Benefits of an Internship Program

Career Center
How to Hire an Intern
Daniel Newell
Program Manager
Workforce & Economic Development, 408.924.6028
Learning Outcomes
• Define an internship and the fundamentals of a successful internship
• Assess whether or not your business is ready to accommodate an intern or
internship program
• Identify and assess resources and strategies for recruiting an intern for your
internship program
• Understand unique trends of recruiting Gen Y – the Millennials
Questions You May Have…
• What is an intern?
• What are the benefits of an internship program to my business?
• Is my Business ready for an internship program?
• Do I have to pay an intern?
• I’m ready to deploy an internship program, how do I get started?
• What is a millennial? And how do I recruit one?
• What services does SJSU offer to help me develop and sustain a
successful internship program?
What is an intern?
SJSU Career Center’s Definition of an Intern
An internship is a paid or unpaid, closely monitored, highly structured, strategic, welldefined, project-related program that provides professional work experience outside of
the classroom environment. An internship merges academic, personal development
and career exploration in one. Internships are typically part-time and can last three or
more months but can also last for several years. Although interns are typically
learners/trainees, an internship will combine academic and real world experiences
providing meaningful, professional work assignments which meet the intern’s learning
goals and objectives.
What are the benefits of an internship program to my business?
Benefits of an Internship Program
• Giving back
• Training the Next Gen workforce
• Creating a pipeline of potential candidates
for continued employment opportunities
with your company
• Marketing/branding of your company
• Diversify work environment, gain new ideas
and trends – boost morale
Is my business ready for an internship program?
Fundamentals of an internship program
Provided mentoring
Project-based work
Welcoming and supportive environment
Treatment as part of the team
Access to a professional network
Periodic performance evaluations
Remember, an internship is a LEARNING
Do I have to pay an intern?
The Six Prong Test – to pay or not to pay an intern aka “Trainee”
1. The training, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is
similar to that which would be given in an educational environment;
2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;
3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of
existing staff;
4. The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the
activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;
5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship; and
6. The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the
time spent in the internship.
In exchange of not having to pay your trainee/intern, you become an extension of the
classroom. For flexibility, pay your intern at least a minimum wage.
Do I have to pay an intern?
In exchange of not having to pay your trainee/intern, you become an extension of the
classroom and provide extensive supervision and limited advantages. For flexibility, pay
your intern at least a minimum wage.
I’m ready to deploy an internship program, how do I get started?
Getting Started
Assign a point-person to oversee the intern/internship program
Identify a series of projects appropriate for an intern to work on or shadow
Create space and identify how an intern will work as part of your team
** Create a internship/job description
** Create a performance evaluation process and documentation
** Develop a recruitment strategy
I’m ready to deploy an internship program, how do I get started?
Creating an Internship/Job Description
• About the company/internship (entice the reader!!! History, products/services,
what makes it different, work environment, summary of the experience etc – what’s
your brand?)
• Responsibilities/Commitment (including time commitment)
• Desired skills/qualifications
• Learning outcomes
• Compensation
• How to apply
I’m ready to deploy an internship program, how do I get started?
What to Consider in an Performance Evaluation
Use areas from your Internship/Job description to identify core areas, functions
and skills to evaluate
Include soft-skills (critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal skills, team
work, etc.)
Provide solutions to areas in need of continued professional development
Consider providing continuous support and feedback throughout the experience and
provide professional development opportunities.
I’m ready to deploy an internship program, how do I get started?
Developing a Recruitment Strategy
Through what educational institutions will seek to recruit interns?
• High Schools
• Career Technical Education (CTE) schools/programs
• Community and government orgs
• Community Colleges
• Universities
To successfully recruit from these sources, you must know WHO you’re recruiting…
What is a millennial? How do I recruit one?
What is a Millennial?
Definition of a Millennial
The Millennial generation is often
identified as the generation of individuals
born between 1980 – 2000, also known as
Generation Y or Generation Me. Often
noted for being the most connected and
educated generation.
What is a Millennial?
Millennial Experiences
Election of first black president
Great Recession
Enhanced globalization
Integration (diversity)
Mobile devices
Civic duty/engagement
What is a Millennial?
Millennial Work Ethic
Work/Life Integration
Always “plugged-in”
Instant access/gratification
Innovation & creativity
Experts in multi-tasking
Prefers electronic communication,
including text messages
• Prefers lots of praise and feedback
• Most educated generation in history
What are some of their potential
What is a Millennial?
Your recruitment strategy can include various channels of sourcing
Job boards/classifieds
Job/Internship fairs
Networking events
Contract recruiters
What services does SJSU offer?
SJSU Resources
• No Cost Services:
o SpartaJobs
o Drop-in Interviews
• Fee-Based-Services:
o SJSU Spartan Staffing
o Job/Internship Fairs
o Information Sessions
o Sponsorship opportunities
What services does SJSU offer?
What services does SJSU offer?
SJSU Spartan Staffing:
What services does SJSU offer?
What services does SJSU offer?
• Access to 16,000+ current SJSU students and alumni
• Invest in a staffing service that gives back to education, funding more programs for
student professional growth and development
• Receive customized job matching and student/alumni referral
• Increase your ROI and bottom line by allowing us to take care of the entire recruitment
process (HR, payroll, recruitment, employee relations, branding, brand awareness, etc.)
What services does SJSU offer?
Assess, develop, deploy!
Contact SJSU if we can be of assistance:
Daniel Newell
Program Manager
Workforce & Economic Development