Study Sheet

Anatomy Skeletal System Study Sheet
Study to know:
Definitions, examples and locations of short, long, flat, and irregular bones.
Difference between red marrow and yellow marrow
Function of Sharpey’s fibers.
Characteristics of compact and spongy bone
Role of epiphyseal plate, canaliculi, and medullary cavities.
Description and location of bone markings (meatus, fossa, foramen, sinus,
depression, fossa, fissure, and line).
7. Distinguish between a compound fracture and a simple fracture.
8. Descriptions of fractures: compound, simple, compression, comminuted,
greenstick, impacted, and spiral.
9. Four stages in the healing of a bone fracture: 1) hematoma forms, 2)
fibrocartilage callus forms, 3) bony callus forms, 4) bone gets remodeled.
10. Names of sutures that separate the skull bones (sagittal and lambdoid).
11. Names of the paired and UN-paired facial bones
12. Characteristics of hyoid bone.
13. Contents of the Central (Haversian) Canal inside an osteon.
14. Bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton
15. Five (5) regions of the vertebrae from neck to tailbone (cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.
16. Number of vertebrae in each region (7, 12, 5, 1, 1)
17. Location of the atlas and axis.
18. Sequence of ribs from superior to anterior
19. Number of true ribs, floating ribs and false ribs.
20. Only bone that has a trochanter bone marking
21. Placing hand on hips is same as placing hands are on the ilium
22. Comparison between male and female pelvis
23. How joints are named
24. Types of joints (diarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, synarthrotic)
25. Define reduction of a fracture
26. Functions of bones (FEMS)
27. Function and names of paranasal sinuses
28. Number and location of fontanels
29. Age at which last fontanel closes
30. Distinguish between ligaments and tendons
31. Define arthritis and osteoporosis.
32. Names and locations of all 206 bones