Mercury Spills in LA_w/Notes

Through the Looking Glass
Sharon Huff, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Occupational Health Sciences
University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler
Cooperative agreement with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
PEHSU Program Disclaimer
• This material was supported by the Association of
Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) and
funded under the cooperative agreement award
number 1U61TS000118-03 from the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
• Acknowledgement: The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) supports the PEHSU by
providing funds to ATSDR under Inter-Agency
Agreement number DW-75-92301301-0. Neither EPA
nor ATSDR endorse the purchase of any commercial
products or services mentioned in PEHSU
• Organic
– Methyl mercury
– Ethyl mercury
• Inorganic
• Metallic/Elemental
• Respiratory System
– Cough
– Short of Breath
– Chest Pain
• Nervous System
Decreased brain wave & verbal activity
Irritability, Depression
Memory Loss
• Kidneys
– Loss of kidney function
When spilled…
Breaks up into droplets
 Smaller droplets
 accumulates in tiniest spaces
Floor cracks
If it is not cleaned up right away...
Tracks throughout the school …
 to buses
 to cars
 to homes
 to children’s bedrooms
If it is not cleaned up right away...
• Even a very small quantity of mercury spilled in a room
will produce very dangerous vapor concentrations
• Vapors enter HVAC system & spread throughout school
• Danger: even a few drops in an enclosed/poorly
ventilated space
– classroom, bathroom, car, bedroom they sleep in
 Vaporizes into air over time and builds up
Why are we so concerned
about mercury in schools…..
Special susceptibility of children
• Children are closes to the floor, where
mercury vapors concentrate
• Greater air exchange for body size than adults
• Developing brain
and nervous
• Immature
protective bloodbrain barrier
Is there Mercury in your school?
Water flow meter
Fluorescent lights
Light switches
Lab Chemicals
Is there Mercury in your school?
Nurse's office
Science rooms
Home ec room
Art room
Industrial Arts classes
Auto body shop
Boiler room
Don’t let this happen
to your school
Major Causes of
spills at schools
• Improper Storage
• Mishandling
• Prevent spills by removing all mercury
compounds and mercury-containing
equipment, and by discontinuing their use.
• Containers of elemental mercury identified by
staff or found during an inventory be given the
highest priority for removal
• Store items in secure locations until the items can be
properly disposed of or recycled.
• Mercury-containing devices:
– Double bag & tape closed
– place in a covered, non-breakable container such as a
plastic bucket.
– Label the container "Mercury-Containing Devices"
– store the container in a locked cabinet or room
• Ensure mercury-containing products are well protected
against breakage.
– Place guards over gymnasium lights.
– Check wall mounts on a mercury sphygmomanometer
What if there IS a spill?
• Is there a mercury spill policy or procedure?
• Which staff are responsible for mercury spill
management or cleanup?
• Are there mercury spill kits in all rooms that
contain mercury?
• Is staff trained in how to use these kits?
DO NOTs of Mercury Cleanup
NEVER use a vacuum cleaner
NEVER use a broom
NEVER pour mercury down a drain
NEVER attempt to clean up products like Windex®, Formula
409®, bleach, or similar cleaners with ammonia or chlorine
NEVER try to clean up with cloth or paper towels
NEVER wash mercury-contaminated items in a washing
NEVER walk around if your shoes or clothes might be
contaminated with mercury
NEVER allow children to assist in the cleanup process
Louisiana DEQ Mercury
Information Hotline
Response Plan
Staff awareness about containing the spill
Prompt notification of supervisors and cleanup staff
Training appropriate personnel on cleanup procedures
Mercury spill cleanup kits
Fischer Scientific
Flinn Scientific
Lab & Safety Supply,
VWR Scientific
Make your own
Mercury Spill Kit
• 4 to 5 sealable plastic bags •
• heavy-duty trash bags
• rubber, nitrile, or latex
• paper towels
• cardboard (non-corrugated) •
• eyedropper
• duct tape
• shaving cream
• small paint brush
• Flashlight
• Marking pen
Utility knife
Index cards
Container for tap water
Shoe covers
eye protection if available
Initial Procedures
• Evacuate the room or affected area immediately; don’t
let anyone walk through mercury
– Leave all shoes, clothing and other articles that were
splashed with mercury at the spill area.
– Keep anyone who may have been contaminated in a
separate room
• Remove any animals
• Open exterior windows to ventilate the room.
• Close door and place signs prohibiting entry
Keep people and animals away to prevent tracking.
• Shut down any ventilation system that would spread
mercury vapor to other areas (close return air vents)
• Inform your supervisor if any personnel are
involved in a spill or cleanup
• Inform a school official who can determine if
parental notification is necessary
Contaminated People
• If someone has inhaled mercury vapor or
ingested mercury, call a poison control center
(800) 222-1222.
• Remove watches and jewelry
• Wash skin exposed to mercury with soap and
water, ideally with a shower
• Change clothing and shoes
• Double bag contaminated items until proper
cleaning or disposal/recycling can be arranged
Spills of Less than the Amount in a
• Mercury can be cleaned up easily from the
following surfaces: wood, linoleum, tile and
any other like surfaces.
• If a spill occurs on carpet, curtains, upholstery
or other like surfaces: these contaminated
items should be thrown away (double bag)
• Remove all jewelry
• Put on old clothes or
coveralls, old shoes or booties
• Put on rubber or latex gloves
• Put on eye protection
Large glass pieces and beads
• Pick up broken glass with wet paper towel, duct tape.
• Wrap all broken objects in a wet paper towel and place in a
sealable plastic bag. Secure and label the bag.
• Use an index card piece of cardboard to gather mercury
beads onto another index card.
• Use the eyedropper to collect or draw up the mercury
beads. Slowly and carefully squeeze mercury onto a damp
paper towel. Place the paper towel and eye dropper in a
sealable plastic bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag.
• Alternatively, use duct tape to collect smaller hard-to-see
beads. Wrap tape around your fingers (sticky side out) and
carefully use it to pick up any remaining glass or tiny beads.
Place the contaminated tape in the zipper-type bag.
Small pieces
and beads
Spray a large circle of foam shaving cream
around the area
Use an index card, to spread the shaving
cream and scoop it up; dump into labelled
plastic bag
Put shaving cream on top of small paint
brush and gently "dot" the affected area to
pick up smaller hard-to-see beads
Place the paint brush in a sealable plastic
bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag.
Take a flashlight, hold it at a low angle close
to the floor in a darkened room and look for
additional glistening beads of mercury that
may be sticking to the surface or in small
cracked areas of the surface.
Removing Carpet
• Cut out the area of the carpet
• Fold each carpet piece to keep
the beads from spilling out
• Place in large trash bag
• Then cut 1 more foot out
• When you fill up a bag,
tie/tape place in second bag
and place outside
• Repeat with carpet padding
After Clean Up
• Remove rubber gloves by grabbing them at the wrist and pulling
them inside out as they come off.
• Place all materials used with the cleanup, including gloves, in a
labeled double bagged trash bag
• Wash thoroughly; air out clothes
• Contact the LA Department of Environmental Quality recycling
group at 225-219-3267 for proper disposal in accordance with local,
state and federal laws.
• Keep the area well-ventilated to the for at least 24 hours after your
successful cleanup.
• Continue to keep pets and children out of cleanup area. If sickness
occurs, seek medical attention immediately. If you are concerned
about health effects of the spill, call local poison control or
Spills of More than the Amount in a Thermometer, but
Less Than or Similar to Two Tablespoons (One Pound)
Cleanup Instructions
1. Have everyone else leave the area; don't let anyone walk through
the mercury on their way out
2. Open all windows and doors to the outside.
3. Turn off the central heating or air conditioning system
4. Shut all doors to other parts of the school, and leave the area.
Do not disturb or attempt to clean up the mercury.
Call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222
Call Louisiana DEQ Mercury Information Hotline
Spills of One Pound or More (i.e., if it
Looks like Two Tablespoons or More)
• While it is important to report any amount of mercury
spilled, reporting is REQUIRED for a release of one
pound (approximately two tablespoons) or more.
• Any time one pound or more of mercury is released to
the environment, it is mandatory to call the EPA
National Response Center (NRC). (800) 424-8802.
• Louisiana: Also required to contact the Louisiana
Department of Environmental Quality 24-hour hotline
at (225) 342-1234 or 1.800.305.6621
• Call local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222
Resources / Phone Numbers
225-219-3267 LA DEQ recycling program
1-800-222-1222 Poison Center
1-800-305-6621 LA DEQ Mercury Hotline
800-424-8802 EPA National Response Center
888-901-5665 Southwest Center for Pediatric
Environmental Health