Year 9 Earthquakes and plate tectonics revision PowerPoint

Year 9
Restless Earth
Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics
Revision PowerPoint
Revise Earthquakes and restless earth
using your exercise books, this
PowerPoint, Doddle, relevant sections of
BBC Bitesize and learn on the internet
geography websites:
The Earth is divided into 4 layers
Outer (Liquid) core
Inner (Solid) Core
• Make sure you can describe and label the
features of the 4 layers...
Very thin solid “Skin”
that we live on. As thin
as 8 km in places. The
crust is split into plates
that “Float” on the
5500-6000 Degrees Celsius. Iron
and Nickel. 1260 Km thick. Solid
due to the pressure.
Liquid Iron and Nickel. 2220 Km
Forms about half the earth. Solid
nearer the surface, but hot and soft
nearer the core.
The Earth gets hotter towards the centre!
The Earth is densest at the inner core!
Layer 1 - The Crust
• The top layer of the earth – it’s surface its about 5 to
70 km’s deep
• Its like an orange!
• The crust is made up of plates – 12 in total
• The plates sit in a layer called the lithosphere
• But they don’t quiet fit
together and are
always moving around
• This means that they
are rubbing against
each other, into each
other, over each other
or away from each
Layer 2 – The Mantle
• The plates are moved around as they are
powered from the Mantle
• The mantle is about 3000 km’s deep
• Its consists of semi-molten rock and liquid
• The energy produces
convection currents because it
is over 3000 degrees celsius.
• This causes the plates to
• Its like orange peel in a bowl
of moving water.
Layer 3 & 4 – The Core
• The outer core is 1300 km’s in
depth and consists of semi
liquid molten metal
• It is between 4000 – 5000
• The Core is made up of 2 parts
• The inner and outer core
• The inner core is 800 km in depth
and 6000 degrees celsius.
• The two parts are cause of the
magnetic field
This video clip compares the earth to a
The earth’s
crust is
divided into
The plates “float” on
the Mantle. They
move. They are
dragged along by
convection currents
in the mantle.
Plate boundaries are
where the different
plates meet.
The red dots are Active volcanoes
Volcanoes and 98%
of earthquakes
occur along the
plate boundaries
__ Tectonic Plate boundaries
There are 4 types of Plate
The names we used for them are:
Make sure you can describe and explain each one.
Ensure you can explain how they cause earthquakes
and volcanoes.
Constructive Plate Boundary
From geog1
Destructive Plate Boundary
From geog1
Conservative Plate Boundary
This type of plate boundary occurs in California, USA where the North American and Pacific
plates slide past each other. The example there is known as the San Andreas fault.
It explains why Los Angeles and San Francisco experience earthquakes.
From geog1
Collision Plate Boundary
This type of plate boundary creates mountains for example the Himalayas where the
Indo-Australian plate is colliding with the Eurasian plate.
This causes earthquakes in India and China.
From geog1
Where is New Zealand?
How do plate boundaries effect New Zealand
North Island
New Zealand
Why do the plate boundaries cause
problems for New Zealand?
• New Zealand 7 August 2012
• New Zealand 23 December 2012
What might be happening in New Zealand
The Indo Australian plate is being forced under the
South Island of New Zealand.
The Pacific Plate is being forced under the North Island.
Thesea are destructive Plate boundaries.
Destructive Plate Boundaries
Make sure you can
explain how a
destructive plate
boundary causes
earthquakes and
Earthquakes are the
“Shaking of the earth’s crust caused by
rock movement”.
You need to be able explain the keywords, explain how earthquakes are measured, explain how
earthquakes occur and describe and explain a real earthquake by using a case study. You alos
need to be able to explain how we try to reduce the effects of earthquakes.
• Magnitude
How strong an earthquake is
• Focus
The place deep inside the earth
where the rocks are moving and
gives way
• Richter Scale
The scale on which the strength
of an earthquake is measured
• Aftershock
Smaller earthquakes after the
main large earthquake.
• Seismometer
An instrument used to measure
the strength of the
• Epicentre
The point at the surface directly
above the focus
Richter Scale
The Richter Scale
A scale used to record the magnitude of earthquakes.
Detected by seismometers,
but people there won’t even
certain there has been an
Windows shatter and break
Light fittings sway and
ornaments fall off shelves.
Major catastrophe
Buildings damaged, walls
crumble, windows break,
signs fall off shops
Richter scale no.
No. of
Typical effects of this magnitude
earthquakes per
< 3.4
800 000
Detected only by seismometers
3.5 - 4.2
30 000
Just about noticeable indoors
4.3 - 4.8
4 800
Most people notice them, windows rattle.
4.9 - 5.4
Everyone notices them, dishes may break,
open doors swing.
5.5 - 6.1
Slight damage to buildings, plaster
cracks, bricks fall.
6.2 6.9
Much damage to buildings: chimneys fall,
houses move on foundations.
7.0 - 7.3
Serious damage: bridges twist, walls
fracture, buildings may collapse.
7.4 - 7.9
Great damage, most buildings collapse.
> 8.0
One every 5 to 10 years
Total damage, surface waves seen,
objects thrown in the air.
Why is California at risk?
Why is Kobe in Japan at risk?
Watch these video clips
Now look at the maps on the next slideIt’s all to do with the North American plate
and Pacific plate moving together at different
Look at these two
The San Andreas
Fault runs along a
conservative plate
The North
plate moves
at 3cm per
The Pacific
plate moves
at 5cm per
It’s as if one of the plates is
remaining still. As they slide past
each other, they get locked
together. Enormous pressure
builds up. The rock eventually
gives way and the plates lurch
forward. The energy released is
felt as an earthquake.
Therefore California is at risk,
so what happened in 1994?
Think about your radio news scripts.
Be ready to describe with evidence
what happened.
The Northridge, Los Angeles earthquake
occurred at 4:31 a.m. local time on January 17,
1994. Northridge is located about 30 km
northwest of Los Angeles. This earthquake had
a 6.9 magnitude. The duration was about 10
seconds to 20 seconds.
The number of fatalities in the
Northridge earthquake was 57. About
1500 people were injured. The fact
that the earthquake occurred at 4:31
a.m. minimized the death toll.
The Northridge earthquake caused extensive damage to parking structures and freeway
overpasses (Motor way bridges and fly overs) For example, a section of the Antelope Valley
Freeway collapsed onto the Golden State Freeway south of Newhall. Also, a section of the
Santa Monica Freeway in West Los Angeles collapsed.
In addition, a 2500-car parking garage at the California State University at Northridge
collapsed. This structure was about 3 km away from the epicenter.
Furthermore, the Northridge earthquake triggered landslides in the Santa Susana
Mountains, Santa Monica Mountains, and western San Gabriel Mountains. These landslides
damaged homes, blocked roads and damaged water lines.
Year 9 Earthquakes
Haiti 12 January 2010
Where is
Why is it at
Haiti Earthquake!
1653hrs Tuesday 12 January 2010
• Magnitude 7 on the Richter scale
• At least 52 aftershocks within 24
• An estimated three million people
were affected by the quake
• 230,000 people killed.
• 300,000 injured
• 1,000,000 homeless.
• 250,000 homes destroyed.
• 30,000 business premises
Key facts to
use in a
case study!
Reducing the Effects of earthquakes
We try to prepare for natural disasters by predicting where and when they might occur,
planning for the disaster and taking long and short term actions to help us prepare and
cope with them.
You will need to use your mind maps about Predict, Plan & Act during our revision lesson
and during the homework clubs to recap our discussions, but the next slides will help.
Can we Predict Earthquakes?
In Turkey scientists have
been trying…
But is it accurate
Why can’t we use
to save lives in the
From 44mins 25s
short term?
Can we protect our transport links and
• What would be required to earthquake proof
the infrastructure in an area close to a plate
• Why would this be hard for some LICs?
What can engineers do to reduce the
effects of earthquakes?
• Mexico City “Torre major” (From Time 17 mins 20s)
Earthquake proof homes?
Reducing the effects of earthquakes
• Earthquake Resistant Buildings - These are built with deep foundations
with rubber shock absorbers and concrete reinforced with steel. They are
designed to twist and sway, have sprinkler systems and gas cut off valves.
These could be expensive and may require high levels of engineering skill
to build.
• Emergency Plans - These are drawn up, and supplies such as bottled
water, medicines, tinned food etc are stockpiled by individuals or the local
authorities. LICs and the citizens of poorer countries may not be able to
afford to make plans or have stores of food and water to distribute when
disaster strikes.
• Earthquake Drills - These are held to practise what to do in the event of an
earthquake taking place such as the one held in Japan on September 1st
every year when the population of Japan practise what to do if an
earthquake occurs. Children in California in the USA are taught a “Drop,
Cover and Hold on” drill to follow. Practise drills and education cost money
that nor all LICs may be able to afford to provide.
Bridges, power stations, medical
facilities, building regulations,
emergency kits, practice drills,
warning systems, earthquake advice
Tiltmeters, falling water levels, radon gas,
foreshocks and animal behaviour.
Reducing the
effects of
Building Regulations, Checking bridges, Educating the populations about what to do,
Emergency kits and Personal planning.