report compliance - The Dream Factory

National Headquarters
120 W. Broadway, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 1-502-561-3001
FAX: 1-502-561-3004
These items are to be submitted to National Headquarters monthly and
should be postmarked no later than the 15th of each month.
Financial Spreadsheet Report with
General Ledger OR
Checkbook Register (if no General Ledger)
All Bank Statements
All Investment Statements
All Bank Reconciliations
Copies of Canceled Checks
Dues Check
Dream Report
In-kind Goods and Services Report
GKTW World Spreadsheet(s)
Chapter Meeting Minutes
Newspaper Articles (original newsprint if possible)
Notification of changes in officers, addresses or phone numbers
Minutes are important legal
Minutes provide a historical
record of your chapter’s
Minutes act as a reminder of
actions taken and actions to take
place in the future.
Minutes give information to
members and others not present
at the meeting.
* Minutes not properly recorded will
no longer be accepted at HQ
Dream Factory
November 13, 2012
Time Started: 5:30p
Time Ended: 6:50p
Members Present: Mary, Annie &
Current Balance: $5,000
New Business: Need volunteers for
Super Saturday Shopping
Actual minutes submitted to HQ
Chapter Name
Dream Factory of Somewhere
Type of Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting
March 16, 2013
11:00 am
Hotel Louisville -- Louisville, KY
I. Call to Order Called to order at 11:00 am by Mary Jones,
Area Coordinator
Time and Who Presided
II. Members (To determine quorum) Always First and Last names!!
Mary Jones, Annie Hall and Jane Doe
Mike Young, Ken Smith
Rodger Parks, Parks Pizza Place
Note in minutes the reason for guest attendance
III. Review of Previous Minutes A motion should be made to accept minutes;
changes, if any should be noted, and result of vote indicated
A motion was made to accept the minutes from the February 10, 2013
meeting by Annie Hall with the following change: Change the date from
February 10, 2012 to February 10, 2013. Seconded by Jane Doe. The
motion passed unanimously.
IV. Committee Reports
A. Dreams Child’s first and last name, age, illness, dream request, and
decision regarding application should be noted in minutes.
Diane Adams, 5, cystic fibrosis, central Florida -- Motion made by
Jane Doe to grant dream, seconded by Annie Hall. Approved
Bill Bunger, 10, autism, shopping spree -- Motion made by Annie Hall
not to grant dream because the child does not qualify due to no other
qualifying illness. Autism alone does not qualify. Seconded by Jane
Doe. Unanimously agreed – dream will not be granted.
IV. Committee Reports: (Cont’d)
Fundraising Who, what, when, where and why of events should be noted
Roger Parks, Founder and Owner of Parks Pizza Place , a chain of 25
pizzeria restaurants in Somewhere, presented an opportunity for a
fundraiser to assist our chapter. For the month of May any customer
with a pre-printed coupon with “Dough for Dreams” printed on it will
receive 10% off on the price of their pizza and The Dream Factory of
Somewhere will receive $1 for each pizza sold with a coupon. Annie Hall
made a motion to proceed with the “Dough for Dreams” fundraiser, Jane
Doe seconded. Motion was approved unanimously.
Finance Financial report should be approved by members of board and
attached as part of the minutes.
Jane Doe gave the financial report. She reported an ending cash balance
of $5,000 as of February 28. Mary Jones made a motion to accept the
Financial Report, Annie Hall seconded. Motion was approved.
Volunteers or other committees Any information that should be made part
of the chapter’s records or available for future use or documentation)
V. Old Business Any items or discussions which were discussed previously
VI. New Business New items or discussions that should be documented.
VII. Other One-time announcements, details of next meeting, etc.
Next board meeting scheduled for April 15, 2013 at 11:00 am,
Hotel Louisville
VIII. Adjournment Time and by whom
A motion was made to adjourn by Jane Doe, Annie Hall seconded.
All approved. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm
Submitted by
Jane Doe, Secretary
Electing Officers, Board Members
Determination and/or changes in area served
Acceptance of previous minutes, financial
Approval/Denial of Dreams
Approval/Denial of Fundraisers
Approval/Denial of Expenditure of Money
Approval/Denial of Program Activities for past
Dream Recipients/Families
This is not an all-inclusive list
The motion is clearly and accurately
The person’s first and last name
making the motion is documented
A second for the motion is made
and the person seconding a motion
is documented with first and last
The vote is recorded
passed (ie: unanimous; 6-5, one
failed (unanimous; 5-6, one
Dreams are reported in the month in which they
are completed – Not in the month in which they
are completely paid.
Additional costs which have been paid after a
dream has occurred can be reported in the
following month(s).
When additional costs are reported continue to
list the date in which the dream is completed.
If there is a Central Florida dream, indicating if it
is a GKTW dream would be helpful.
The city and state listed on the report is for the
residence of the recipient and is required for the
CFC application.
The Dream number should be the actual dream
count for your chapter for the duration of its
existence. (Not, for example, 2013-06)
All In-kind donations are looked at in
the same way as cash by the IRS and
any other donor –
The vast majority of our in-kind
donations are used to assist with
dream expenses.
In-kind reporting is required by the
Write a letter to the donor
requesting the value.
If there is no response, research
the item to determine the fair
market value.
Send a thank-you letter to the
donor for tax purposes indicating
the value the donor gave for the
item or the fair market value.
Copies of these letters should be
saved just like any other
donation letter.
October 24, 2013
Item Donated: ___________________________________
Declared Value: __________________________________
Because we are required to report the donation of goods and
services, please indicate or estimate the value of your contribution to
The Dream Factory and fax a copy of this letter to our office. (Fax:
Because you received no goods or services in exchange for your
contribution, it is tax deductible according to the Internal Revenue
Service. Please consult with a professional tax advisor regarding
deductibility of this contribution. For your records, The Dream
Factory is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, tax ID #611140044.
Dear NAME:
On behalf of the children served by The Dream Factory and the members of the
Board of Directors of The Louisville chapter, please accept my sincere thanks for
your willingness to donate 20 pizzas valued at $200 for our Holiday Party. We
consider ourselves to be quite fortunate to benefit from your generosity. And, on
behalf of the children who were at our party and enjoyed all the food, a second
heartfelt thanks!
Sincerely yours,
Michele P. Finn
Director of Development
Because The Dream Factory is classified as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization
by the Internal Revenue Service (FEIN 61-1140044) and you received no goods or
services for your contribution, it is tax deductible. We suggest that you consult
your tax advisor for specific instructions regarding the deduction of this
(This last paragraph for tax purposes should be removed if the donor was sent the
request for value form and returned it with the value indicated.)