February 10, 2015

Village of Makanda
P. O. BOX 99
Makanda, Illinois 62958
March 3, 2015
Board Minutes
February 10, 2015
CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7 p.m. by President, T.
ROLL CALL: Present: Hilliard, Small, Wolff, Baker, Ross, and Yambert.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion made by Trustee Ross, seconded by Trustee Yambert, that the minutes be
approved. Voice vote: All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.
CITIZENS’ HEARING: Kaitlyn and Kayla attended meeting for their Government class.
President: *President informed the Board Little Egypt Beers is going to build their new location in Carbondale
instead of Makanda. The brewery will have gas and sewer capabilities available to them. *President informed the
Board that Nan Sorrels had the old gas station cleaned up. *President informed the Board the Jackson County MultiHazard Mitigation Meeting went well. A draft of plans and a slide show were presented at the meeting. They are
moving forward with the updates. *President attended a conference call for a program update with Select Energy. A
24 month contract will be effective June 2015. President posted a news release at the Board Walk and the Post Office
to inform residents of changes. Select Energy is requesting a Power of Attorney be signed giving Select Energy
permission to execute a contract term on behalf of the Village. Motion made by Trustee Small to sign the Power of
Attorney, seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice vote: All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.
*President informed the Board that Z. Rosenthal is preparing to start road work. There are telephone lines in the road
ditch on Rowan Rd. President called Frontier and spoke with Jessica from Arizona. Jessica put in a call to local
technician. Technician went out to find lines to see what needs to be done to protect the lines. *President called Cook
Portable Warehouses to get quotes on buildings. 12x16 Utility buildings comes standard with a wooden door, the
solid steel door would be an extra $315.00. The quote for 12x16 is $3,445.00. If a steel door and a window was
added, the cost would be $3,865.00. The 12x20 would be $4,115.00 (without steel door and window), the 10x16
would be $3,040.00 (without steel door and window), and the 10x20 would be $3,695.00 (without steel door and
window). Cooks currently does not have any pre-owned buildings available. The buildings do not come insulated. Z.
Rosenthal and E. Forby will do insulation if a building is purchased. *President contacted Asaturian and Eaton
regarding snow removal. President spoke with Praveen Sunny. Sunny provided resolution to approve MFT
appropriation of $2,000.00 for snow removal. Appropriation will be sent to IDOT for their approval. Motion made by
Trustee Ross to approve the resolution for the snow removal for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, seconded by Trustee
Hilliard. Voice vote: 5 yes and 1 abstain. Motion carried. *President informed the Trustees to turn in their hours
worked each month to the Village Clerk to be reported on the quarterly man-hour report. *Trustee Hilliard informed
the Board that Jay Ruble installed the new tiles in the Village Hall office floor. The bill is $135.00. *Trustee Hilliard
delivered posts and street signs to the Maintenance Building. The bolts were too short for the signs. Trustee Hilliard
will purchase stainless steel bolts to fit the signs. The posts will need to be set in concrete due to the size of the auger
that will be used. *Trustee Hilliard informed the Board the post hole digger was purchased and it is in the
Maintenance Building. *Trustee Hilliard and President informed the Board the rules for the Civic Center were
reviewed. The rules stated that there was a bulletin board to use for announcements and a step stool. Both of these
were not in the Civic Center. The Board suggested a step stool or a 6’ ladder to be purchased for the Civic Center.
The Board discussed options for the bulletin board. The Board suggested putting up locked cabinets to display rules.
President will put up signs to inform patrons to keep tables and chairs off the walls. *Trustee Hilliard called an
electrician to look at the Civic Center lighting issues. Hilliard has not received a call back from the electrician yet.
*Trustee Small informed the Board that he will not be at the March Board Meeting. *Trustee Wolff informed the
Board that he has received phone calls regarding people hitting the guard rail on McGuire Rd. *Trustee Wolff
informed the Board there is a hole on McGuire Rd. West Ext. that is a “blind” area. Trustee Wolff and T. Rosenthal
will fix this hole on McGuire Rd. *Trustee Ross informed the Board the guard rail on Baptist Hill needs to be fixed.
*Trustee Ross informed the Board there are 3 light poles in a ditch that need removed over by the old baseball fields.
*Trustee Ross informed the Board the ditch on Cracker’s Neck has a culvert that is smashed in.
FISCAL MATTERS: Tom Rosenthal presented Treasurer’s report. Motion made by Trustee Hilliard to approve the
Treasurer’s report, seconded by Trustee Wolff. Voice Vote: All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion
Bills Payable: Motion made by Trustee Wolff to approve the bills, seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice Vote: All
members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.
Finance Committee:
Ordinance Committee:
Street and Road Committee: Z. Rosenthal inquired about purchasing a trailer at a local auction. Board
suggested Z. Rosenthal call Kevin Wheetley and Shorty McMurphy to inquire what fair pricing would be on
trailers. Motion made by Trustee Wolff that Z. Rosenthal may purchase a trailer if it is in good condition not
to exceed $3,000.00, seconded by Trustee Hilliard. Voice Vote: All members present at roll call voted yes.
Motion carried.
Subdivision Committee:
Insurance Committee:
Emergency Disaster Committee:
Special Events Committee:
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Trustee Wolff to adjourn meeting, seconded by Trustee Ross, that the meeting be
adjourned. Voice Vote: All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 8:19 P.M.
B. Wheetley, Village Clerk
Tina Shingleton, President