7 Protist Microscope Lab

Protist Microscope Lab
Name ________________________
Be able to label each of the protists we looked at (paramecium, amoeba, and euglena)
Review Questions:
1. What two structures are used for locomotion in unicellular organisms?
2. What is the control center, or the "brain" of a unicellular organism?
3. What organism moves using pseudopodia?
4. Name the organism below that has chloroplasts.
5. What organelle is used to remove excess water?
6. Where does waste exit the paramecium?
7. Is an amoeba unicellular or multicellular? Heterotrophic or autotrophic?
8. Is a euglena unicellular or multicellular? Heterotrophic or autotrophic?
9. Is a paramecium unicellular or multicellular? Heterotrophic or autotrophic?
10. What organism can change from being autotrophic to being heterotrophic?
11. What word means "false foot"?
12. What organelle is used for photosynthesis?
13. What organism moves by cilia?
14. Where do amoeba and paramecium usually live?
15. What does the word "protozoa" mean?
16. What protists have a nucleus? Are protists prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
17. How does an amoeba get its food?
Define the following words (know the word's base meaning in some)
Pseudopodia / Cilia / Flagella
Contractile Vacuole
Paramecium / Euglena / Amoeba
Vocab to Remember
prokaryote--simple cell with no defined organelles (bacteria)
eukaryote--cell with organelles
autotroph--organism that produces its own food
heterotroph--organism that must consume other organisms
cilia--small hair like projections on surface of cell used for movement
flagellum--whip-like tail used for movement
pseudopod--"false foot" action of cell used for movement
Vocab to Remember
prokaryote--simple cell with no defined organelles (bacteria)
eukaryote--cell with organelles
autotroph--organism that produces its own food
heterotroph--organism that must consume other organisms
cilia--small hair like projections on surface of cell used for movement
flagellum--whip-like tail used for movement
pseudopod--"false foot" action of cell used for movement
Vocab to Remember
prokaryote--simple cell with no defined organelles (bacteria)
eukaryote--cell with organelles
autotroph--organism that produces its own food
heterotroph--organism that must consume other organisms
cilia--small hair like projections on surface of cell used for movement
flagellum--whip-like tail used for movement
pseudopod--"false foot" action of cell used for movement
Behavior Expectations
1. Microscopes are expensive and they are your responsibility to keep safe.
2. Stay in your area until you are directed to move.
3. Complete the work in the area because you will not be returning.
4. You are not to move the microscope.
5. The slide is already centered on the organism you are to observe. Do not move the slide.
6. Use only the fine adjustment knob to focus. Do not use the coarse adjustment knob.
7. Do not change oculars because you will be observing under the best power.
1. Oculars—lenses—look through them they magnify the organism.
2. Stage—flat surface the slide rests on
3. Stage clips—hold the slide still
4. Light—illuminate slide
5. Iris—controls amount of light showing through slide
6. Body
7. Arm—how you hold and move (hand under ms to move)