Dangerous Reading: The Eighteenth-Century Novel in England and France Professors Frank and Rosbottom Fall 2010: English 48/European Studies 36/ French 62 Office hours: Frank, Johnson Chapel 12, MW 3:30-4:30, jefrank@amherst.edu Rosbottom, Converse 214, T2-4, Th2-3, rcrosbottom@amherst.edu Required reading (texts available at Amherst Books or The Option; please buy these editions, so we’re all on the same page): 1. Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders, ed. Albert J. Rivero (Norton) 2. Abbé Prévost, Manon Lescaut (Oxford) 3. Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, ed. Sheila Ortiz Taylor (Signet) 4. Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, (Oxford) 5. Maria Edgeworth, Belinda (Oxford) 6. Isabelle de Charrière, Letters of Mistress Henley, Published by Her Friend (MLA) One of either (but you have permission to read both, if you wish), for final discussion of the Gothic: 7a. Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey (Oxford) 7b. Sade, The Misfortunes of Virtue (Oxford) OR 8. There are also course e-reserves, available on the CMS course site, for which you will be billed for copyright fees. Requirements: A. One take-home exam, due Friday, Oct. 1, at 4 pm (20% of final grade) B. One paper, 5-6 pages, due Friday, Nov. 12 at 4 pm (25%) C. Final paper, 8-10 pages, due Tuesday, Dec. 21, at noon (40%) D. Three (3) commentaries (15%), due by midnight the night before assigned class, posted on Blackboard. NB: Unapproved late commentaries will not be considered. Due dates are designated by alphabetical order, dividing the class into two. *** This is a large class, but we expect excellent attendance (we know when you don’t come), and participation (we know when you don’t raise your hand). Borderline grades, e.g., “shall I give her a B+ or an A-?,” will be influenced by these factors. Late work, without prior permission, will be accepted, but graded down appropriately. Finally, we will expect all work to be submitted to us on-line as WORD documents, appropriately formatted. We will comment on-line and return the work to you that way. So, learn how to submit attachments in Word, and BACK UP your work. Computer crashes will not be accepted as excuses for late work. Speaking of computers: no computers in class, please. And please turn your phone off before class begins. SYLLABUS *on e-reserves Part I: Reading and Criminality I. Sept. 8 Introduction: Is reading still dangerous? II. Sept. 13 Moll Flanders; Watt*; 18th-c. London (visit by Prof. Hunt) Sept. 15 Moll Flanders; Laqueur* III. Sept. 20 Moll Flanders; Davis* COMMENTARY, A- L (subject on Blackboard site) Due midnight before class Sept. 22 Manon Lescaut; Darnton* IV. Sept. 27 Manon Lescaut; Godineau* COMMENTARY, M-Z Due midnight before class Sept. 29 Manon Lescaut; *Tanner TAKE-HOME EXAM due by 4 pm, Friday, Oct. 1 Part II: Dangerous Letters V. Oct. 4 “Painting Intimacy” (Rosbottom on French art) Oct. 3 Clarissa; Beebee* VI. Oct. 11 fall break Oct. 13 Clarissa VII. Oct. 18 Clarissa; Diderot* COMMENTARY, A-L Due midnight before class Oct. 20 Clarissa VIII. Oct. 25 Liaisons Dangereuses (re-read Beebee*) Oct. 27 Liaisons Dangereuses IX. COMMENTARY, M-Z Due midnight before class Nov. 1 Liaisons Dangereuses; Laclos* Nov. 3 Liaisons Dangereuses; Hellman* Part III: The Dangers of Marriage X. Nov. 8 Art of Britain (Lizzie Barker, Mead Art Museum) Nov. 10 Belinda XI. PAPER DUE by 4 pm, Friday, Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Belinda Nov. 17 Belinda COMMENTARY, A-L Due midnight before class Thanksgiving Break (give thanks for the break) XII. Nov. 29 writing workshop, led by Prof. Frank Nov. 30 Letters of Mistress Henley XIII. Dec. 6 Dec. 8 COMMENTARY, M-Z Due midnight before class Letters of Mistress Henley/Northanger Abbey Northanger Abbey/Misfortunes of Virtue; Miles* XIV. Dec. 13 Dec. 15 Misfortunes of Virtue; Botting* Conclusion: Do you feel safer about reading now? FINAL PAPER DUE by 2 pm, Tuesday, Dec. 21