Social and Personality Development Exam #1 Study Guide children

Social and Personality Development
Exam #1 Study Guide
children in medieval times were treated as….
primary function of schooling during the 17th and 18th centuries
theorists believe what about the relationship between biology and experience?
When was adolescence recognized as a distinct phase of life
Characteristics of a good scientific theory
passivity orientation vs an activity orientation
reliability vs validity
advantages and disadvantages of interviews and questionnaires
observational method/ structured interview/ clinical method/ case study method
psychophysiological methods
an important limitation of all correlational studies
an experiment/. naturalistic observation
the id/ ego/ superego/ fixation
Erikson believed that the main developmental crisis of the first year was…
Erickson: a person who fails to successfully resolve life's final crisis will feel …
Zone of proximal development
What theory proposes that the most basic purpose of emotions is to influence behavior or promote some
action toward achieving a goal?
Emotions seen first between 2 and 7 months of age
Big smiles are most likely observed when an infant…
Stranger anxiety vs separation anxiety
Infants reactions to their mothers “still faces”
Evolutionary theorists explain infants of strangers in what way? Cognitive developmentalists?
Object permanence/ social referencing/ self recognition
When does teen negative emotionality level off?
How can mothers promote their toddlers emotional understanding?
First meaningful evidence of children’s attempts to regulate their emotions
Watson's experiment with little Albert demonstrated what?
observational learning theory
operant learning theory
deferred imitation first appears when?
social-learning theories
Why was Jean Piaget so interested in incorrect answers that children made?
How is symbolic understanding shown in young children?
sensitive periods in development
criticism of evolutionary theories
heritability of specific traits can be assessed in what way?
The Bailey studies of homosexuality found what level of heritability for sexual orientation?
identical twins studies show what regarding mental illnesses such as schizophrenia?
active genotype-environment correlations
separated identical twins show many resemblances- why?
Sandra Scarr's notion that parenting need only be "good enough"
Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model
Microsystem/macrosystem/ exosystem/ mesosystem
Vygotsky focused more than Piaget did on…
zone of proximal development describes…
functionalist perspective on emotions
emotions first seen between 2 and 7 months of age
raised-cheek (or big) smiles
Infants' reactions to their mothers' "still faces"
early "fears" associated with infant's first emotional attachment
How do evolutionary theorists explain infants' fear of strangers? Cognitive developmentalists?
self recognition as related to development of complex emotions.
What is the progression of negative emotionality among adolescents
Social referencing
How do mothers promote their toddler's emotional understanding
Early attempts by babies to regulate their emotions