Environmental Policy - Currituck County Schools

Chapter 21
Pop Quiz 21
1.What agency enforces the Clean Air Act?
2.What device was supposed to make
smokestacks cleaner?
3.On what date (m/d/y) was the 1st Earth Day
4.What pool of money pays for environmental
clean-up caused by corporations?
5.What book by Rachel Carson led to the banning
of the pesticide DDT?
6.Name an environmental disaster that was
polarized by the media.
Copyright © 2011 Cengage
Environmental Policy: What is it?
• Any course of action deliberately taken, or
not taken, to manage human activities.
• Prevents, reduces, or mitigates harmful
effects on nature and natural resources by
• Very controversial: Which is a priority—
• People or Places?
• Jobs or Animals?
• Protection or Affordability?
What's the BIG Deal?
There are 4 main reasons why Environmental
Policy is so controversial:
 Every government policy creates winners & losers
 Issues are debated by scientific uncertainty
 Most controversial measures take form of
Entrepreneurial Politics
 Environmental Policy of the federal government
impacts the states and other nations
• Clean Air & Water Acts
• The Kyoto Protocol (1997)
Environmental Politics
• Entrepreneurial: Controlling pollution by
corporations (All benefit, corp. pays)
• Majoritarian Politics: Reducing air
pollution cost caused by automobiles
(Everyone benefits, everyone pays)
• Interest Group Politics: Mediating
issues over Acid Rain (Businesses pay,
farmers & certain industries benefit)
• Client Politics: Continuing use of
pesticides to yield more (Farmers
benefit, everyone pays)
Entrepreneurial Politics: History
• Rachael Carson’s Silent Spring highlights
dangers of pesticides.
• Oil spill in 1969 in Santa Barbara, CA
• Start of Earth Day (1st celebrated 4-22-70)
• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
created by Nixon administration in 1970.
• Congress strengthened the Clean Air Act &
the Water Quality Improvement Act (1970)
• Various laws and amendments to these acts
were passed in the 1990s
Is global warming real or a myth? Is it human
generated or cyclical? How does this impact
environmental policy in the US?
Entrepreneurial Politics: Issues
• Endangered Species Act (1973)
o forbids buying or selling of endangered
animals & plants
o Animal rights groups support and polarize
destruction and poaching…benefits
widely distributed/costs to poachers
o May be popular if it saves a symbol as a
result: Example of the bald eagle
o May be unpopular if jobs are lost as a
result: Example of spotted owl
Majoritarian Politics
Based around perspective of the costs
Low Perceived Costs: National Environmental Policy
Act (1969) required that an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) be written before any agency
undertakes an activity that affects the environment.
EIS is a report that assesses possible effects
of project on the environment.
Costs are passed on to everyone, but large
projects move forward and costs are hidden
Discuss issue of mid-county bridge
Majoritarion Politics (cont.)
High Perceived Costs: Raising taxes on
o Discourages
driving, conserves fuel &
reduces smog
o Everyone pays and everyone benefits
o Costs are greatly felt by most families
o Remains very unpopular
o Must sell an increase in the gas tax as
conferring a benefit
Majoritarian Politics: Issues
Clean Air Act (1970): imposed tough restrictions on
amount of automobile emissions
Amended from original act passed in 1963
o Smog became a huge problem in large cities
o Led to auto emissions and air quality standards
• Provision in law required states to develop land-use and
transportation rules
• Catalytic converters reduced emissions, but raised auto
prices. Leaded gasoline was phased out.
The public will support tough environmental laws when
someone else has to pay or the cost is hidden; if they
have to pay then their isn't strong support
Save the Planet!
 The legislation passed by Congress (Clean Air
Acts of 1970, 1977 & 1990) set strict time limits
that could not be met without burdening
 Results? Time tables pushed back (1990 pushed
smog timeline to 2010, then reduced the
requirement in 2010)
 Some successes in major cities have been realized
with these measures. Debate centers on which action
led to the success, though.
 How will we gauge success and how much is the
average American willing to sacrifice to “save
the planet?”
Interest Group Politics:
Acid Rain is any form of precipitation that is acidic.
• What are the sources?
• Burning fuels from steels mills and electrical power
• How did uncertainties provide support for each
• In the Northeast and East, some forests & lakes
damaged, others were not
• The Midwest argued that not all could be
blamed on smokestacks
• Transitioning to low sulfur coal was too
Interest Group Politics:
Solution? (1977)
Scrubbers (Eliminate sulfurous fumes from gas
before leaving smokestacks)
 Four Great Advantages:
1. Jobs are protected
2. Environmentalists liked them
3. Scrubber manufacturers liked idea
4. Costly, but prevent shutdowns or moving plants
Problems? (1990)
 Scrubbers didn’t work well, old factories not
fitted, created offsets and allowances, timetables
Client Politics: Agricultural Pesticides
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson caused public
outcry against the use of DDT
• In 1972, the EPA banned DDT, a common
pesticide, because it was shown to have
detrimental effects on wildlife
• Use of many pesticides make it hard for the EPA
to evaluate and remove dangerous ones.
• Many farmers advocate the continuing use of
pesticides on crops because they believe that
they have positive effects on crop yield
• Farmers are well-organized with iron triangles to
protect their use of pesticides.
Client Politics: The Superfund
Hazardous sites were found all over America
which led to the clean up of Toxic Waste
o Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),
also known as Superfund
 Signed by Carter in 1980
 Taxed chemical and petroleum industries
 Gives gov't the power to sue and person or
company that dumps waste
o Only
limited success due to lawsuits and
appellate process
Environmental Uncertainties
Difficulties of the Environmental Policy Process:
1.Identifying the problem: Some are easy but
many problems are less clear-cut.
2.Costs & Benefits: What will it take to solve
problem, who pays & how much? How big is
the threat?
3.Setting Goals: What is good enough? What
goals are realistic?
4.Achieving Goals: Issuing rules and defining
them is easy, but enforcing them is difficult.
Environmental Strategies
Command-and-Control Strategy is assumed to
achieve greatest gain with the least cost.
 improve air & water quality
 setting of detailed standards & rules
Offsets: Companies wanting to open a new plant can
do so as long as in generates a counterbalance by
reducing pollution
o Bubble Standards: Total amt. of air pollution that can
come from each factory.
o Pollution Allowances (or banks): When company
reduces pollution more than required, it can use excess
to cover future plant expansions or sell to other
companies as an offset
What’s due When?
1. Read the assignments on the blue
tiles. Take notes by headings.
2. Be working on your legislation
template. Those are due shared by
Friday at 3:00.
3. Unit 8 Test on Friday. Discuss format.
4. All books will be collected and
checked in starting on Friday.