Unit Exam

Name _________________________________________
Unit 2 Exam: The Roaring Twenties
Who Am I?
_______1. I was the first President of the 1920s and was plagued by scandals, including the Teapot Dome Scandal.
_______2. I was a famous writer/poet during the Harlem Renaissance and wrote a poem entitled “I Am America.”
_______3. I was a single girl in the 1920s. I had short hair, wore short skirts and liked to enjoy freedom and
_______4. I was the President when the Depression began and many people blamed me for making it worse.
_______5. I was a science teacher that was arrested in 1925 for teaching evolution.
_______6. I had a vision that a car should be affordable for all Americans and created the inexpensive Model T as a
_______7. I organized multiple raids of suspected communist unions and had hundreds of Russian immigrants
_______8. I became popular in the 1920s for making the first successful solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
______9. I was a careful and quiet president and earned the nickname “Silent Cal.”
______10. I worked hard for women’s voting rights and organized protests outside of the White House.
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
A. Mitchell Palmer
Henry Ford
John Scopes
F. Flapper
G. Warren Harding
H. Susan B. Anthony
I. Langston Hughes
J. Claude McKay
11. The Eighteenth Amendment outlawed
A. alcohol
C. marijuana
B. speakeasies
D. immigration
12. The Red Scare occurred in the US out of a fear of
A. socialism C. capitalism
B. communism
D. none of these
13. The Johnson-Reed Act
A. forbade trade with Germany
B. gave more rights to women
C. tightened immigration laws
D. ended workers strikes in the US
14. Women were given voting rights with the ____ Amendment.
A. 18th
C. 19th
B. 20th
D. 16th
K. Charles Lindberg
L. Alice Paul
15. Sacco and Vanzetti were executed for murder, but due to little evidence of that, most people felt they were
executed for being
A. radicals
C. immigrants
B. anarchists
D. all of the above
16. The Great Migration led to all of the following except
a. an increase in African American pride in Harlem
b. a revival of the Ku Klux Klan
c. an increase in African American workers in the south
d. race riots across the United States
17. Which of the following did NOT happen as a result of Prohibition?
A. bootlegging became popular
C. speakeasies opened
B. people drank homemade liquor
D. people began attending church
18. Al Capone was finally arrested and convicted on
A. tax evasion
C. murder
B. kidnapping
D. bootlegging
19. The ACLU was trying to prove which Tennessee law unconstitutional in 1925?
A. Johnson Reed Act
C. Butler Act
B. Boyd-Gibbons Act
D. Robbins Act
20. What new electronic gadget in the 1920’s connected people wirelessly to music and news?
A. talkies
C. telegraph
B. radio
D. telephone
21. Most people in the 1920’s bought high priced items using
A. cash
C. credit
B. trade
D. collective bargaining
22. What is the significance of the Harlem Renaissance? ___________________________________
23. What impact did women’s suffrage have in the 1920s and what impact still today? ____________
24. Which event from the 1920s had the greatest impact on society? Explain your answer in detail, providing a
minimum of TWO specific historical examples.