File - American Studies

The triumph of American Industry!
• Background:
– Gilded Age
– 2nd American Revolution
Worried critics decry the
similarities between the
corruption-laden late 19thcentury American Gilded Age
and the crony capitalism of
Factors leading to industrialization
• Civil War
– First “modern war.”
• Steel, rails, cannons.
• The war forces the North to Industrialize.
• Industrialization receives support from the public,
congress, the Supreme Court and the media!
Factors leading to industrialization
• Agricultural Revolution
– Productivity increases
• Technology to make up for smaller workforce.
– steel plow, mechanical reaper, grain elevators.
» With this technology farmers can feed urban centers and
a new market is opened up:
• The farm implement market.
Factors leading to industrialization
• Key natural resources located in convenient
– Coal, iron-ore, copper, timber
Factors leading to industrialization
• Technological Advancements
– Telephone, electric lights, internal combustion..
Factors leading to industrialization
• Large Labor Force
– USA Population 1870: 38.5 Million
– USA Population 1890: 76 Million
• Population increases through immigration and
child bearing.
– 12 million immigrants come to America between
Factors leading to industrialization
• Rapidly Expanding Markets
– Increased demand for industrial goods.
• Domestic and Foreign Markets expand!
• Steel is king!
Factors leading to industrialization
• Capital
– Capital is financial investment into an industry.
• Capital is provided by:
– Individuals—American and Foreign
» Americans save and invest 13% of their income
– US government
– Banks
Factors leading to industrialization
• Great Managerial Skills
– Related to outstanding education and literacy*
*as compared with the rest of the world
Factors leading to industrialization
• America avoids any foreign war (1865-1898)
– Very little is spent on national defense.
**All these factors come together at the right time
leading to an explosion in national economic
output! Now read pp. 169-172. Be prepared for an
open notes quiz tomorrow!
Open Notes Quiz. 1/29
• Create a poem, rap or song which identifies
the significance of four of the 9 of the
factors which led to American
Industrialization (1865-1900).
• Work independently, quietly and using YOUR
notes—no electronic devices
• When you finish, start reading 169-175.
take notes, feel free to annotate in the
Open Notes Quiz-reading
pp. 169-175 Zinn
• 1. Identify 4 inventions or innovations that
occurred during this time period.
• 2. What happened in Rock Springs Wyoming in
• 3. Why were “efficient businessmen of the late
nineteenth century sometimes called “Robber
Case Studies:
1. Cornelius Vanderbilt
2. Gustavus Swift
3. James Duke
4. F.W. Woolworth
5. Gail Borden
Why Is Vanderbilt Significant?
1. “Rags to Riches” Story
2. Shipping—Ships and Railroads
3. minimize costs, maximize profits
4. Monopoly
– Foreshadows new business ethic
– Undersell, buy out, raise prices
• 5.Established Vanderbilt University, 1877
Why is Gustavus Swift Significant?
1. Meat Packing genius
2. Railroad
3. Industrialized meat packing
4f. Known for 3 important trends:
– Uniformity
– Specialization
– Integrated large scale industry
• “economy of scale”
Why is Gail Borden Significant?
• 1. Recognizes the need for portable
– Meat Biscuit  #nasty
• 2. Condensing
– Borden Condensed Milk Company
– Infant mortality
• 3. Mobility
James Duke?
• 1. 1880’s- American Tobacco Co.
• 2. Cigarette
– Ideal industrialzed society vice
• 3. Advertizing
– Cigarette cards
– Green Stamps
• 1. 1890’S-”5 and Dime Store”
• 2. Display, Impulse, quantity over quality
• 3. 1913-builds the tallest building in the
• 4. Creates the model for modern stores:
– JC Penny's, Sears, Wal-mart
Significance of Industrialization
• 1. Redefines supply and demand.
– Excessive market power by corporations.
• Monopolies (horizontal, vertical, bi-lateral)
• 2. Destroys classical American Individualism.
– Individual is deemphasized
– Harder to break out of poverty
Significance, continued
• 3. Creates new trends toward discipline and
– Decrease in:
• Leisure time, traditions, creativity, Pride in work, quality
of products.
– Increase in:
• Discipline, Order, Inculcation education, Boredom,
Alcoholism, Savings (economical and emotional),
Middle Class*
• John Harvey Kellogg
Significance continued…
• 4. The Populist and Progressive movements
– Organized labor movement
– Push back on Industry…..