Cell Unit Test Study Guide

Cell Unit Test Study Guide
List the three parts of Cell Theory:
1) __________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________
Using the word bank write the organelle that fits the description
4) _______________________________Produces energy through chemical reactions
5) _______________________________Where photosynthesis takes place
6) _______________________________Protein packing ‘plant’
7) _______________________________Gel like mixture surrounded by cell membrane
8) ___________________Membrane bound sacs for storage, digestion, and waste removal
Word Bank:
Cell Membrane
Golgi Apparatus
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Answer the following, you may use your notes and books.
9) A heterotroph is:
10) In photosynthesis:
11) What is an extremely important property of lipids?
12) As Marcy begins cooking the smell begins to fill the house. This is an example of:
13) Leaf cells use chlorophyll to absorb
14) The cells of a redwood tree require oxygen for the process of
15) This type of transport requires the use of some cell energy:
16) In fermentation, cells release energy without
17) Both a whale and a seaweed use which of the following to change glucose into energy?
18) When cells get rid of their waste it goes through:
19) This is the functional and physical unit of heredity passed from parent to offspring:
20) In this phase of mitosis the chromosomes line up and chromosomes attach to spindle
21) This includes the entire DNA found within the cell, including the DNA in the
22) During this reproduction the cells split into two equal halves:
23) In this phase of mitosis the cell membrane moves inward and creates two daughter cells:
24) A human has 23 pairs of these, and they occur when DNA is packaged together.
25) The cell spends 95% of its life in this phase:
26) In this phase of mitosis the chromatids move to the opposite ends of the cell:
27) During this type of asexual reproduction the cell divides into unequal halves:
28) This type of reproduction requires only one parent:
29) This type of reproduction produces a greater chance of genetic variability:
30) This type of asexual reproduction occurs when a piece of an organism is broken off and it
begins to repair and make a new organism:
Below fill in the chemical reaction of photosynthesis
31)_____________+ 32)____________
34)_____________ + 35)____________
Essay (5pts)
Put the following phrases into their correct position on the Venn Diagram:
36) New offspring is produced
37) Produces greater genetic variability
38) Produces a clone or copy of parent genetic information
39) Involves two parents
40) Involves only one parent
Types of Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction