Beowulf Study Guide Questions

Beowulf Study Guide
Reading & Writing Guide
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1-Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.2-Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the
text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
 CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3-Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the
course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
Date Assigned
Completion Date
Quiz Score
Chapters 1-10
Chapters 11-20
Chapters 21-27
Chapters 28-35
Chapters 36-43
There will be in-class activities based on the assigned readings, so please pace your reading and annotating accordingly. Do note that you
are given in-class time to read; however, you are responsible for reading outside of class as well. Do not wait until the last minute to
complete your work. For pacing, keep up with the due dates of the study guide questions on
Study Guide Questions. While you are reading your assigned chapters, choose at least 4 questions to respond to in complete sentences
and provide textual evidence to support your answers. There will be a study guide station during your activity rotation during class. All
answers will need to be submitted to While you are not required to answer all of these questions, please be advised that any/all
of them may be used on future quizzes and tests.
1. What is the setting of the first part of this epic? What familiar story is told by the speaker in the first 12 lines of the poem/opening
of the story?
2. How was Grendel conceived (created), and where is he required to live?
3. In chapter 1, lines 23-29 what universal theme in literature is introduced for this poem?
4. Describe Grendel’s attack on Herot Hall. How long have the attacks gone on as the story opens? What time of day does Grendel
appear? What does he symbolize?
5. What is the tone in lines 44-49 and what words help to convey (express) that tone?
6. What measures did Hrothgar and his men use in their attempt to stop Grendel?
7. What part of Herot does Grendel avoid and why?
8. What element of paganism is seen in Hrothgar’s people?
9. What religion is the scop who tells this story? Find evidence in opening chapters. What religious advice does he offer?
1. How does Beowulf learn of the Danes’ plight (huge problem)? How many thanes does Beowulf take with him?
2. What heroic traits does Beowulf possess?
3. Who is Wulfgar?
4. What credentials (personal qualifications) does Beowulf present to Hrothgar?
5. What is Beowulf’s battle plan for Grendel? What is his weapon? Give details.
6. In the event Beowulf should die in battle, what request does he make of Hrothgar?
7. How does Hrothgar know Beowulf’s father? Explain.
8. In Hrothgar long speech to Beowulf, what values are reflected in his speech?
The Battle with Grendel
1. Find specific lines which indicate this will be the last battle for Grendel.
2. Why does Beowulf allow Grendel to devour one of his best men in the night’s attack.
3. Describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel. Be specific and explain the sequence of the action.
4. Why can’t the swords of Beowulf’s thanes wound Grendel?
5. How does Herot Hall hold up under the battle? What could destroy it?
6. What souvenir of the battle does Beowulf keep for the Danes?
7. Describe the home of Grendel as seen by the warriors the day after the battle.
8. Who retells the story of Beowulf’s heroism? What is his Anglo-Saxon title and role (also check your background notes).
9. Which of the Anglo-Saxon virtues does Beowulf display in this battle? How?
10. From your background notes, what aspects of Anglo-Saxon life are displayed in the epic poem so far?
Grendel’s Mother:
1. Why does Grendel’s mother appear?
2. Describe the mother’s attack on Herot Hall. What does she take with her?
3. Where is Beowulf during the attack?
4. Describe the sight of the lake. Use details.
5. What preparations does Beowulf make for the battle? Why are these unusual?
6. What is Hrunting? Where did Beowulf get it?
7. How long does it take Beowulf to reach the bottom of the lake?
8. Where are Grendel and his mother found?
Describe the fight and the use of weapons between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother.
Who saves Beowulf? How is Grendel’s mother killed? What happens to Grendel?
What does the “light” described during this time suggest about Beowulf’s victory?
In Beowulf’s absence, what attitude has come over the Danes and the Geats?
What is brought back to Herot?
Why do you think the Geats want the Danes to see Grendel’s skull?
Compare and contrast the behavior and actions of the two monsters, Grendel and his mother.
Beowulf’s Last Battle
1. What events have angered the dragon and what are his actions against Beowulf’s people?
2. What weapons does Beowulf plan to use against the dragon? Why? How is this different from previous battles?
3. Describe the dragon’s reaction to Beowulf’s approach. How does he behave?
4. Describe the actual battle? How successful is Beowulf in the battle?
5. Why do Beowulf’s warriors desert him now?
6. In Wiglaf’s angry speech to the Geat warriors at the end of the section, what are the main points of his argument?
Beowulf’s Death
1. Who kills the dragon?
2. In Beowulf’s closing speech, what ideals does he reflect on?
3. What does Wiglaf find when he enters the dragon’s cave?- describe fully.
4. How does Wiglaf tend to Beowulf as he dies? How does Beowulf reward Wiglaf?
5. What does Wiglaf’s speech tell us about the importance of honor and the consequences of dishonorable behavior in Beowulf’s time?
6. What kind of memorial does Beowulf request as he dies? Why is it important that he leave a legacy behind?
7. How do the Geats characterize Beowulf as the story closes?