Changes to Federal Grants and Single Audits – The New OMB Uniform Guidance – Exceptions Granted and Implementation Thursday, September 3, 2015 | 12:30-4 p.m. ET | 3 CPEs | 3 CPIM (pending approval) Location: Rhodes Tower (Downtown) 30 E. Broad Street – 10th Floor, Columbus A driver’s license or state ID is required. Cost: Free to Members, $30 for Non-members Registration: Description: Are you prepared for the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) new “Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards”, also known as the Super‐Circular or Uniform Guidance? This rule supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circulars A‐ 87, A‐21, A‐122, A‐102, A‐110, A‐89, A‐133, and parts of A‐50. This session will cover: o An overview of the significant changes made, and the effective dates of such changes o Exceptions granted by OMB to various federal agencies (thereby creating several different versions of the Uniform Guidance) o Implementation of the Uniform Guidance Speakers: Kelly Berger-Davis, Kelly is a Quality Assurance and Technical Specialist in the Center for Audit Excellence Division of the Ohio Auditor of State’s Office. She has held various other positions as well in her 17 years with the Auditor’s office, ranging from intern to Senior Audit Manager in the West Regional Office. Kelly’s areas of specialty include federal grants and community schools. Kelly has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the Bowling Green State University. She is an active member of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Association of Government Accountants (AGA), serving on the Executive Committee as Vice President. Kelly also serves on the single audit committee for the National State Auditors Association (NSAA), and represents the Ohio Auditor’s Office twice annually at the Single Audit Roundtable meeting. Brian Mosier, CPA, Brian is a Principal with Clark Schaefer Hackett’s Government Services Group. He enjoys helping state and local governments to operate more effectively and efficiently. He has performed audits and consulting work for state agencies, counties, cities, school districts, villages and townships. Brian has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Ohio University. He currently serves as Regional Vice President – Elect for the Association of Government Accountants, Co-Treasurer for the Central Ohio Chapter of the AGA, Member of the Government Finance Officers Association’s Special Review Committee for the CAFR Program, and sits on the Advisory Council for the Ohio University School of Accountancy. Please Note: Registration deadline is Noon on Thursday, August 27, 2015. Please register early because seats are limited. If registered in Eventbrite, you will receive a confirmation email from Central Ohio AGA. Member discount is subject to membership verification. For additional information visit: Cancellation Reminder: If you pre-register and find that you are unable to attend, PLEASE notify the Chair, at at least 2 days prior to the event. For information on upcoming AGA events, or for additional information regarding the Central Ohio AGA organization, please visit our website at: .