STUDY ABROAD IN CUBA – SUMMARY OF RESPONSES We will have a 15-unit, 10-week program in Cuba this summer. We secured a Treasury Department license which is not essential now. Apart from politics, Cuba is a warm and exciting and affordable site for students. We are taking 15-18 students who will study Spanish, Cuban history, and other cultural themes. Hosting the program will be the Casa de las Americas, the organization which hosts most US college groups. Tufts, Brown, and Sarah Lawrence have had similar semester-length programs, but shorter ones can now be arranged. Let us know if we can provide further information. Regards, William William H. Alexander Professor of History Director, International Programs Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, VA 23504 --€ Program dates: mid to late May or late May to early June /starting in 2012 € Program duration: three (3) weeks € Program title: Experience Cuban Culture and its Arts € Host Institution: University of Havana € OHIO 'unit of record': Latin American Studies € OHIO personnel: two (2) faculty members and one GA = three (3) € Program Characteristics: a.›Ten lectures in diverse fields such as: history, culture, and the arts (music, dance, theater, literature). Other fields TBA. b.›Practical Activities: excursions ( Matanzas and Madruga),workshops (drumming, dance -both folkloric and popular), singing c. ›Room and Board: secured through privately owned hostel. Includes two (2) meals: breakfast and dinner ______________ José Delgado-Costa, PhD Director, Latin American Studies Associate Professor, Spanish Center for International Studies Department of Modern Languages 201 Yamada International House 283 Gordy Hall Ohio University Ohio University 56 E. Union St. Athens, OH 45701 Athens, OH 45701 P: 740.593.2765 P: 740.593.1835 F: 740.593.1837 --- Princeton was one of the few universities with a term-time program in Cuba prior to the reg reform. We already had an MOU w U Havana to serve as the host institution for our Woodrow Wilson School semester-long program there. We had a specific license to operate the program and we had a Princeton employee to lead the program. We expect to continue that program in its current form. We also sent grad students there to conduct dissertation research and will continue to do so. The only changes are that we will now consider sponsoring short-term (summer and spring break) trips that are part of an on-campus Princeton course. We are also planning to apply for a new specific license to allow our alumni association to sponsor a cultural trip, led by Princeton faculty for PU alumni and their families. - Diana Davies, Vice Provost for Intl Initiatives --I have been to Cuba in the 90's and there where even full semester program let by my friend Dr. Elizabeth Iglesias (cc on this message). We still have connections with Havana university faculty they were always very accommodating and very helpful with the program, meeting students and travel around. The Woman's Studies chair from Havana university is coming to visit Elizabeth later this month if you'd like her to help you make a direct contact in Cuba write to: All the regulation are posted at travel agencies such as Marazul see at They and a few other agencies are very helpful with travel arrangements. Last year at the LASA conference there were a few sessions on study abroad in Cuba. Dr. NADINE T. FERNANDEZ SUNY Empire State College also has a lot of experience in Cuba. Best, Esther Esther E. Gottlieb, Ph. D. International Education Liaison Office of International Affairs 330 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Ave Columbus, Ohio 43210-1219 USA Direct: 614-292-6392; Cell 614 404-0929 --We are looking at Global Exchange's program in Cuba for next year for a Latin American history class with Cuba as its focus. We have used them before for other short trips in the region. Judith Pennywell, Ed.D. Executive Director of International Programs Purdue University Calumet 2200 169th Street Hammond, IN 46323-2094 219-989-1104 phone 219-989-8302 fax --- I had looked into the possibility of setting something up for Cuba last year. I was in contact with the University of Miami but nothing has moved so far. Are you sending your students to Cuba via Mexico or how are you working this out? Regards, Anthony Shull Global Programs, UCCS-COE --Hi, Vincent, my wife and I have taken many groups to Cuba, but our license was yanked in 2005 so it's been just faculty under the gen'l license since then. Now we're organizing a new faculty trip late May-early June in anticipation of a new license for student groups later on. Good initiative. Mike Michael Conniff, Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences Director, Silicon Valley Center for Global Innovation and Immigration San José State University San José CA 95192-0135 408-924-7196, fax -7203 Cell 408-761-1705 SVCGII.SJSU.EDU --We are planning one for 2012. We use to have programs before the strict policy change was implemented during the Bush era. Dr. Jeet Joshee Associate Vice President, International Education California State University, Long Beach 6300 State University Drive, Suite 104 Long Beach, CA 90815 (562)985-8330 fax: (562)985-5842;