Le Conditionnel Review of irregular and regular conditional verbs What is it? The conditional is used to express what would happen if given certain events or actions For example, if you would go biking only if the weather were nice, you would use the conditional tense in the following way: S’il faisait beau, je ferais du velo. If the weather is nice, I would go biking. Regular Conditional Stems The conditional of regular verbs is formed using the infinitive form, and adding the respective conditional ending Note that for ‐re regular verbs, the final ‐e from the infinitive ending is dropped before adding the conditional ending For example, the infinitive form of “to eat” is manger, thus the conditional stem is manger Irregular Conditional Stems Irregular conditional stems are from memorization, and are in the following chart. Verb Stem Verb Stem Etre (to be) Ser- Pouvoir (can) Pourr- Avoir (to have) Aur- Vouloir (to want) Voudr- Aller (to go) Ir- Devoir (must) Devr- Venir (to come) Viendr- Savoir ( to know) Saur- Faire (to do) Fer- Apercevoir (to perceive) Apercevr- Envoyer (to send) Enverr- Recevoir (to receive) Recevr- Conditional Endings Conditional verb endings are the same as imparfait endings. They are shown in the following table: Je -ais Nous -ions Tu -ais Vous -iez Il/Elle -ait Ils/Elles -aient “If…then” Sentences Using “Si” you can use the conditional to create if…then sentences. For example, “if you didn’t go to school, then you wouldn’t have a job” would be: Si tu n’allais pas au l’ecole, tu n’aurais pas un travail. Practice Match each verb to the correct pronoun Je Voudrions Nous Mangeraient Vous Devrais Il Regarderiez Elles Finirait Conditional Jeopardy 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 Finish Conditional Jeopardy What is the correct conjugation of the following verb for the matching pronoun? Nous (manger) une pomme. Nous mangerions une pomme Conditional Jeopardy What is the correct conjugation of the following verb for the matching pronoun? Tu (Vivre) au France. Tu vivrais au France Conditional Jeopardy What is the correct conjugation of the following verb for the matching pronoun? Ils (Avoir) un chien Ils auraient un chien Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence and conjugate to fit in the sentence Elle_______du camping Elle ferait du camping Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence and conjugate to fit in the sentence Vous_______au Quebec Vous iriez au Quebec ou Vous voyageriez au Quebec Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence and conjugate to fit in the sentence S’ils gagnaient, ils _______hereux S’ils gagnaient, ils seraient heruex Conditional Jeopardy Choose the right verb for the pronoun: Je (mangerais/mangerait/mangeraient) Je mangerais Conditional Jeopardy Choose the right verb for the pronoun: Nous (devrions/devrait/devraient) Nous devrions Conditional Jeopardy Choose the right verb for the pronoun: Elles (pourrais/pourrait/pourraient) Elles pourraient Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence, and conjugate it to match the pronoun Il ______ s'il avait faim. Il mangerait s'il avait faim. Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence, and conjugate it to match the pronoun Si nous étudions, nous _____ plus intelligents. Si nous étudions, nous serions plus intelligents. Conditional Jeopardy Choose a verb that fits the sentence, and conjugate it to match the pronoun Si j’avais soif, je ______ l’eau Si j’avais soif, je boirais l’eau. Recap Conditional tense is used to express what would happen Regular verbs use the full verb as the stem, with the exception of –re verbs. Irregular verbs use their respective verb stems Endings are the same as the imparfait endings.