Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena - Ppt.

6C of LT - Amoeba
1. Made of Cells
A. Unicellular
2. Movement
A. Changes it body shape
B. Uses pseudopod to ooze along
3. Perform Complex Activities
A. Ingestion - Surrounds food with pseudopod
B. Digestion - Uses food vacuole to digest food
C. Respiration - Osmosis
D. Excretion - uses contractile vacuole
4. Grow and Develop
A. Get bigger as they eat
B. Life span unknown
5. Responds to Stimulus
A. Retreats from strong lights
B. Retreats from temperature changes in water
C. Rolls into a ball if touched or shaken
D. Move toward or away from chemicals or food
6. Reproduction
A. Asexual
1. Fission
6C of LT - Paramecium
1. Made of Cells
A. Unicellular
2. Movement
A. Swimming
1. Use cilia to spiral
3. Perform Complex Activities
A. Ingestion - Cilia sweeps food into oral groove
and into the gullet
B. Digestion – Gullet, uses enzymes in Food
C. Respiration - Through the oral groove
D. Excretion - Uses contractile vacuole and
the anal pore
4. Grow and Develop
A. Get bigger as they eat
B. Life span unknown
5. Responds to Stimulus
A. Bump off and turn
B. Uses cilia to sense
6. Reproduction
A. Asexual - Most of the time
1. Fission
B. Sexual - Occasionally
1. Fusion
6C of LT - Euglena
1. Made of Cells
A. Unicellular
2. Movement
A. Swings Flagellum back and forth
B. Pellicle allows it to crawl
3. Perform Complex Activities
A. Ingestion – Photosynthesis
1. Will capture and consume food if no light
present – like an Amoeba
B. Digestion – Food vacuoles
C. Respiration - Osmosis
D. Excretion - Contractile vacuole
4. Grow and Develop
A. Continues to grow until it reproduces
B. Life span unknown
5. Responds to Stimulus
A. Uses eyespot to sense light
B. Responds by moving toward the light
6. Reproduction
A. Asexual
1. Fission