Heat Transfer 1 Units of Heat • Heat is energy in transit, and is measured in energy units. • The SI unit is the joule (J), or Newton-metre (Nm). • Historically, heat was measured in terms of the ability to raise the temperature of water. • The kilocalorie (kcal), or Calorie (Cal), or “big calorie”: amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogramme of water by 1 C0 (from 14.50C to 15.50C) • The calorie, or “little calorie”: amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gramme of water by 1 C0 (from 14.50C to 15.50C) • In industry, the British thermal unit (Btu) is still used: amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1 F0 (from 630F to 640F) 2 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat Joule demonstrated that water can be heated by doing (mechanical) work, and showed that for every 4186 J of work done, the temperature of water rose by 10C per kg. 3 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat • Conversion between different units of heat: 1 cal = 10-3 kcal = 3.969 x 10-3 Btu = 4.186 J 1 Cal = 1 kcal=4186 J 4 Heat content • Change in enthalpy or H is simply called the heat content or Q 5 DEFINITIONS • Sensible Heat – When heat added results in the change in temperature • Latent Heat – When the heat added results in a physical change of the substance • Saturation Temperature/Pressure – Psat/Tsat – The point at which liquid and vapor may exist in equilibrium contact with each other 6 DEFINITIONS (cont) • Saturated Liquid/Vapor – A liquid/vapor at a specified pressure which is at Tsat for the pressure • Subcooled Liquid – A liquid at that specified pressure which is below the Tsat • Superheated Vapor – A vapor that has been raised above Tsat for a given pressure 7 DEFINITIONS (cont) • Latent Heat of Vaporization – Amount of heat necessary to change a mass of liquid to vapor without changing the temperature • Latent Heat of Fusion – Amount of heat that must be added/removed to a unit mass to melt/solidify it 8 Change in enthalpy determination 1. Sensible heating at constant pressure Where H = mcp(T2-T1) cp = heat capacity (J/kg.K) m = mass 2. Heating at constant pressure involving phase change • Heating/cooling processes may occur involving latent heat, where the temperature remains constant while the latent heat is added or removed. 9 Latent Heat 10 11 Phase Diagrams • Visual representation of phase changes • Triple point: point at which all three phases coexist • Curves branching out from this point separate phase regions: – Fusion curve: solid-liquid boundary – Vaporization curve: liquid-gas boundary – Sublimation curve: solid-gas boundary 12 Phase Diagram: Carbon Dioxide 13 Phase Diagram: Water 14 Thermal properties 15 Specific Heat Capacity • Sensible heat is associated with a temperature change (can be “sensed”) • Different substances have different molecular configurations and bonding temperature change not generally the same for equal amounts of heat • Specific heat capacity, cp: quantity of heat that is gained or lost by a unit weight of product to accomplish a desired change in temperature, without a change in state (amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1K) • specific heat in SI unit : kJ/kgC or kJ/kg.K 16 Predicted specific heat • For meat products with 26-100% moisture content and fruit juice with moisture content greater than 50% (Dickerson, 1969) : Cp = 1.675 + 0.025 W where W = water content (%) • For products with known composition: Cp = 1.424 mc + 1.549 mp + 1.675 mf + 0.873 ma + 4.187 mm where m = mass fraction subscripts c = carbohydrate subscripts p = protein subscripts f = fat subscripts a = ash subscripts m = moisture 17 Thermal conductivity • It is the rate of heat that will be conducted through a unit thickness of the material if a unit temperature gradient exists across that thickness • thermal conductivity (k) in SI units : J/s.m.C or W/m.C, in English unit : Btu/h.ft.F • Strongly temperature-dependent. 18 19 Thermal conductivity Type of material Construction materials Aluminium Copper Stainless steel Other metals Brick Concrete Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) 220 388 21 45-400 0.69 0.87 Temperature of measurement (OC) 0 0 20 0 20 20 20 Type of material Olive oila Whole milka Freeze-dried foods Frozen beefb Pork (lean) b Frozen cod Apple juice Orange Green beans Cauliflower Egg Ice Watera Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) 0.17 0.56 0.01-0.04 1.30 0.48 1.66 0.56 0.41 0.80 0.80 0.96 2.25 0.57 Temperature of measurement (OC) 20 20 0 -10 3.8 -10 20 0.15 -12.1 -6.6 -8 0 21 0 Type of material Packaging materials Cardboard Glass, soda Polyethylene Poly (vinyl chloride) Insulating materials Polystyrene foam Polyurethane foam Other types Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) Temperature of measurement (OC) 0.07 0.52 0.55 0.29 20 20 20 20 0.036 0.026 0.026-0.052 0 0 30 22 Predicted thermal conductivity Source : Sweat (1974, 1975) • For fruit and vegetables with water content > 60% k = 0.148 + 0.00493 w where k = thermal conductivity (W/m. OC) w = water content (%) • For meat, temperature 0-60C and water content 60-80 % (wet basis) k = 0.080 + 0.0052 w • thermal conductivity in SI unit : W/m.C or W/m.K 23 Thermal diffusivity, k C p • k measures the rate at which heat passes through a material. The larger it is, the faster the material heats up. • Cp measures the heat needed to raise a unit mass by 1C • Cp measures the heat needed to raise a unit volume by 1C. The larger it is, the slower the materials heats up. • is the ratio of k to Cp and therefore indicates the relative rate at which a material heats up 24 Methods of Heat Transfer 25 Fundamentals • Heat transfer is thermal energy in transit due to a temperature difference. • Whenever there exits a temperature difference in a medium or between media, heat transfer must occur. • Heat transfers are classified with respect to the physical mechanism which underlies them: There are 3 heat transfer processes. 26 Mode of heat transfer • There are three ways that heat may be transferred between substances at different temperatures - conduction, convection, and radiation. We consider each of these in turn. »Conduction »Convection »Radiation 27 Conduction, Convection & Thermal Radiation • Conduction refers to the transport of energy in a medium due to a temperature gradient. 28 Conduction, Convection & Thermal Radiation • the convection refers to heat transfer that occurs between a surface and a fluid (at rest or in motion) when they are at different temperatures. 29 Conduction, Convection & Thermal Radiation • Thermal radiation refers to the heat transfer that occurs between two surfaces at different temperatures. It results from the energy emitted by any surface in the form of electromagnetic waves. 30 Heat Conduction • The flow of thermal energy through a substance from a higher- to a lower-temperature region. Heat conduction occurs by atomic or molecular interactions. • The flow of heat by conduction occurs via collisions between atoms and molecules in the substance and the subsequent transfer of kinetic energy. Let us consider two substances at different temperatures separated by a barrier which is subsequently removed, as in the following figure. 31 Heat transfer by conduction When the barrier is removed, the fast (``hot'') atoms collide with the slow (``cold'') ones. In such collisions the faster atoms lose some speed and the slower ones gain speed; thus, the fast ones transfer some of their kinetic energy to the slow ones. This transfer of kinetic energy from the hot to the cold side is called a flow of heat through conduction. 32 Physical Mechanism in Conduction The conduction heat transfer results from diffusion of energy due to random molecular activity 33 • It is important to note that in conductive heat transfer, there is no physical movement of the material. • Conduction is common mode of heat transfer in heating/cooling of opaque solid media. 34 Steady state conduction • Steady-state conduction is said to exist when the temperature at all locations in a substance is constant with time, as in the case of heat flow through a uniform wall. Examples of essentially pure transient or periodic heat conduction and simple or complex combinations of the two are encountered in the heat-treating of metals, air conditioning, food processing, and the pouring and curing of large concrete structures. 35 Different materials transfer heat by conduction at different rates - this is measured by the material's thermal conductivity. Suppose we place a material in between two reservoirs at different temperatures, as in the following figure. Measurement of thermal conductivity 36 • Heat conduction is the transmission of heat across matter. • Heat transfer is always directed from a higher to a lower temperature. Denser substances are usually better conductors; metals are excellent conductors. 37 Fourier’s Law – Thermal Conductivity • For a plane wall having a temperature distribution T(x), and a cross section area A (perpendicular to the x-direction), the heat transfer rate by conduction through the wall in the x-direction is given by: dT ( x ) q x kA dx k is the thermal conductivity (W.m-1.oK-1). It is a transport property of the wall material. 38 Sign convention for conductive heat flow 39 Thermal Conduction T ( x) q x kA x 40 The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, states that the time rate of heat flow Q through a slab (or a portion of a perfectly insulated wire, as shown in the figure) is proportional to the gradient of temperature difference: T ( x) q x kA x q is the time rate of heat flow through a slab, k is a conductivity constant (dependent on the nature of the material and its temperature), A is the transversal surface area, ΔT is the temperature difference through which the heat is being transferred, Δx is the thickness of the body of matter through which the heat is passing. 41 • This law forms the basis for the derivation of the heat equation. R-value is the unit for heat resistance, the reciprocal of the conductance. Ohm's law (I = V/R) is the electrical analogue of Fourier's law. rate of flow of electron driving force a transfer process resistance α voltage resistance of conductor driving force resistance 42 • For a given temperature difference between the reservoirs, materials with a large thermal conductivity will transfer large amounts of heat over time - such materials, like copper, are good thermal conductors. • Conversely, materials with low thermal conductivities will transfer small amounts of heat over time - these materials, like concrete, are poor thermal conductors. It is also why fiberglass insulation, and also feathers and fur, have air pockets - dead air is a poor thermal conductor, and so the air pockets aid in cutting back on the heat loss through the material. • Home insulation is thus a poor thermal conductor, which keeps as much heat in as possible. Instead of being rated in terms of thermal conductivity, insulation is therefore usually rated in terms of its thermal resistance, which is defined as 43 • Materials which have a high thermal conductivity have, by definition, a low thermal resistance they are poor heat insulators. On the other hand, materials with a low thermal conductivity have a high thermal resistance - they are good heat insulators. Good insulating materials therefore should have a high thermal resistance. In fact, the ``R'' value quoted for insulation is the thermal resistance (in British units). 44 Conductance • Fourier's law can also be stated as: where U is the conductance. The reciprocal of conductance is resistance, equal to: 45 Thermal Resistance: Analogy between the conduction of heat and electric charge • Just as an electrical charge is associated with the conduction of electricity, • a thermal resistance may be associated with the conduction of heat: v1 v2 R i T1 T2 R q • oK.W-1 46 Conduction Heat Transfer Rate versus Thermal Resistance • By definition: T1 T2 R q • Therefore: 1 q T1 T2 R 47 Relationship between Rconv and k • By definition, the heat conduction is: dT T1 T2 q x kA q kA dx L T1 T2 R q • Therefore: 1 kA R L 48 Example Steel: k = 14 J/s-m-C How much energy is conducted in 40 seconds? -----------------------------------------------q = kA (T2 - T1)/L q = 14 (2)(475)/10 = 1330 J/s Q= qt = 1330 (40) = 5.32 x 104 J 49