File - Eyong E. Atem's E


Complete SOAP Note (PEDIATRIC)

Student: Eyong Atem

Course: NURS7446 Fall 2014

Date: 10/12/2014 Patient: AGD

Location: Pediatrics Associates Preceptor: Lyles,Tonya


(Complete SOAP Note Format)


Setting Pediatric Acute





I. Identifying Data:

A. Initials: AGD Age: 3 DOB: 02/17/2011 Sex: Female Race/Ethnic

Origin: Latino

B. Informant Aunt and mother Reliability Mom speaks little English, Aunt is reliable and translating for mother.

C. Insurance: Alabama Medicaid

II. Chief Complaint: Reason or reasons for seeking medical attention. To be recorded in informant’s own words.

"Patient complaining that it hurts when she urinate, her abdomen hurts and she's running a fever aunt says"

III. History of Present Illness: Chronological narration of client’s present illness, including the seven variables.

Ms. AGD is a 3-year old Latina who presents to the clinic with mom and aunt for complains of dysuria that started about

5days ago. Aunty states patient has been toilet trained and has been using the bathroom herself and learning to wipe without help even when someone is there to assist. Mom makes it a point to assist patient wipe after urinating or having a BM, but since she works patient stays home with grandmother and they are not sure if that's exactly what’s happening because patient tries to be independent and imitates everything she sees. Associated symptoms includes increase urinary frequency which mom states within the past 3 days patient has had some unexpected secondary daytime enuresis because she can't make it to the bathroom on time and has complained of suprapubic pain. Mom denies patient complaining of any back pain. Mom states patient has been urinating very small amount about 2 -3 times an hour and denies patient increase has fluid intake or drinking of any caffeinated drinks. According to aunty, what she has noticed is urgency is making patient trying to hold her urine by squirming and she has noticed patient running back and forth to the bathroom. Mother and aunt deny seeing blood in patient’s urine and have not noticed any vaginal discharge on patient’s underwear and deny patient complaining of any perianal itching. Mom denies patient

having bubble baths, use spray in genital area or having any trauma to vaginal area.

Mom states patient ran a fever of about 101.7 for two days and was given Tylenol that helped for a few hours. Patient has had a decrease in appetite; patient has been able to drink some water and juice but will not eat like she normal dose. Denies patient having any nausea, or vomiting,constipation or encopresis. Patient has not has a recent throat infection or skin infection.

IV. Past Medical History

Prenatal History

No significant prenatal history


No significant perinatal history;


No Neonatal history

Communicable Diseases

No known communicable diseases


Milestone Age 3: Child speech is clear; speaks Spanish uses sentences, understands and follows directions appropriately. She response to questions appropriately, parents understands speech, she interacts with peers, pretend play, rides a tricycle , stands on one foot; and copies circles.

Immunizations (type and date(s) administered)

Hep B- 02/19/2011- patient was 2 days old first of 3 doses of Hep B

2 Months immunization

Pentacel( DTAP,IPV, HIB)- 04/19/ 2011 - patient was 2 months of age

Hep B- 04/19/2011 - 2nd dose of Hep B

RotaTeq- 04/19/2011- 2 months of age

4 months immunization

Pantacel( DTAP, IPV, HIB) -06/21/2011- second dose

Prevnar ( PCV13)- 06/21/2011- second dose

Rotavirus( oral) - 06/21/2011-second dose

6 months Immunization

Pentacel (DTAP-IPV-HIP)- 08/30/2011 - Third dose

Prevnar ( PCV13) - 08/30/2011- Third dose

Rotavirus- 08/30/2011- Third dose

HEP B- 08/30/2011- Third dose

12 months immunization

Varicella- 04/17/2012

HEP A- 04/17/2012- first dose

Prevnar (PCV13) - fourth dose

15 month immunization

Pentacel ( DTAP, IPV, HIB)- 08/21/2012- fourth dose

MMR- 08/21/2012- first dose

HEP A- 08/21/2012- second dose

Influenza vaccine october 2013

Up to date on immunization until age 4-5 years

Operations & hospitalizations

Type Non to date

Age(s) N/A

Response to anesthesia N/A

Onset of Menses: N/A Dysmenorrhea? N/A

Pregnancies N/A Miscarriages N/A Abortions N/A

Social History

Personality: Patient is talkative with mom, aunty and grandmother but very shy among strangers

Habits: P atient loves to watch TV, play with dolls and dress up, likes hearing stories over and over

Mental Health : Shows affection to familiar family and friends, also shows wide range of emotion such as being sad, happy, or angry. Likes imagination and imitative play

School grade : N/A

Failed any grade? (if so explain) N/A

Peer relationships plays with other children and learning to share toys and take turns

Family History

Parents’ ages:

21 occupations: Waitress

Marital status: single

Step Parents

/guardian ages: N/A occupations N/A

Siblings’ ages:

N/A Family position: 1st

Sibling relationships: Patient is the only child but have cousins at home

Parents’ health (general plus any chronic illnesses/health conditions):

Mother No significant medical history

Father No significant medical history

Grandparents’ health

Maternal No significant medical history

Paternal Unknown

Review of Systems:

General: Appropriate weight and height for age, patient is positive for fever ,

Skin: Denies changes of color, texture, and no cyanosis, clubbing, edema, skin rashes, dryness, lumps, sores, cellulitis or bruising.

Head : Denies swelling/ redness,

Eyes : Denies swelling redness, itching drainage

ENMT: EARS: Denies change in hearing, ear pain or ringing in the ears. Nose: Denies nasal congestion or nose bleeds.

MOUTH: Denies no current problems with tooth pain, bleeding gums, or dry mouth.

THROAT: Denies Hoarseness

Neck: Denies neck pain

Respiration: Denies cough and SOB and chest tightness. Denies hemoptysis, or pain upon inspiration or expiration. No recent throat infection

Cardiac : Denies chest pain, no high blood pressure. Denies any extremity swelling or changes in temperature.

Gastrointestinal: Denies nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, complains of abdominal pain, no change in bowel habits, or heartburn.

Genitourinary: Patient complaining of burning sensation on urination, urinary frequency, Patient has previously been toilet trained but having unexpected daytime enuresis. No hematuria

Genital Female : Denies irritation or discharge

Peripheral Vascular : Denies any problem with

Musculoskeletal : Denies muscle pain or aches, arm or leg weakness, joint swelling.

Neurological : Denies headache, seizures, disorientation, anxiety, inability to concentrate, or difficulty with balance.

Hematology : complains of fatigue, denies any area of bleeding or bruising

Endocrine: Denies ay excess weight gain or weight loss patient is appropriate size and weight for his age

Psychosocial: Denies patient having frequent tantrums, patient is happy and answers questions appropriately when asked directly

Developmental: Denies noticing any developmental delays in patient.

Physical Examination:

Vital signs: Temp. 100.8 Respirations 22 (crying?) No Heart rate 88

Blood pressure 102/53 Head Circumference cms. %

Pulse oximeter % Length/height 40.5 cms % Weight 20.5 kg %

Skin: Skin pink, warm and dry without rash or lesion. Elastic with good skin turgor; capillary refill less than three seconds.

Head Normocephalic, atraumatic, symmetric, non-tender,

Eyes: Sclera white, conjunctiva pink, no icterus, excessive tearing, or exudate; lids nonremarkable and appropriate for race; no edema or lesions noted; PERRLA Visual acuity and extra ocular eye movements intact.

Ears Bilateral canals patent and non-tender, with no marked erythema. No edema, lesion, or exudate. Bilateral tympanic membranes intact, pearly gray with sharp cone of light.

Nose: Bilateral nares non-congested without rhinorrhea; non-boggy, non-edematous turbinate, no drainage noted. Septum midline.

Mouth & Throat: Posterior oropharynx non erythematous, without tonsillar edema or exudate, uvula midline.

Mucous membranes pink, moist, without ulceration.

Neck: supple, non-tender. No cervical, submental, post auricular, or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy noted. No thyroid nodule or thyroidmegaly. Trachea midline.

Respiratory: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally, thorax symmetric, non-tender, with symmetric expansion, no use of accessory muscles or evidence of retractions.

Breath sounds vesicular bilateral with no wheezes upon auscultation; no crackles or rhonchi noted.

Breasts & Axillae: Deferred not related to HPI

Cardiovascular: RRR w/o murmur, rub or gallop. Crisp S1 and S2. Extremities warm, dry and well perfused with 2+ palpable bilateral radial and dorsalis pedis pulses.

Abdomen: Round, soft non-distended and suprapubic tenderness on palpation, with no rash, no palpable masses or hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds active, no umbilical hernia. No CVA tenderness on palpation

Musculoskeletal: No deformities to joints noted. Normal gait, good range of motion.

Neurologic: Alert cranial nerve II-XII intact. Sensation intact to pin prick and touch throughout.

Lymph: No lymphadenopathy

Genitourinary: No anomalies, irritation, trauma, or erythematous labia, no foreign body in urethra or vagina

Rectal: no parasites noted.

Screening/Diagnostic Testing:

Date of last vision screening : 02/06//2014 Results: Able to read letters and shapes with no problem

Date of last hearing screening : 02/17/2011 Results: Passed bilateral

Date of last developmental screening 02/06/2014 Results: Within developmental milestone for age 3 years

Diagnostic Tests:

Urinalysis In-house CPT -81000




Ketone-potive specific gravity- 1.010

Blood- positive





Lab pending:

Urine for Culture and sensitivity sent to EAMC Lanier lab


1). Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) ICD -9: 599.0 - symptomatology of dysuria that is worse at end of flow, urgency, frequency and suprapubic tenderness on palpation suggesting lower UTI. Patient’s urinalysis positive for leukocyte esterase, hematuria,

and nitrites, supporting the diagnosis of urinary tract infection.

2). Pyelonephritis: ICD-9: 590.80 :This is diagnosis is likely but not possible, patient is positive for, frequency, urgency,fever negative back pain, no CVA tenderness, urinalysis is positive for hematuria, and negative for Urobillinogen infection has not moved to the renal parenchyma still is in the lower urinary tract

3). Chemical Urethritis ICD -9: 597.80 this is less likely possibility, apart from dysuria, urgency, hematuria, Chemical urethritis is not accompanied by fever, mother and aunt denies patient ever having bubble baths, or spraying physical exam did not reveal any , irritation, erythematous labia or rash.

4). Mechanical Urethritis ICD -597.80 : Mom and aunty denies patient frequent horseback riding, negative physical exam, no foreign body in urethra or vagina.

5). Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis ICD-9 : 580.0 ; This is not likely patient has not had any recent throat or skin infection in the last few weeks. This can be eliminated.


1). Urinary Tract Infection ICD -9: 559.0: Based on subjective, objective and urinalysis the diagnosis is UTI

2). Start Sulfamethoxazole 200mg/trimethoprim (Sulfatrim) 40mg/5ml oral suspension dispense 200ml, no refills instruction; Take 2 teaspoon by mouth every 12 hours for 10 days

3). Increase fluid intake, make sure to keep patient hydrated

Sulfamethoxazole 200mg/trimethoprim (Sulfatrim) 40mg/5ml oral suspension

A) Indication for patient: Prescribed for treatment of bacteria urinary tract infection

B) MOA: Bactericidal; trimethoprim selectively inhibits dihydrofolate reeducates which is a folate antagonist and sulfamethoxazole competes with para-aminobenzoic acid, inhibiting folic acid synthesis.

C) Usual Peds Dose : 200mg/40mg/5ml

D Available as name brand generic or both: Available as both name brand Sulfatrim and generic as Sulfamethoxazole


E. Cost out the medication at 3 different pharmacies

Names of pharmacies

1) Publix Pharmacy 2900 E. university Dr. Auburn AL

2) Wal-Mart Pharmacy South college St, Auburn, AL

3) Sam’s Club Pharmacy 2335-Bent creek Rd, Auburn Al

F) Cost of Prescription at each Pharmacy

-Publix Pharmacy: Cash price 30 days supply for this particular medication is free, no coupon needed. There are some antibiotics that publix offer for free.

- Wal-Mart Pharmacy: Estimated cash price for a 30-day supply for generic is $69 and

$12.32 with a coupon.

And the price may be different and lower since patient is only given a 10-day supply

-Sam club Pharmacy: Estimated cash price for a 30-day supply of generic is $28 and

$12.32 with a coupon.

Education: Make sure patient complete all course of antibiotic. Increase fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

Adults should continue to monitor patient while she use the bathroom even though she is toilet trained to make sure she is wiping very well and learning to wipe from the right direction (front to back).

If patient continues to run high fever, nausea, vomiting or starts complaining of back pain or increase call the clinic and if the clinic is closed take patient to the ER.


1). Follow up result of urine culture sensitivity and follow up with patient if needed

2). Follow up visit in two weeks for urinalysis recheck to make sure infection is cleared out completely or further workup is warranted.
