Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Period: ______________ The Catcher in the Rye Chapters 22-26 Reading Guide Pages 166-214 Assignment Date Due Date Chapters 22-26 Thursday, 12/3 Thursday, 12/10 Chapters 1-26 Test Week of 12/14 Chapter 22 (Pages 166-174) 186. Where does Holden say his father will send him next? 187. What did Phoebe ask Holden in a way that made him sad? 188. What was Holden too yellow not to join? 189. What was the Pencey alumni looking for? What advice did he give to Holden and Stradlater? 190. What does Phoebe say about what “was happening”? 191. Who did Holden start thinking about from Elkton Hills? 192. What happened to him? What was he wearing? 193. Who does Holden like (2 people)? 194. What is the correct version of “if a body catch a body comin’ through the rye”? Who wrote the poem? “If a body ________________ a body comin’ through the rye.” 195. What would Holden like to be based on his version of the line (this is the meaning of the title)? 196. Who was Mr. Antolini? 197. Chapter 23 (Pages 174-180) What did Mr. Antolini do for James Castle? 198. What did Phoebe and Holden do after his phone call? How is Phoebe as a partner? 199. What was Phoebe practicing (Alice Holmborg showed her)? 200. How did Phoebe cover for Holden when her parents came home? 201. Why did Phoebe have money? 202. What did Holden do after she gave him the money? 203. What did Holden leave with Phoebe? 204. What happened (this is the second time in the novel) as he exited? Chapter 24 (Pages 180-193) 205. What kind of relationship did Holden have with Mr. Antolini. Be specific. 206. What is Mr. Antolini like? 207. Why didn’t Mr. Antolini (and Holden) think D.B. should go to Hollywood? 208. Why were Mr. and Mrs. Antolini always yelling? 209. What class did Holden flunk? 210. Why did “that digression business” get on his nerves? 211. Whose speech did he like? Why? 212. How did Holden feel while visiting? What was physically bothering him? 213. What did Mrs. Antolini deliver? How did Mr. Antolini say goodnight to his wife? 214. What did Mr. Antolini and Mr. Caulfield, Holden’s father, talk about at lunch? 215. What feeling did Mr. Antolini have about Holden? 216. How did Holden feel about Ackley and Stradlater? How did he feel if he didn’t see them after a while? 217. What does Mr. Antolini want to write a letter about? 218. Complete the quote by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Stekel: “The mark of the ___________________ man is that he wants to _____________ ______________ for a cause, while the mark of a ___________________ man is that he wants to _______________ _________________ for one.” 219. If he begins to apply himself, what will Holden find (page 189)? 220. Who did Mr. Antolini ask about before going to bed? Which one is Holden thinking about calling? 221. What was Holden’s excuse for leaving? What was the real reason? 222. What did Mr. Antolini say about Holden as he was leaving? Chapter 25 (Pages 194-213) 223. Where did Holden sleep? 224. Why are his feelings about Mr. Antolini conflicted? 225. What two health problems did Holden self-diagnose from the magazine? 226. What did Holden try to eat in the cheap-looking restaurant? 227. Where was Holden walking? What did he say to Allie when crossing the street? 228. Where does Holden decide to go instead of home (he has mentioned this a few times)? How will he live (he even plans to marry a beautiful one of these)? 229. Why did Holden write a note to Phoebe? Where did he take it? 230. What did the principal yell to Holden when he was leaving? 231. What did Holden try to do to the profanities on the wall? Why was it hopeless? 232. Where did Holden take the two brothers in the museum? 233. What happened to Holden in the bathroom that he minded? 234. What was Phoebe wearing? What did she have with her? Why? 235. Where did Holden and Phoebe head on opposite sides of the street? 236. What did Phoebe ride after looking at some animals? 237. What were the kids trying to grab? 238. What did Holden realize about kids? What shouldn’t he do? 239. How did Holden feel watching Phoebe ride while he sat in the rain? Chapter 26 (Pages 213-214) 240. What happened to Holden next? 241. What does the one psychoanalyst guy keep asking Holden? Where is Holden (for sure)? This connects to the opening passage. 242. What is Holden’s answer to the stupid question? 243. Who is not as bad as the rest of them even though he also asks questions? 244. What does Holden think about his story? 245. What will happen if you “tell anybody anything”? Chapters 22-26: Quotes, Questions, and Predictions Directions: Record three observations from the reading. Quotes: Record something funny, significant, poignant, or sad. Questions: Something to clarify or something to discuss. Predictions: What do you think Holden will do or say next? Chapters 1-26: Quotes, Questions, and Predictions Quotes: Record something funny, significant, poignant, or sad. Questions: Something to clarify or something to discuss. “Coming Through the Rye” By: Robert Burns O, Jenny's a' weet,[A] poor body, Jenny's seldom dry: She draigl't[B] a' her petticoatie, Comin thro' the rye! Poetry Comprehension Questions A. How did Jenny’s petticoat become wet? Chorus: Comin thro' the rye, poor body, Comin thro' the rye, She draigl't a' her petticoatie, Comin thro' the rye! Gin[C] a body meet a body Comin thro' the rye, Gin a body kiss a body, Need a body cry?[D] B. What does coming through the rye mean literally? C. What could cause a body to cry? (Chorus) Gin a body meet a body Comin thro' the glen Gin a body kiss a body, Need the warl'[E] ken?[F] D. Who might know? (Chorus) Gin a body meet a body Comin thro' the grain; Gin a body kiss a body, The thing's a body's ain.[G] E. What is a kiss? (Chorus) Ilka[H] lassie has her laddie, Nane, they say, ha’e I Yet all the lads they smile on me, When comin' thro' the rye. Glossary of Scottish Words: weet – wet draigl't – draggled C gin – if, should D cry – call out [for help] E warl – world F ken – know G ain – own H Ilka-every A F. Who smiles at the speaker (I/me) when coming through the rye? Connections: G. What does coming through the rye mean figuratively? B H. How does this contrast with Holden’s interpretation?