Notes-Understanding Growth & Development Meiosis

Notes-Understanding Growth & Development
Meiosis – Formation of Gametes
The Human Reproductive System
Reproduction Strategies
-Which system influences production of gametes?
-1 characteristic of all living things:
-Why is this important?
-Ensures what?
-2 Main categories of reproductive strategies:
-3 Methods of asexual reproduction:
 3 Advantages:
 Disadvantage:
-2 Methods of sexual reproduction:
 Advantage:
 Disadvantage:
Formation of Gametes
-Define gametes:
-What is diploid?
-What cells are diploid?
-What is haploid?
-What cells are haploid?
-What is meiosis?
-How many cycles of division to make haploid cells?
-What is Meiosis I?
-What is Meiosis II?
-What cells do not do meiosis?
-What precedes mitosis & meiosis?
Meiosis I
-Prophase I
-How many cells at end of Meiosis I?
-What types of cells at end of Meiosis I?
-Compare new cells to parent:
Meiosis II
-What happens after Cytokinesis I?
-Types of cells at end of Cytokinesis II:
Importance of Meiosis
-Allows for:
-Basis of:
-Genetic variation is foundation of:
Male Reproduction
-Puberty starts:
-Triggered by:
Steps of puberty:
1. Hypothalamus signals pituitary gland to release FSH
(follicle stimulating hormone)
2. FSH travels through circulatory system to testes
3. FSH triggers luteinizing hormone (LH) to trigger specialized
cells to make testosterone
4. Testosterone triggers:
-Male gametes:
-Formation of sperm:
-Define follicles:
-# sperm per follicle
-Length of meiosis:
Female Reproduction
-Define oogenesis:
-When does meiosis start?
-At what phase do they go dormant?
-1 follicle will produce:
Steps of puberty (10-14 years old):
1. Hypothalamus signals pituitary gland to release FSH
(follicle stimulating hormone)
2. FSH travels through circulatory system to ovaries
3. FSH triggers luteinizing hormone (LH) to trigger the rest of
meiosis in one follicle
4. Estrogen and progesterone are also secreted to support
growth of uterine lining
5. If the ovum is not fertilized, it and the uterine lining are
shed; this is menstruation
-Define zygote:
-What triggers forming of placenta?
-Function placenta-Function umbilical cord-Function amniotic sac-
Cell Differentiation
-How does zygote grow to become embryo?
-What controls cell differentiation?