The group protozoa includes the phyla that are considered animal

The group protozoa includes the phyla that are considered animal-like because most members of these
groups live by ingesting food, rather than synthesizing their own food, as in plants. Protozoans are
classified primarily by their means of locomotion.
Amoebas are characterized by the possession ofpseudopodia (singular: pseudopodium). These are flowing
extensions of the cell which are used for feeding in all members of the group and for locomotion in some.
This group includes the familiar amoebas, as well as shelled forms. They are either asymmetrical or have
spherical symmetry. Amoebas reproduce asexually, but they do not show the typical stages of mitosis.
There is no meiosis among amoebas, and they do not form spores.
Examine the stained prepared slide of Amoeba, shown on the right. Study
the general form and structure by observing the slide at low, medium, and
high magnification. In the mid-magnification view, locate (by moving the
arrow over the structures described) the nucleus, endoplasm, ectoplasm,
and pseudopodia. Using the high-magnification view, also
locate contractile vacuoles and food vacuoles.
Next, observe a video clip of living amoeba from culture. Examine these
cells as you did the fixed cells. Although it will be more difficult to see some of the organelles on a living
animal, identify as many organelles as possible. Observe the amoeba feeding and moving. How are the
pseudopodia used? Draw a sequence showing how one of the organisms you observed moves or feeds.