
Write the formula for the following:
◦ Lithium Iodide
◦ Potassium hydroxide
◦ Magnesium oxide
Name the following compounds:
◦ Na2O
◦ MgCl2
◦ CaSO4
 What is a binary compound?
 Definitions
of acid and base
 Strong acid/strong base - definition
 Some common household examples
of each
 What formulas may look like (start
with, end with, examples)
 Properties of acids and bases
 pH scale – How do you determine acid
or base
14 May 2014
Contains more Hydrogen ions (H+) or Hydronium
ions (H3O+) than hydroxide ions (OH-)
Formulas start with Hydrogen
pH less than 7
◦ Sour taste
◦ React with metals to produce H2
◦ Reacts with bases to produce a salt and water.
◦ Changes Phenolphthalein clear
Common Acids
◦ Acetic Acid (Vinegar)
◦ Sulfuric Acid (Battery Acid)
◦ Citric Acid (Lemon Juice/Orange Juice/Lime Juice)
Contains more hydroxide ions (OH-) than
Hydrogen ions (H+) or Hydronium ions (H3O+)
Formulas generally end in -OH
pH greater than 7
◦ Bitter taste
◦ Feel Slippery/Soapy
◦ Reacts with acids to produce a salt and water.
◦ Changes Phenolphthalein pink
Common bases
◦ Sodium Hydroxide (Drano)
◦ Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia/Antacid)
◦ Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach)
These are named just like normal
compounds that we’ve already learned
◦ NaOH – Sodium Hydroxide
◦ LiOH
◦ Ca(OH)2
There are two types of acids:
◦ Oxyacids
◦ Binary Acids
 The type of acid determines how it will
be named.
Contain Polyatomic Ions (will have more
than two elements!)
 Notice polyatomic ions generally end in
either –ate or –ite.
 If the polyatomic ends in –ate change the
–ate to –ic and add acid to the name.
◦ Ex. H2SO4
 If the polyatomic ands in –ite change the
–ite to –ous and add acid to the name
◦ Ex. HClO2
Name the following Oxyacids:
 HClO3
 H2SO3
 H2CO3
 HNO3
 Write the
formula for:
 Chlorous acid
 Sulfic acid
 Nitrous acid
 Contain ONLY
two elements!!
 Take the root word of the anion
(negative ion) and place it into the
pattern of hydro_______-ic acid
 Ex. HCl
Name the following binary acids:
Write the formula for the following binary
Hydrochloric acid
Hydrofluoric acid
 Write
the formula or name of
the following acids:
 Acetic Acid
 HNO3
 Hydrofluoric acid
 H2SO4
 Sulfous acid
 HBr
Acids exist at what pH range?
Bases have what taste?
What happens when you mix an acid and
a base?
Name the following:
◦ HCl
◦ HClO
Write the formula for the following:
◦ Hydroiodic acid
◦ Chromic acid