parts: traditional lathe-cut alloy; spherical alloy; Chemical composition of the spherical particles: 72 % Ag and 28 % Cu; it corresponds to the eutectic composition of the silver-copper system; The overall composition of this alloy is approximately 13 % of copper (more than twice the maximum amount permitted in the ADA) Preparation 1. Mechanically mixed 2. Melted They can be prepared as lathe cut as well as spherical particles Other types of high-copper alloys Selenium addition – to improve the biocompatibility of the amalgams (~1982) Palladium addition <= 1 % - Pd is relatively expensive Indium addition ~ 10 % - 30 % - to reduce the mercury vapor released in the mastication process, higher stability of phases 1 = Ag2Hg3 (~1992-4) Gallium alloys By addition of In or Sn can be decreased the melting point of the amalgam below room temperature This liquid can be then triturated with a silver-tin-copper alloy powder (spherical) in the same fashion as dental amalgam. Addition of Pd - to improve corrosion properties Example of composition: Ga 65 %; In, 18,95 %; Sn 16 %; other 0.5%. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 14 Amalgam Ag2Hg3= phase 1 Atomic forces microscopy + scanning electron microscopy Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 15 Crystal lattices Hg (-39 oC) Triclinic Monoclinic Orthorhombic Tetragonal Basal centered Monoclinic Triclinic Rhombohedral Single face centered lattice (F) Cubic Hexagonal Body centered (I) Orthorhombic Primitive centering (P) Tetragonal Trigonal Hexagonal 14 Bravais lattices Cubic Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 16 Reactions of amalgams Traditional alloys = Ag3Sn 1 = Ag2Hg3 2 = SnxHg Ag3Sn + Hg Ag2Hg3 + SnxHg + Ag3Sn (x~7-8) + Hg 1 + 2 + Copper-enriched alloys Ag3Sn + Cu + Hg Ag2Hg3 + Cu6Sn5 + Ag3Sn +Cu + Hg 2Cu3Sn+ 1 + Cu6Sn5 + 3 Sn Cu6Sn5 (single-composition alloys) = Ag3Sn = Cu6Sn5 = Cu3Sn Dispersion-modified, copper-enriched lathe-cut 1. + Hg 2. 2 + Cu 1 2 + 2 = temporary intermediate product (from days to weeks) Cu6Sn5 Gallium amalgams CuGa + PdGa5 + Ag9In4 + Ag9Ga + β-Sn Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 17 Phase diagram of amalgams Phase diagram Ag - Hg Phase diagram Au - Hg Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 18 Examples of amalgams Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 19 Physical Properties of Dental Amalgam Properties Value specified in ISO 1559 Dimensional change [%] -0.1 - +0.2 Compressive strength [MPa] at 1 hour Min. 50 Compressive strength [MPa] at 24 hours Min. 300 Creep (Permanent (plastic) deformation) [%] Max. 3 % Type Compressive strength [MPa] 30 min; l h; l day Tensile strength [MPa] Knoop hardness Creep [%] Dimensional change (µm/cm) 53; 89; 430 52 146 2.05 8 TS = traditional spherical; 170; 265; 444 55 174 0.21 0 HCS = high-copper spherical; 122; 220; 486 63 173 0.07 -7 HCL = high-copper lathe cut; 59; 97; 477 45 174 0.17 5 HCB = high-copper blend; 79; 123; 434 50 155 0.24 -7 -; 343; 383 57 - 0.17 16 TL = traditional lathe cut GA = alloy for gallium amalgam. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 20 Dimensional Changes of Dental Amalgams Expansion Dimensional change [%] Contraction Time [hours] Contraction, mercury is still diffusing into the alloy particles Crystallization of new phases becomes the predominant feature of the setting reaction Dimensional changes: a), b) Examples of normal behavior, c) Example of moisture-contaminated material Influence on Dimensional changes: type of alloy, particle size, particle shape, pressure used to condense the amalgam into the cavity Zn + H2O ZnO + H2 ........Expansion Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 21 Creep, Elasticity of Dental Amalgams From Dr. Pavel Branda: Cements and composite materials Elasticity, Creep Elastic regime, linear dependence Hooke's law Area of plastic/permanent deformation Reversible Irreversible deformation deformation Stress Short term Long term load load Stress by destruction, rupture Deformation Irreversible deformation, though in the area of elastic behavior Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 22 Elasticity of Dental Amalgams (Creep) 1) True elastic limit The lowest stress at which dislocations move. This definition is rarely used, since dislocations move at very low stresses, and detecting such movement is very difficult. 2) Proportionality limit The point at which the stress–strain curve deviates from Hooke's law, i.e., becomes nonlinear. 3) Elastic limit The lowest stress at which permanent deformation can be measured. This requires a manual load-unload procedure, and the accuracy is critically dependent on equipment and operator skill. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 From: 23 Compressive strength [MPa] Compressive strength Practically equivalent a) Coarse-grain, lathe-cut material b) Fine-grain, lathe-cut material c) Spherical particle material Optimal content of mercury 44-48 % (m/m) • the compressive strength will decrease 1 % with each 1 % increase in mercury above 60 % • Compressive strength will decrease 1% with each 1 % of porosity Time [hours] Comparison of lathe-cut amalgams with tooth materials Property Enamel Dentine Amalgam Modulus of elasticity [GPa] 50 50 30 Compressive strength at 7 days [MPa] 250 280 350 Tensile strength at 7 days [MPa] 35 40-260 60 Vickers hardness 350 60 100 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 24 3times lower Creep Permanent (plastic) deformation under constant load after the material has set Creep is determined by applying an axial compressive stress of 36 MPa to a cylinder of amalgam 6 mm long and 4 mm in diameter. The specimen is stored at 37°C for 7 days before testing. Time of application: 4 hours Oral temperature 37 oC is at ~ 0.9 Tm (Tm is the melting temperature) => easy diffusion and deformation Material type Creep [%] Conventional lathe-cut 2.5 Dispersion-modified, copper-enriched 0.2 Copper-enriched, containing 0.5% palladium 0.06 “Ditch“ around the margins of the amalgam“ How creep of amalgam causes the formation of unsupported edges which can fracture a) Initial restoration; b) Following creep; c) Following marginal fracture Generally – the higher creep – the higher fractionality (in traditional alloys) 2 = SnxHg … phase responsible for creep Min. content of 2 phase in v Cu-enriched amalgam + In + Pd Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology Cu6Sn5 … low creep 2015/2016 Marginal fracture Corrosion Traditional High Cu 25 Čas [roky] Corrosion Degradation due to the electrochemical process Distinguish: Corrosion X Tarnish Tarnishing = the loss of lustre from the surface of a metal or alloy due to the formation of a surface coating The integrity of the alloy is not affected and no change in mechanical properties would be expected 2 = SnxHg … Easy formation of the anode in galvanic cell the phase responsible for corrosion 8Sn7Hg + 21O2 + 42H2O + 28Cl-→ 14Sn4(OH)6Cl2 + 8 Hg Alimentary tract Properly polished amalgam smaller area lower tendency to the corrosion Reaction with the rests of alloys (formation of 1 = The corrosion products form a seal, which prevents microleakage (positive effect) Ag2Hg3, a 2 = SnxHg) Air, saliva, salts in mouth Copper-enriched alloys, without 2 phase (SnxHg) are more resistant against corrosion 4Cu6Sn5 + 19O2 + 18H2O + 12Cl-→ 6[CuCl2.3Cu(OH)2] + 20SnO Addition of Cu does not change substantially corrosion character of amalgam alloys Additions of Pd < 1% - substantially improve the character of amalgam alloys Reactions of amalgam with other metals formation of galvanic cells galvanic currents a) Attacks of soft tissues b) Dissolution of amalgam materials Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 26 Oxidation - reduction reactions (redox) Example Galvanic cell - spontaneous Anode: Zn=Zn2++2e1st redox system E0(Zn2+/Zn)=-0.76 V Cathode: Cu2++2e-=Cu 2nd redox system E0(Cu2+/Cu)=0.34 V Zn(s) + Cu2+ = Cu(s) + Zn2+ U=Ec-Ea Measurement of redox potential (Secondary school) Electrolytic cell – Inserted voltage Anode: Cu = Cu2+ + 2e1st redox system Cathode: Zn2+ + 2e- = Zn 2nd redox system Cu(s) + Zn2+ = Zn(s) + Cu2+ U=Ea-Ec Reduction is always realized at cathode! E1 E10 a a RT RT RT a1red ln U E1 E 2 E10 - E 02 ln 1red ln 2red nF a1ox nF a1ox nF a 2ox Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 27 Oxidation - reduction reactions (redox) Redox pair [V] Redox pair [V] Li+/Li (s) - 3.04 Co2+/Co (s) - 0.28 K+/K (s) -2.92 Ni2+/Ni (s) - 0.25 Na+/Na (s) - 2.71 Sn2+/Sn (s) - 0.14 Ca2+/Ca (s) -2.50 Pb2+/Pb (s) - 0.13 Al3+/Al (s) - 1.66 2H+/H2 (g) +0.00 Mn2+/Mn (s) - 1.18 Sn4+/Sn2+ +0.15 Zn2+/Zn (s) - 0.76 Cu2+/Cu (s) +0.34 Cr3+/Cr (s) - 0.74 Ag+/Ag (s) +0.80 Fe2+/Fe (s) - 0.44 Cl2/2Cl-(g) +1.36 Cd2+/Cd (s) - 0.40 Au+/Au (s) +1.50 Tl+/Tl (s) - 0.34 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 28 Oxidation - reduction reactions (redox) I Standard electrode potentials at 25 oC in aqueous solutions Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 29 Thermal properties Material Thermal diffusivity .10-3 [cm2.s-1] Coefficient of thermal expansion .10-6 [oC] Amalgam 78 25 Dentine 2 8 Amalgam = good heat conductor Dentine = good heat insulator => In large cavities it is necessary to line the base of the cavity with an insulating, cavity lining material prior to condensing the amalgam. Amalgam - The coefficient of thermal expansion value for amalgam is about three times greater than that for dentine there is no (minimal) adhesion between amalgam and tooth substance Dangerous in case of could or of hot drinks or meals Microleakage of moisture Microleakage plays an important part in initiating of lesions Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 30 Biological properties According to some literature sources: The patient is briefly subjected to relatively high doses of mercury during placement, contouring and removal of amalgam fillings. A lower, but continuing, dose results from ingestion of corrosion products. Fears of increased levels of mercury in blood, in urine and morbidity of persons with amalgam fillings has not been proved!!! In vitro studies: Increased levels of Hg found in saliva about 4 and 20 µg/day after filling placement. However, about the same value of Hg as the dietary intake, later considerably lower than dietary intake. In vivo: Probably considerably lower!!! Amount of mercury released from amalgams is not sufficient for spontaneous abortion, accumulation in placenta etc. Amount of mercury released from amalgams is decreased by the use of amalgams without γ2 phase Allergic reactions: contact dermatitis Source of mercury Type Absorption (ng/d) WHO Total 43 000 OSHA (air workplace) 429 000 Amalgam Elemental Elemental 1 240 – 29 000 Water Inorganic 5 Food Organic Saliva Air (home) Inorganic Elemental 180 - 1 400 Air (ambient) Elemental 32 - 96 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 2 220 - 5 572 4 160 31 Safety measures – Precautions to reduce the risk of contamination of the dental surgery by mercury The use of encapsulated materials Preparation (trituration) of amalgams (capsules) using special devices - amalgamators To store excess, waste or scrap amalgam under water or under chemical fixative solution, in a sealed container Proper flooring without any (or with minimal) joints The capsules should be opened away from the face in well-ventilated conditions Effective air conditioning or ventilation Under normal service conditions, amalgam restorations are covered by a film of saliva. This reduces the vapor pressure dramatically and largely reroutes the mercury from the respiratory to the esophageal tract The esophageal route's tolerance to mercury is greater than that of the respirator route Vapor pressure increases dramatically with increasing temperature Despite the increased exposure of dental personnel to mercury vapors, examinations of the health, mortality and morbidity rates for dentists have shown that they are not significantly different from those of the general population!!!, a fact which should go a long way towards reassuring those who harbor fears over mercury toxicity. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 32 General Phases of Dental Amalgam Preparation Proportioning and dispensing, Trituration of compounds, homogenization TO secure high homogeneity of the amalgam material Too much mercury present in amalgam relatively hard γ phase (Ag3Sn) is converted into weak and soft γ2 phase (SnxHg) and a considerable amount of mercury will remain unreacted Too little of mercury – not enough to wet the surface of the alloy particles and produce sufficient matrix phase material porosity in the set material. Condensation Ultrasonic condensers - tend to produce local heating of the amalgam – releasing of Hg-vapors Good bonding between the incremental layers of amalgam. Adequate adaptation of the material to all parts of the cavity base and walls Minimal time delay between trituration and condensation, Until the amalgam feels hard, a mercury-rich layer has been formed at the surface Lathe cuts – high condensing forces Spherical alloys – very different condensation characteristics (lower condensation forces) Carving Removing of the mercury-rich layer on the amalgam surface and rebuilding of the anatomy of the tooth It is necessary to realize it soon after condensing the amalgam If the material is too hard danger of chipping at the margins Polishing to achieve: a lustrous surface a more acceptable appearance better corrosion resistance To remove irregularities in the surface Polishing using graded abrasives, either flours of pumice followed by zinc or ceric oxides with water as a carrier or by using abrasive impregnated rubber points and wheels Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 33 Commercial amalgams 2 parts A. Alloy of metals – in form of powder, capsules (self-activating) or pellets B. Mercury Producers (distributors) (examples – regardless of importance on the market) • Ivoclar Vivadent Clinical • Nordiska Dental AB • SAFINA • BOME • SDI • SCITEM LIMITED Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 34 Frequently Used Dental Amalgams in Czech Republic Examples of commercially available amalgams ANA 2000 DUETT Mixed amalgam containing spherical and dispersed particles with high content of copper. In form of powder, self activating capsules or pellets.(Ag 43 %, Sn 29.6 %, Cu 25.4 %) ANA 70 DUETT Mixed amalgam containing spherical and dispersed particles with high content of copper. In form of powder, self activating capsules or pellets.(Ag 69.3 %, Sn 19 %, Cu 10.9 % Zn 0.4 %) SPHERODON-M-POWDER Mixed amalgam without gamma 2 phase, wthout zink, containing spherical and dispersive particles (ratio 3:2) with higher content of copper, characterized by faster setting and requiring lower condensing pressures. Composition: Ag 45.5 %, Sn 31.5 %, Cu 23 %. Fillings are mixed with mercury. SPHERODON-M-DUET Mixed non gamma 2 amalgam with 40 % content of silver. Contains spherical and dispersive particles of the same composition. It exhibits perfect stability and enhanced resistivity against corrosion. Composition Ag 40 %, Sn 32 %,Cu 28 %. Safe and hygienic packing, it does not contain any free mercury. There are mixed fillings with mercury packet. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 35 Dental equipments A programmable amalgamator available for the mechanical trituration of the alloy and mercury. Amalgam separator METASYS MST 1 Metasys – Amalgam separator Waste disposal: Specialized company (e.g., BOME, Průhonice) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 36 80Mercury - Hg Silvery grey metal, liquid under laboratory temperature II.B group = Hg+, Hg2+ Fusion point: -38,8 oC Boiling point: 356,9 oC Molecular mass: 200.61 g.mol-1 Relatively high vapors density One-atom vapors Density ~13 500 kg.m-3 (H2O 1 000 kg.m-3, steel 7 800 kg.m-3, lead 11 390 kg.m-3, gold 18 800 kg.m-3, osmium 22 480 kg.m-3). Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 37 Optimální Optimum Deficit Lethal Letální Lethal Letální Velikost dávky Dose 2 ) To x ic k é 2) Toxic O p t im á ln í Optimum Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 Toxic Toxic ká O ptim á lní Optimum Přebytek Surplus Incompatible Ne s luč ite lné s e with lifež ivote m Nedostatek Lack Organism S ta v o rg a n is mu Incompatible se Neslučitelné with lifeživotem Optimální Optimum 1) Esenciální 1) Essential Essential Toxic Toxická Organism Stav organismu Essentiality and toxicity of elements (generally) (valid for compounds as well) Lethal Le t á ln í Ve lik o s t d á v k y Dose 38 Biologically important (essential) elements Numbering 1-18 according to Int. Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) IIIa, IVa etc. – main groups - USA, CZ IIIb, IVb etc. – main groups - GB Content in organisms Biogenic elements of 1st order Makrobiogenic 1% Biogenic elements of 2nd order Makrobiogenic 0,01 % Makrobiogenic Microbiogenic > 0,001 % Biogenic elements of 4th order Microbiogenic 0,001 % Biologic importance is not unambiguously proved, nevertheless is (possible) probable Significant toxicity Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 39 Mercury Naturally present in all components of environment Normal levels in eruptive rocks and sediments 10-50 ng g-1 Mineral “red lead” (cinnabar) contains 86.2 % of mercury Mercury is released in environment from natural sources (mineral efflorescence, volcanic activity, forest wires and evaporation of oceans) as well as in consequence of human activity. Anthropogenic sources amounted to 60-80 % - elution (leaching) of wastes in localities with active or terminated mining of mercury, coal combustion, chlorine production, elution (leaching) of wastes, combustion in incinerations, cremation, contaminated waters, cement production, metal fusion, chemical industry, mining of noble metals by amalgamation. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 40 Examples of background concentrations of mercury species [ng.L-1] and percentage of methylmercury to total mercury content MeHg/T-Hg [%] in waters MeHg [ng.L-1] Hg2+ [ng.L-1] TotHg [ng.L-1] MeHg/T-Hg [%] 14+1 60±4 200±14 120+8 214± 14 180±8 6.5 33 Gijón, ESP Sweden, SV 35 ±1 0.48-0.77 210±8 245 ±8 14.3 Lake Bajkal, Russia 0.002-0.16 0.14-2.02 0.14-2.18 1.4-7.3 Stream Almadén, ESP 0.05-0.34 9.1-43 9.2-43 0.5-7.9 Stream Alaska 0.04-0.2 0.1-1.4 0.14-1.6 12.5-28.6 Glacier Antarctica 0.14 0.83 0.97 14.4 Water type Locality Waste See Spain Spain See Peat Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 41 Use of mercury Measuring devices: Aneroids, barometers Thermometers Polarographs (Voltammographs) Bateries (~1 %) Electrolyzer Drugs, unguents (???) Dentistry Mining of noble metals by amalgamation (underdeveloped countries) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 42 September 12th, 2006 11:33, Teaching in V. Hlavatý grammar school in Czech town Louny was interrupted. Rescue group of firemen liquidated in some classes drops of mercury. According to the fireman spokesman, the total volume of mercury amounted to 0.05 L. Toxic compound brought one of students from the third class of this grammar school. Students were evacuated to the school play ground. At 11 a.m the teaching can start again. According to the information of the school director Milan Rieger, in all classes, where mercury was found, it was necessary to continue with ventilation. All students are all right. “One student brought mercury to the school. He wanted to show off in the class. Small amount of this material escaped in some schoolrooms.“, said the director. “The student brought this toxic compound In rucksack, he took it away by his parents.” Mercury was in dressing rooms as well. The firemen removed drops of mercury by special cleaner (exhauster) in two schoolrooms, dress rooms and boxes. This incident is investigated by detectives. The compound will be analyzed. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 43 Mercury in subway vestibule closed the station Action in I.P. Pavlova station through mercury May 1st, 2006 10:41, Suspicious chemical substance closed subway in the station I. P. Pavlova. The trains did not stopped in this station for two hour. The firemen found that the unknown compound is mercury. The substance was on stairs and in vestibule of the station. The action was realized under cooperation of Prague police and firemen – Special Prague chemical group and special team of Prague transport organization. “It was found that the suspicious substance is mercury," said to iDNES the spokesman of firemen Vít Pernica. The firemen removed the drops of mercury by special air pump for chemicals from the area of about 30 square meters and the area was cleaned subsequently. Police department investigated, who brought mercury, and why he gave it in subway. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 44 1918 – Austria-Hungary => Czechoslovakia 1993 – Czechoslovakia split into Czech Republic and Slovakia Nobel prizes in Czechoslovakia (awarded): 1. Prof. Jaroslav Heyrovský – chemistry - 1959 2. Jaroslav Seifert – literature -1984 Nobel prizes in Czechoslovakia (nomination – not awarded): 1. Edvard Beneš (peace) 2. Karel Čapek (literature) 3. Nobel prizes awarded to natives of Czechoslovakia 1. Bertha von Suttner (nee Kinská) (peace) – AustriaHungary - Austria -1905 Milan Kundera (literature) 2. Carl Ferdinand Cori (medicine) - USA - 1947 4. Jiří Hájek (peace) 3. Gerta Theresa Cori (medicine) - USA – 1947 5. Václav Havel (peace) 4. Peter Grünberg (physics) – BRD - 2007 6. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk (peace) 7. Otto Wichterle (chemistry) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 45 Prof. Jaroslav Heyrovský (*20. 12. 1890 – 27. 3. 1967) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 46 Polarograph first recording analytical device Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 47 First polarograms Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 48 First paper on polarography – 1922 in journal “Chemicke listy” Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 49 December 10th, 1959 (37 years after discovery of polarography) Prof. Jaroslav Heyrovský was awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry by the Swedish king Gustaf Adolf VI. in Stockholm Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 50 Order for production of the first polarograph and one of the first polarographic machines Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 51 Mercury fountain (Spain) Barcelona, Foundation Miró Mercury mine Almaden Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 52 Modern polarographic device – small amount of mercury (produced in Czech republic 21st century) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 53 Users (developers) of polarography (voltammetry) • J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry AS CR (Department of biophysics, Department of Electrochemistry) • Faculty of Science UK, Prague • Univerzity Pardubice, Department of Analytical Chemistry • Institute of Biophysics, AS CR • Faculty of Science MU, Brno • Hospitals, Clinics , Hygienic departments… Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 54 Toxicological Information Centre (TIC) 1st MF and GFH Head: M.D. Hana Rakovcová 128 08 Praha 2, Na Bojišti 1 tel.: 224 919 293, 224 915 402 e-mail: 24hours a day (physicians, biochemists, toxicologists, pharmacologists) Established: 1962 (Prof. Rejsek) Information for physicians and laymen on course, first aid in case of acute Poisonings and their treatments Fast orientation in composition of toxic compounds, clinical and laboratory diagnostics and corresponding treatment Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 55 Common forms of mercury: Valences: 0, +I, +II 1) Metallic mercury (electrodes, manometers, vacuum pumps, etc.); 2) Mercury vapors; 3) Amalgams of mercury (MexHgy); 4) Inorganic compounds (soluble salts (Hg2+) - chlorides, nitrates, iodides; less soluble salt (Hg+) - chlorides); 5) Organo-metallic compounds (RHgX or RHgR', where R and R' are hydrocarbon rests (mostly CH3-, C2H5-) and X anion halogenide, nitrate, sulfide or sulfate). Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 56 Total amount of answered phone questions 1995-2005 – 82610 questions 7974 8000 6000 6025 6164 6533 9196 9497 8609 8940 7828 6977 4867 4000 2000 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 0 19 Počet dotazů questions Phone 10000 57 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 134 128 125 127 106 49 60 78 70 75 24 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 questions Phone Počet dotazů Total amount of answered phone questions on “mercury” - 976 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 58 2.00 1.64 1.50 1.50 1.23 0.97 1.00 0.50 1.07 1.07 1.36 1.34 0.98 0.81 0.49 0.00 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 questions Phone Procento dotazů na rtuť Percentage of answered phone questions on “mercury” – 1.13 % Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 59 Limits Normal level in urine: 3-7 g.l-1 Biological limit in urine (for workers): 260 g.l-1 (0.056 µmol/mmol of creatinine) Normal level in blood: 4 - 10 g.l-1 (20 - 50 nmol.l-1) (upper limit in Czech Republic not given, in GB 9 g.l-1, in USA 15 g.l-1) In case of acute intoxications > 95 g.l-1 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 60 Standards Maximal allowed concentration: Average: 0.05 mg.m-3 One shot: 0.15 mg.m-3 1 m3 of air saturated by mercury vapors contains (at given temperature) : 0°C 2 mg Hg 20°C 14 mg Hg 100°C 2 420 mg Hg Acute toxicity: Metal 8-10 ml, 20 ml, 50 ml … Vapors 1.2 - 8.5 mg Hg/m3 Hg2Cl2 (white precipitate, calomel) LD 2 - 3 g p.o., without diarrhoea (below 1 g). in children even LD 0.4 g. HgCl2(sublimate) LD 0.2 - 1g p.o. HgI less toxic Hg(NO3)2.2H2O 0.4 – 2 g p.o. Dental AmalgamsLD and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 61 Metallic mercury T- toxic; N - Dangerous for the environment R-sentences: R 23 – Toxic by inhalation R 33 – Risk of cumulative effects R 50/53 – Very Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment S-sentences: S (1/2) – Keep locked up and out of the reach of children S 7 - Keep container tightly closed S 45 - In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show label where possible) S 60 - This material and/or its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste S 61 - Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions safety data sheet - LD50, p.o., rats ( Data are not available - LD50, dermal, rat or rabbit ( - LC50, inhalation, rats, a;erosols or particles: - LC50, inhalation, rats, for gases or vapors (mg.l-1): Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 62 Metallic mercury – per os - Up to 8-10 ml, 20 ml insignificant, according to some authors metallic mercury p.o. is totally non-toxic (it is not soluble in stomach, in HCl) - Higher amounts could invoke symptoms of chronic poisoning (including nephritides?), probably. - Amount of mercury from thermometer is (from the toxicological point of view) totally insignificant (Danger can be glass from the thermometer). - Sticking in appendix - Embolism in lungs Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 63 Metallic mercury - intravenously • After i.v. application (injection) of metallic mercury – embolisation of small drops in circulation, especially in lungs, eventually of larger drops in hearth (proved using X-rays). • If patient does not die in shock, he survives without any problems probably. • Attempted suicides - i.v. injection applications of metallic mercury described in literature (e.g., 2 ml i.v., i.e., 27 g) – any symptom of poisoning for many years, till death (from another reason), embolisation of Hg in lungs, levels of Hg in hearth, subj. without complications, without shock. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 64 Suicide by elemental mercury A 21-year-old dental assistant attempted suicide by injecting 10 ml (135 g) of elemental mercury (quicksilver) intravenously. She presented to the emergency room with tachypnea, a dry cough, and bloody sputum. While breathing room air, she had a partial pressure of oxygen of 86 mm Hg. A chest radiograph showed that the mercury was distributed in the lungs in a vascular pattern that was more pronounced at the bases. The patient was discharged after one week, with improvement in her pulmonary symptoms. Oral chelation therapy with dimercaprol was given for nine months, until the patient stopped the treatment; the urinary mercury level did not change during this period. At follow-up at 10 months, she was healthy, with none of the renal, gastrointestinal, or neurologic effects that can result from the oxidation of mercury in the blood and consequent exposure of these organ systems. The abnormalities on the chest radiograph were still apparent. Although these abnormalities are striking, the absence of clinical toxicity in this patient illustrates the differences in the acute and chronic effects of exposure to elemental mercury, inorganic mercury (e.g., mercuric chloride), and organic mercury (e.g., dimethylmercury). Inorganic and organic mercury are much more toxic than elemental mercury; for example, a dose of 400 mg of mercury in the form of dimethylmercury is usually lethal. Elemental Mercury Embolism to the Lung, Francisco Gutiérrez, M.D., and Lucio Leon, M.D. N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1791 Metallic mercury - Percutaneous • Percutaneous poisoning: fine dispersed metallic mercury, e.g., from grey unguent (Ung. cinereum), or in other unguents, can be absorbed from large skin area during repeated applications – symptoms of chronic poisoning or of sub-acute poisoning. Metallic mercury – hypodermatic, intramuscularly Remains in fat tissue mostly, it is released slowly and according to the deposited amount can invoke chronic poisoning. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 66 Metallic mercury – Vapors - Inhalation • Inhalation of Hg vapors by lungs is practically complete • In some minutes mercury comes into brain circulation and due to easy solubility in fats it crosses hematoencephalic barrier and affects neurotoxically. • In brain tissue is oxidized to Hg2+ (these ions cross hematoencephalic barrier back only less intensively) • =>they accumulate in cortex and basal ganglions • In erythrocytes (etc.) mercury is transformed using catalase to Hg2+, these ions are distributed into tissues and they interact with –SH groups of enzymes • The highest depo in kidneys, mostly in adrenals. Kidneys reacts by production of metallothioneins (MT) – proteins containing cysteines, to which mercury is bounded, damage of kidneys after their saturations – proximal tubulus, glomerulus, nephro-toxic syndrome Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 67 The thiolic groups (-SH), present in molecules forming dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are important for irreversible binding of mercury. These groups are present first of all in hydrophobic fractions of dissolved organic mass (DOM) in humine acid, fulvo acids in nature and glutathione, cysteine, enzymes, peptides in human body. Dissociation constants (log K) of mercury complexes with molecules (groups) contained in DOC in comparison with log K of mercury in common complexing agents H . A KA Ligand LogKHgL LogKHgL2 HA Glycine 10.3 19.2 Cysteine 14.4 - Thiourea 11.4 22.1 21.5; 23.1 - 25.7 - Glutathione — 30.7 Diethyldithiokarbamate — 33.4 Sulfide — 37.7 34.5 43.8 EDTA Thiosalicylic acid Thioglykolic acid Humine acid. (Suwannee River) 26.1-32.2 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology Hydrophob. complexes from waste waters 2015/2016 >30 68 Amalgams „Dental fillings are fully non-toxic. Free mercury in amalgam cannot be found after 7-10 days after filling preparation“ • There has been described some light chronic mercury intoxications by dentists after long-term careless handlings with amalgams in the literature (preparation of amalgam in fingers, mercury is absorbed through pores in skin). Dangers: 1) In crematory by combustion of corpses 2) In underdeveloped countries, gold mining (gold ore is mixed with mercury and it forms amalgam, is burned in fire and mercury is released) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 69 Evidence of mercury poisoning • Mercury in blood – evidence of recent exposition, acute poisoning • Mercury in urine – probably chronic intoxication (the levels varied during one day) • Proteinuria (at first low molecular proteins, β1, β2 microglobulins, N-acetylglucosamidase, retinolbinding protein) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 70 Clinical picture of chronic After absorption (metallic orpoisoning contained in soluble salts): • Ginglivitis: ginglivitis, salivation, shedding of teeth • Tremor: fine, later pronounced, at the start of limbs only (script), later eyelids, lips, loss of control of voluntary motions with disturbances of walking • Erethism: toxic organic psychosis - scrupulosity, shyness, nervousness, disputatiousness, emotional liability, memory errors, concentration errors, inversion of sleeping rhythm, depressions, IQ decrease, sometimes symtoms similar to schizophrenia • Less frequently kidney failure: tubular lesion, glomerular lesion Treatment • EDTA • DMPS (dimercaptol propane sulfonate-Dimaval) • Dimercaptol (BAL) • Hemodialysis (in caseDental of anuria) Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 71 Inhalation Acute poisoning Cough, breathlessness, febricity, expectoration with blood in case of pneumonic edema Hg2+per os Immediately after application burning pain in neck, contractions, white-cinereous coloring of oral cavity and stained skin In a few minutes, sometimes in 30 minutes, vomitus, often with blood and peaces of mucous membrane (death in shock can come in a few minutes or hours) (sometimes vomitus saves the life), strong pain in epigastrus, later in the whole abdomen, metallic taste in mouth, salivation, thirst; in oral cavity and in larynx red, reddish areas. Intensive diarrhoea, often bloody, tenesmus, event. convulsions, looses of NaCl by vomitus and by diarrhoeas - diarrhoeas with scraps of enteric mucous membrane, Collapse – accelerated, weak pulse, weak breathing, decrease of blood pressure, after application of large amount or late started therapy often death in shock in first 24 - 26 hours, sometimes sooner – in a few minutes or hours If the patient survives shock - symptoms of the second phase of the poisoning from the second day: stomatitis, sometimes very complicated ulcerous (formation of Hg – necrosis – secondary infection) Proteinuria Insufficiency of kidneys - Death usually in uremia. 1 - 5 % solution of HgCl2 (mercury (II) chloride) causes dermatitis on the skin. More concentrated solution evoke vesicles and ulceration. In case of eye contaminationDental ulceration of conjunctiva, and cornea eventually. Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 72 Treatment of Hg2+per os • Milk or glair (egg white) or both; patient vomits it spontaneously or it is necessary to evoke vomiting by mechanical irritation of back wall of pharynx; this procedure can be repeated – even when patient vomits immediately after intoxication, because formation of precipitate albumin with Hg is slower, this reaction is reversible and therefore mercury could be released from precipitate, and therefore this precipitate cannot stay in stomach; Vomiting can be evoke only when tract is not etched. • p.o. 50 - 100 ml "antidote metallorum Sauter" - stabilized solution of sulphan it precipitates Hg in stomach, afterwards it is necessary to evoke to evoke vomit. • Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxalate - 10 g in glass of water p.o., which reduce Hg2+ ion to less toxic and soluble Hg+ ion + metallic Hg, then to vomit. • BAL 5 % solution p.o. 3 ml in milk. • BAL i.m. (Dicaptol or Dimercaprol inj. á 100 mg in 1 amp.) • Hydrate of sodium salt of 2,3-dimerkaptopropane-1-sulfonic acid - Unithiol, Unitiol • D-Penicilamin 1 g i.v. All treatments are most effective 10 to 15 minutes after intoxication - HgCl2 is absorbed very fast. Gastrolavage must be performed very carefully (if the interval between mercury application is not too long and the tract is not etched) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 73 Most frequent cases – mercury generally • Patient gave, probably accidentally, into coffee HgCl2 instead of sugar. He works in pharmacy. • Broken thermometer (measuring device) and dispersed drops in a closed room. • Broken thermometer in rectum or skin injuring, thermometer perforated gut and mercury stayed in gluteal muscle • A woman drunk (by mistake) 20 mL of liquid mercury. • A child swallowed up small round battery (1 % of metallic mercury). • A man was brought by police into hospital. His wife gave to this man mercury from thermometer to the meal. • A man found 5.15 g of mercury in roll (croissant) in form of small drops. • Consumed drops of mercury from tea, which was stirred by mercury thermometer • A man measured the oil temperature for frying by mercury thermometer, this exploded and some drops were found in oil. • A questioned woman destroyed mercury thermometer during cookies baking and on some pieces stayed mercury drops. Can she be intoxicated? Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 74 Interesting questions (1) [17. 12. 2003 13:35] [woman, adult, age 55] Woman, 55, former assistant chemist from Institute of inorganic chemistry, she is for a few years in disability pension (due to hepathopathy and neuropathy). The complications started 27 years ago. This woman remembers that under her worktable pool of mercury was discovered (it was found by the exchange of this table). Question on possibility of chronic poisoning from mercury vapors and possible symptoms. Hepathopathy was observed first time during her pregnancy and neuropathy after delivery, in both cases the causes were not clarified. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 75 2015/2016 Interesting questions (2) 26.3.1999 20:01 Husband of calling woman, works as research worker in J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry AS CR. Mercury was placed in his laboratory for one day (unknown amount, some student worked with it), without exhausting. Query on toxicity and therapy. No any health problem was recorded. She will call again in case of complications. Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 76 The most serious attempts at suicide 1. Date: 14. 1. 2002 • Man, 28 years old • Injection of 2 ml of metallic Hg (from thermometer) intravenously • Level of mercury in serum: 62-52-48 (toxic level 35) In urine: 8-12-32 (toxic level over 150) (unites were not recorded!!!) 2. Date: 7. 9. 2001 • Man, 22 years old • Injection of 2 ml of metallic Hg intravenously • Pains in the place of injection, reddish • Level of mercury in urine: 0.39-0.33 µmol/mol creatinine (0.58 µg/g cre, cca 1 µg/l) – characterized as practically negative 3. Question: 18. 6. 1996 • • • Woman, 18 years old, drug-user (anonym) Application of mercury from thermometer paravenously instead of i.v. (3 months ago) into the hand The hand pains, tingles. The place of injection is corny and round Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 77 Categories (questions 1995-2005) Accident Wrong application House work Mistake Aggression Medicinal Therapeutic mistake (by laymen) Professional Unknown Accident Suicide Subcategories Injuring Per rectum p. o. Wrong application Accident Washing Aggression Combination Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 78 Accidents 1995-2004 95 96 97 98 99 Injury Per rectum 1 5 p.o. 19 31 2 42 00 01 02 1 1 1 03 04 Sum 3 2 54 53 10 54 Wrong application 80 79 1 73 7 492 4 1 6 Accident 2 2 Washing 1 1 1 2 3 2 5 Aggression 1 Combination Inhalation 20 3 2 1 3 39 44 57 58 4 3 12 15 2 60 85 95 98 10 566 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 45 79 Attempts at suicide 1995-2004 95 Taking of non-metal Taking of metal 2 96 97 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 4 Injection of metal intravenously 98 99 00 5 6 1 Injection of metal paravenously 01 02 04 Sum 2 10 1 03 14 8 1 37 1 4 1 2 4 1 7 4 5 6 6 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 13 8 1 56 80 !!!Popular mistake!!! Question: 19. 7. 1998 It was accidentally given 5 ml of metallic mercury in tank with water for cattle. Answer: I recommend to contact some Hygienic station or some Environment department, nevertheless, I am convinced that metallic mercury in water is not danger – Wrong answer Usually is waste metallic mercury stored under water. Water column Mercury vapors concentration 20 cm above water level [µg.m-3] 0 5 10 400 375 290 Determined 5 minutes after “solution” preparation, laboratory temperature Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 81 Absolute number of reported professional intoxications by mercury in Czech Republic in years 1973-2003 Professional intoxications by mercury Professional intoxications by mercury 1973 2 1979 1 1974 2 1982 3 1975 3 1987 2 1977 1 1991 1 1978 2 1995 1 Sum 18 Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 82 Incorrectness in statistics: Fears of job loss Frivolousness Absence on preventive investigations Dissimulation of symptoms Workers with illegal contracts People with trade licenses Home workers Scientific workers Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 83 Liquidation of metallic mercury: To cover the contaminated place (drops of mercury) with sulfur, copper or zinc powder; formed amalgam can be easy replaced by a brush. Liquidation (cleanup) of Hg2+ solutions - surface-water sewer, waste channel, garbage, ??? - 0.01 M HgCl2=2,71 g.l-1=> LD ~ 1 dcl - Standards: drinking water: 0.5 µg.l-1 - waste water: 50µg.l-1 (daily 100 µg.l-1) Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 84 Literature 1) Databases of drugs, remedies (AISLP, DRUGDEX, Rote Liste) 2) Toxicological databases (ATDRS, RTECS, POISINDEX, INCHEM, INTOX) 3) Safety cards 4) Database TEXPRO 5) Database Evidence 1995-2006 6) Zdravotnická statistika. Nemoci z povolání a profesionální otravy. ÚZIS ČR 7) Houserová P. a kol.: Chemical forms of mercury in aqueous eco-systems - characters, levels, circulation and determination. Chem. Listy 100, 862-876 (2006). Dental Amalgams and Hg-Toxicology 2015/2016 85