The Reagan Revolution - Kenston Local Schools

Norton Lecture Slides
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner
Lecture Preview
President Nixon
• Vietnam and Watergate
• The End of the Golden Age
• The Rising Tide of Conservatism
• The Reagan Revolution
Ronald Reagan addressing the Republican National
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
President Nixon
 Focus Question:
What were the major policies of the
Nixon administration on social and
economic issues?
President Nixon:
Domestic Policies
Nixon’s Domestic Policies
President Nixon:
Welfare and Race
Nixon and Welfare
Nixon and Race
Map 26.1 Center of Population, 1790–2000
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Richard Nixon (on the right) and former
Alabama Governor George Wallace
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
President Nixon:
The Burger Court
The Court and Affirmative Action
President Nixon:
Sexual Revolution
The Continuing Sexual Revolution
Table 26.1 Rate of Divorce: Divorces of Existing
Marriages per 1,000 New Marriages, 1950–1980
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Figure 26.1 Median Age at First Marriage, 1947–1981
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Daryl Koehn celebrating being chosen as one of the
first group of women allowed to study at Oxford University
as a Rhodes Scholar
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
President Nixon:
Foreign Policy
Nixon and Détente
Richard Nixon at a banquet during his 1972 visit to China
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company
Vietnam and
 Focus Question:
How did Vietnam and the Watergate
scandal affect popular trust in the
Vietnam and
Watergate: Nixon’s
Nixon and Vietnam
Demonstration at Kent State University
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
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Dramatic demonstrations protesting the Vietnam War
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Vietnam and
The End of the Vietnam War
Buttons and flags for sale at a 1970s rally linking support
for the Vietnam War and patriotism
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Vietnam and
Watergate: Scandal
Vietnam and
Watergate: Nixon
Nixon’s Fall
Herbert Block’s 1973 cartoon depicting Americans’
disbelief at the Watergate scandal
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The End of the Golden
 Focus Question:
In what ways did the opportunities of
most Americans diminish in the 1970s?
The End of the Golden
Age: The Economy
The Decline of Manufacturing
Table 26.2 The Misery Index, 1970–1980
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Oil Crisis of 1973–1974
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The End of the Golden
Age: Jobs
The Beleaguered Social Compact
Labor on the Defensive
The World Trade Center under construction
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Figure 26.2 Real Average Weekly Wages, 1955–1990
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The End of the Golden
Age: Ford and Carter
Ford as President
The Carter Administration
Carter and the Economic Crisis
Map 26.2 The Presidential Election of 1976
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
President Gerald Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” program
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The deregulation of the airline industry produced lower
fares, but also a drastic decline in service.
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The 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The End of the Golden
Age: Human Rights
The Emergence of Human Rights Politics
Celebration of the signing of the 1979 peace
treaty between Israel and Egypt
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The End of the Golden
Age: Crisis
The Iran Crisis and Afghanistan
American Hostages Being Paraded
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Rising Tide of
 Focus Question:
What were the roots of the rise of
conservatism in the 1970s?
The Rising Tide of
Conservatism: Religion
The Religious Right
The Rising Tide of
Conservatism: Women’s
The Battle over the Equal Rights
The Abortion Controversy
Phyllis Schlafly campaigning against the Equal
Rights Amendment
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Doug Marlette’s cartoon commenting on the continuing
gap in pay between men and women
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A 1979 anti-abortion rally on the sixth anniversary of
Roe v. Wade
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Women demonstrating in support for abortion rights
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Rising Tide of
Conservatism: Politics
The Tax Revolt
The Election of 1980
Map 26.3 The Presidential Election of 1980
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Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A delegate to the Republican national convention
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
 Focus Question:
How did the Reagan presidency affect
Americans both at home and abroad?
The Reagan
Revolution: Freedom
Reagan and American Freedom
Reagan as a Salesman, 1958
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
Revolution: Economy
Reagan and Labor
Bethlehem Steel Works
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
A homeless Los Angeles family
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
Revolution: Jobs
The Problem of Inequality
The Second Gilded Age
Figure 26.3 Changes in Families’ Real Income,
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Nancy Reagan
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
Conservatives and Reagan
Reagan and the Cold War
Map 26.4 The United States in the Caribbean and
Central America, 1954–2004
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Hollywood joined enthusiastically in the revived
Cold War.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
Revolution: Foreign
The Iran-Contra Affair
Reagan and Gorbachev
President Reagan’s 1988 visit to Moscow
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Reagan
Reagan’s Legacy
The Election of 1988
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, Fourth Edition
The inauguration of George H. W. Bush, January 1989
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
President Nixon
Focus Question: What were the major policies of the Nixon
administration on social and economic issues?
Vietnam and Watergate
Focus Question: How did Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affect
popular trust in the government?
The End of the Golden Age
Focus Question: In what ways did the opportunities of most
Americans diminish in the 1970s?
Review Continued
The Rising Tide of Conservatism
Focus Question: What were the roots of the rise of conservatism in the
The Reagan Revolution
Focus Question: How did the Reagan presidency affect Americans
both at home and abroad?
Chapter 26
Media link
Eric Foner on the rebirth of conservatism
Eric Foner on Reagan's reshaping of the
national agenda
Eric Foner on civil liberties intertwined
with civil rights
Eric Foner on the religious right in political
Next Lecture PREVIEW:
—— Chapter 27 ——
Globalization and Its
Discontents, 1989–2000
The Post–Cold War World
A New Economy?
Culture Wars
Impeachment and the Election of 2000
Freedom and the New Century
Norton Lecture Slides
Independent and Employee-Owned
This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides
Slide Set for Chapter 26
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner