


Hint game


• Men as hunters

• Men as traders and warriors

• Men as head of family

• Societal Structure

River Valleys

• Yellow

• Indus

• Nile

• Where we find the earliest agricultural societies


• Sumer

• Babylonians

• In present day Iraq

• “ between the rivers ”


• Fertile crescent goats

• Typically nomadic

• Horse peoples on the Asian steppe


• Sumer

• Sparta

• Maya

• Political structure: independent cities that had their own legal and social structure

Bronze Age

• Minoans

• Hittites

• Shang

• Ancient Egypt

• Age that predated the Iron Age


• Ancient King of the Amorites (Babylonian


• Law codes based on class

• Carthage

• Sea People

• Alphabet



• Connected Egypt to interior of Africa

• Ruled Egypt in 9 th C… the “ Black

Pharaohs of Egypt ”

• Lived south of Egypt and had key cities such as Meroe

• People of the bow


• Inhabited the Aegean

• Bronze Age civ

• Flush toilets

• Probably ruled over the Mycenaean's from their capitol of Knossos on Crete


• Spread of ideas

• Spread of diseases

• Spread of… well, everything

• Ex: Bantu language and culture spread from W. Africa to all reaches of sub-

Saharan Africa

Iron Age

• Assyrians

• First to initiate were the Hittites

• An age that first started with the


• Democratized metallurgy… but an age

Alexander the Great

• Macedonian

• Father was Phillip II

• Educated by Aristotle

• Conquered Persia, but died and opened the door for the Maurya Empire (Chandragupta

Maurya may have met him)

• Hellenized Persia

• Started the Greek Hellenistic Age


• Greek colonization of Persia and the


• Ex: Rome adopts Greek mythology

• Ex: Greek influences in the Middle East

• “ Like Greece ”

Classical Empires

• Before 600BCE

• Empires with strong militaries and centralized governments

• All pressured and defeated bypeoples from the Asian Steppe

• Han, Rome, Maurya and Gupta


• Kingdom, Republic, Empire

• Italy

• City-state that grows to conquer most of

Western Europe and the Mediterranean

• Split in two

• Defeated by barbarians

Punic Wars

• Rome vs Phoenicians…

• Phoenician Carthage, that is

• 2 nd one found Romans running from

Hannibal and his elephants

• Third war Rome devastated Carthage


• Adopted heir of Julius Caesar

• Octavian

• First emperor of Rome

• More stringent laws and focus on family values (Pater-familias)

• Ushers in the Pax Romana

Pax Romana

• Ushered in by Augustus

• Roman Peace

• Empire had expanded enough to create buffer states that provided security for citizens and merchants


• Greek city-state

• Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

• Early democracy

• Defeated the Persians at Marathon

• Eventually Persians burn this city to the ground… but then rebuild it.


• Persian vs. Greek

• Athenian victory

• Angers Persia

• Darius, then Xerxes forms a Massive army in an attempt to defeat the Greeks

Maurya Empire

• Founder may have met Alexander

• Power Vacuum left by Alexander may have led to the rise of this empire


• First peoples to settle Europe

• Settled a land called Gual

• Eventually will make their way North to


Dynastic Cycle

• Continuation of norms in China

• From Shang to Zhou to Qin to Han to Sui to Tang to Song…

• Probably the main reason that the fall of

Western Europe was so much worse on the region than the fall of the Han in China

• Round and round she goes…


• Dynasty constantly at war

• Spring and Autumn period (don ’ t be fooled, kingdoms were warring)

• Warring States period (kingdoms banded together to form states and kept on fighting)

• Confucius, Laozi, and Legalism, Oh my!


• United China (of course it all falls apart a few more times)

• Shi Huangdi (self-proclaimed first emperor of China)

• Dynasty that followed Zhou


• Strong centralized government

• Bureaucrats placed in high positions

• Strong military to defend their northern frontiers

• Founded by Liu Bang

• Dynasty that followed the Qin

• Pressure from Xiongnu (called Huns by some) led to their downfall

Vedic Age

• Indo-Europeans made their way into northern India and started this period

• Time of the Vedas (Rig Veda)

• Sanskrit developed from combining Aryan and Dravidian languages

• Beginning of Hinduism and birth of the

Caste system

Caste System

• India

• Reinforced by Hinduism… especially reincarnation

• Rejected by Buddhism

• Class system


• Earlier known as Byzantium

• City on the Bosporus

• First Roman Christian City

• Justinian had the Hagia Sophia (Church of

Holy Wisdom)

• Taken by the Ottomans and renamed


• Founded by Constantine


• Jews forced to leave (Northern Kingdom,

Israel, destroyed by Assyrians in 722BCE,

Southern Kingdom, Judah, destroyed by

Babylonians in 586BCE).

• Merchants travel abroad to make their fortunes in the Indian Ocean

• Africans brought to the New World and to areas of the Middle East

• Means dispersion


• Classical Empire

• India

• Theater State

• Defeated by White Huns

The Huns

• From the Asian Steppe

• Pastoral nomads

• Pushed German tribes into Europe

• Attila


• During and after the fall of Rome

• People groups entering Europe at the end of the Classical Age

• Changed the culture and structure of

Europe: from Latin to German


• Americas (Mesoamerica)

• Mother Culture

• Big Heads

• Were-jaguars and sacrifices


• Belief system in China

• The Way

• Harmony between humanity and nature

• Founded by Laozi

Apostle Paul

• Roman Citizen

• Spread Christianity

• Successfully set up churches in cosmopolitan Rome


• Another response to the constant fighting during the Zhou

• Ideas embraced by the Qin

• Men need strict laws and strict leaders to function well in society


• Belief system with origin in the Middle East

• Dualism

• Covenant between Hebrew people and


• Abraham is the patriarch


• China

• Response to Warring States Period

• Social Harmony

• Created strict social hierarchy

• Examination system was based on these ideals


• India

• Polytheism

• Aryan origins

• Based on a mix of Aryan and Dravidian beliefs along with the Vedas

• Spread through India, into Sri Lanka and to S.E. Asia


• Indian Origin

• Response to Caste System and reincarnation

• Rejected by India

• Spread along the silk routes to SE Asia and E. Asia

• Rejected by the Tang Dynasty

• Founder: Siddhartha Gautama


• Middle Eastern Origin

• During the Roman Empire

• Paul and others spread this belief system through the Eastern Mediterranean

• Branches: Roman Catholicism, Eastern

Orthodox and later Protestantism
