Unit 4, Reading Guide 1 - Jessamine County Schools

Unit 4- Reading Guide 1
Vocab: Define each of the following terms
The Progressive Movement
Salvation Army
Florence Kelley
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union
Carry Nation
Anti-Saloon League
Ida M. Tarbell
Lincoln Steffens
Scientific Management
Robert M. La Follette
Illinois Factory Act
Keating Owen Act (1916)
Lochner v. New York
Muller v. Oregon (1908)
Bunting v. Oregon (1917)
Seventeenth Amendment
Guided Reading Questions: Provide comprehensive answers, in complete
sentences, to each of the following questions.
1. Who were the Progressives? On what issues did they focus their efforts?
2. What is the connection between the Social Gospel movement and
progressives? What welfare groups still continue the work of their
progressive origins?
3. When promoting moral improvement, what did progressives believe was the
key to improving moral behavior? What libation was the focus of their
determination (what “sin” did they try to prohibit)?
4. What role did economic panic and socialism play in the progressive era?
What role did muckrakers play in creating economic reform?
5. In the section “Fostering Efficiency,” how did progressives use science to
make society and the workplace more efficient?
6. How did Henry Ford promote progressive ideals in his factories?
7. Progressives hoped to change government. What seemed to be the
overarching goal of progressive reforms?
8. How did natural disasters spur the adoption of new forms of city
governments? Explain how the new forms of city government worked.
9. How did mayors institute progressive changes?
10. What types of reforms were passed at the state level? How did Robert M. La
Follette regulate businesses in Wisconsin?
11. How do we know Florence Kelley was successful as an advocate for
improving the lives of women and children?
12. What work did the National Child Labor Committee undertake? How do we
know their work was successful, despite the Supreme Court’s undermining of
the Keating Owen Act?
13. Know the issues and decisions of the Lochner, Muller, and Bunting court
cases. In what way is Maryland a leader in workplace progressive reforms?
14. We’ve discussed the initiative, referendum, and recall processes before. How
quick were states in implementing these reforms? How does Minnesota
become a leader for progressive political reforms in 1899?
15. For what reason(s) did progressives want to change the system of choosing
state senators for federal government? How do we know the progressives
were successful?