HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES MUTATION A mutation is a change in the structure or amount of an organism’s genetic material. Mutations are normally RARE, SPONTANEOUS and RANDOM and most are harmful or lethal. Most mutant alleles are recessive, and so are rarely expressed in the phenotype i.e. only when homozygous or when sexlinked. External influences may change the rate of mutation. MUTAGENIC AGENTS These can artificially increase the rate of mutation – called induced mutation. They include: • Chemicals e.g. mustard gas • Radiation e.g. gamma rays, X-rays, UV light TYPES OF MUTATION Gene mutation: a change in the structure of DNA in a gene. Chromosome mutation: a change in the number or structure of chromosomes. GENE MUTATIONS Gene mutations are changes in the type, order or number of nucleotides within a gene, causing an alteration in the resulting protein. Altered proteins are often non-functioning e.g. an enzyme that will no longer fit its product. Two main classes of gene mutation: POINT MUTATION: a change in one of the base pairs in the DNA sequence of a single gene or regulatory DNA sequence. SPLICE-SITE MUTATION: a change in one or more nucleotides at an intron removal site. GENE MUTATIONS: POINT MUTATIONS ● Substitution ● Insertion ● Deletion Substitution mutations: replacement of one nucleotide with another. The effects of substitution are usually minor, with little or no effect on the organism (silent or neutral mutations). Substitution will have a more serious effect if the ‘new’ amino acid is in a critical position in the protein (missense mutation). EXAMPLE: Sickle cell anaemia Sickle-cell anaemia results from the formation of an abnormal form of haemoglobin due to a substitution mutation. The sickled cells contain haemoglobin S which is less efficient at carrying oxygen than normal haemoglobin. Incorrect amino acid The most serious substitution stops protein synthesis by coding for a stop codon (nonsense mutation). . Missense mutation Nonsense mutation SUMMAR 1 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome Summary: possible effects of substitution Mutation type Effect on amino acid produced Effect on protein Silent Neutral Missense Nonsense Same amino acid Similar amino acid Different amino acid Stop codon produced Same protein made Same protein made Different protein made Halts protein synthesis NOTES Insertion and Deletion mutations Insertion and deletion mutations lead to a major change in the gene: all codons after the mutation are altered and the protein produced is not usually functional. They are known as FRAMESHIFT mutations. GENE MUTATIONS: SPLICE-SITE MUTATIONS Splice-site mutation: substitution, insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides at a splice site on a primary mRNA transcript. This may prevent splicing and leave one or more introns in the mRNA, which may lead to a dysfunctional protein. EXAMPLE Mutations that cause the incorrect splicing of βglobin mRNA are responsible for some cases of βthalassemia, a disorder caused by the weakening and destruction of red blood cells. 2 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome CHROMOSOME MUTATIONS NOTES These involve a change in the number or structure of chromosomes. These mutations occur during meiosis (cell division to produce gametes) and result from a failure in normal crossing-over. [See Higher Bitesize (old H) for summary of meiosis.] CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE MUTATIONS Involve the breakage of one or more chromosomes and a change in number or sequence of genes. Four types: ● DELETION ● DUPLICATION ● TRANSLOCATION ●INVERSION DELETION Chromosome breaks in two places and section becomes detached. Two ends attach to give a shorter chromosome. Effects of deletion Effects are usually drastic as genes have been lost. Example Cri du chat syndrome is due to a deletion of a portion of chromosome 5. Individuals have severe mental difficulties and a small head with widely-spaced eyes. The infant’s cry sounds like a cat. DUPLICATION Section from homologous partner is inserted/attached, leading to repetition of genes. Effects of duplication Can happen without harming the individual because there is still one good copy of the gene. May be a source of variation for species as the ‘extra’ gene may undergo beneficial point mutation. Sometimes detrimental e.g. duplication of oncogenes causes cancer. INVERSION Chromosome breaks in two places and the middle piece turns round so that the normal gene sequence in that part is reversed. Effects of inversion Usually leads to homologous chromosomes forming complicated loops during crossing-over: genetic material is lost, often giving rise to non-viable gametes. TRANSLOCATION Section from non-homologous chromosome is attached. Translocation may be non-reciprocal (diagram) or reciprocal (when two chromosomes swap pieces). Effects of translocation Leads to problems with pairing at meiosis; any gametes usually not viable. 3 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES CHROMOSOME NUMBER MUTATIONS Caused by non-disjunction - when a spindle fibre fails to separate a homologous pair of chromosomes during meiosis. Non-disjunction during Meiosis I leads to two of the gametes receiving an extra chromosome and two gametes lacking that chromosome. The frequency of nondisjunction is quite high in humans but usually results in miscarriage very early in pregnancy. If the individual survives, he/she usually has a set of symptoms - a syndrome - caused by the abnormal dose of each gene product from that chromosome. Example Down (Down’s) syndrome is caused by nondisjunction of chromosome 21, leading to an embryo having three of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) rather than a pair. COMPLETE NON-DISJUNCTION Complete failure of spindle fibres leads to the formation of one diploid gamete (and one with no chromosomes). This often occurs in plants, leading to POLYPLOIDY – possession of extra sets of chromosomes. Examples of polyploid plant species: corn, wheat (hexaploid), cotton, sugar cane, apple, swede, banana (triploid), potato (tetraploid), strawberry. Polyploidy – causes Polyploidy can occur naturally when errors during cell division create cells with more than one set of chromosomes. Polyploidy can be induced using chemicals that increase the chance of errors in cell division. Polyploidy - results Polyploid plants are often larger and give higher yields. Polyploid hybrids from more than one species often grow more vigorously and have increased disease resistance. Polyploid plants are fertile if even number of chromosome sets present e.g. 4n, 6n, 8n. Polyploid plants with uneven number of sets (3n, 5n etc.) are sterile and therefore seedless. Plants can be propagated by asexual reproduction therefore seedless plants can be grown e.g. bananas (triploid). Gametes are haploid (1 set of chromosomes); normal body cells are diploid (2 sets). Triploid and tetraploid chromosome sets are examples of polyploidy. Polyploidy in animals Polyploidy is rare in animals as they cannot cope with increase in body size and many cannot reproduce asexually. It occurs in some ‘simple’ animals and in some fish e.g. salmon (tetraploid). Polyploidy: role in evolution Polyploidy is thought to have played an important role in the evolution of plants. Around 50% of plant species are polyploid and it is likely that following the duplication of an entire genome plant species are able to evolve quickly. Polyploid organisms may have an evolutionary advantage over diploid organisms: • extra sets of chromosomes have the ability to mask any conditions caused by recessive alleles; • duplicated chromosomes are free to accumulate mutations that may eventually result in a new beneficial trait. 4 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome EVOLUTIONARY IMPORTANCE OF MUTATION IN HUMANS NOTES Examples: sickle-cell trait; lactose tolerance SICKLE-CELL TRAIT Sickle-cell anaemia is caused by a gene mutation, leading to the production of haemoglobin S rather than normal haemoglobin (allele H). Sickle-shaped red blood cells stick together, causing problems with circulation and leading to anaemia, organ damage and death. DNA Point Mutation causing condition Genotype HH: person with normal haemoglobin. Genotype SS: person with sickle cell anaemia. Genotype HS: person with sickle cell trait. [Alleles H and S are co-dominant so S is partially expressed – blood cells normal, slight anaemia.] . Sickle-cell trait and Malaria Selective advantage of sickle-cell trait People with sickle cell trait are resistant to malaria, so genotype HS has a selective advantage in malarial regions e.g. parts of Africa, leading to a high percentage of HS in the population (up to 40%). Effect of the sickle cell haemoglobin gene on survival in endemic malarial areas: Distribution of malaria in southern Europe, southwest Asia, and Africa. Distribution of the sickle-cell allele within the same area. Death from malaria Death from sickle- cell anaemia LACTOSE TOLERANCE Lactose is a sugar found in milk. It is a disaccharide, made up of the simple sugars glucose and galactose. It is digested into these simple sugars by the enzyme lactase. The gene coding for lactase is active in un-weaned babies but is switched off in adults in societies that do not eat dairy products. Early human beings, before domestication of animals, were lactose-intolerant after weaning. At some point in human history, a random point mutation occurred that kept the lactase gene switched on. This gave people with that mutation a selective advantage as they could now digest lactose and so gain energy from milk. This coincided with the domestication of animals, so people were able to drink milk for extra nutrition. Lactose tolerance became common in societies that used a lot of dairy products (v. high in Northern Europe). Some societies (e.g. China, Thailand) are mainly lactose-intolerant as they have not traditionally used dairy products. Lactose-intolerant adults suffer adverse symptoms if they take milk e.g. cramps and nausea. Lactose intolerance - global Lactose intolerance – Europe EVOLUTION 5 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome EVOLUTION NOTES Evolution is the gradual change in the characteristics of a population of organisms over successive generations as a result of variation in the population’s genome. INHERITANCE Genetic material can be inherited by: 1. Vertical transfer 2. Horizontal transfer 1. Vertical transfer of genetic material Genes (sequences of protein-coding DNA) are transferred from parents down to their offspring. This can happen by: (a) Sexual reproduction (b) Asexual reproduction (a) Sexual reproduction This involves two parents who differ from one another genetically. Offspring inherit different combinations of genes from each parent. (b) Asexual reproduction - reproduction from a single parent. Produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. 2. Horizontal transfer of genetic material (prokaryotes) Prokaryotes reproduce using asexual reproduction e.g. binary fission. They can also transfer genetic material from one cell to another through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Horizontal gene transfer can occur in three ways: (a) Transformation When cells are destroyed, pieces of their DNA remain and can be picked up by new cells. (b) Transduction – occasionally, when viruses replicate, some host DNA is packaged up with the virus. This then enters new cells with the virus. (c) Conjugation A temporary connection called a conjugation tube forms between touching cells. Plasmid DNA is then copied from one cell to another. Rapid evolutionary change It is thought that in early evolution of prokaryotes there was a lot of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) - obtaining a gene from a neighbour is much faster than waiting for one to evolve. HGT is a risky strategy as the transferred genetic material may not give an advantage. Spread of antibiotic resistance A significant amount of HGT still occurs in modern day prokaryotes. Resistance to antibiotics has occurred through the transfer of plasmids carrying antibiotic resistance genes from one bacterium to another. Horizontal transfer of genetic material (eukaryotes) Although less common, horizontal gene transfer can occur in eukaryotes: (a) From prokaryotes e.g. Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a bacterium that infects plant cells with a plasmid that integrates into the genome of the plant. (b) From viruses Some viruses integrate their DNA into the host’s genome. The virus remains dormant (as a provirus) until it can reproduce, when it then destroys the host cells e.g. Herpes virus, HIV. 6 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES NATURAL SELECTION In 1858 Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace presented a theory suggesting that the main driving force for evolutionary change is natural selection. Organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support. • All members of a species show variation from each other. • A struggle for existence occurs and many offspring die before they can reproduce. • Only those who are better adapted to the environment (the fittest) will survive and breed and pass those adaptations on to their offspring. • This process is repeated generation after generation causing gradual change in the characteristics of a species. • Natural selection is a non-random process that results in the increase in frequency among a population of individuals of those genetic sequences that confer an advantage on members of the population and aid their survival. Sexual selection Sexual selection is a “special case” of natural selection – where selection is driven by the organism’s ability to get a mate. It is the process of selection for traits that increase reproductive success. Sexual selection operates by the following mechanisms: 1. Male to male competition Males compete aggressively to defend territories and get access to females. Larger, stronger males or males with better “weapons” win mating rights and pass those alleles on. 2. Female choice Females select males which they consider high quality depending on the traits they display. Selection of quantitative traits Continuous variables, such as height, mass, skin colour, hair colour etc. are controlled by many genes – they are the result of polygenic inheritance. Such characteristics are quantitative (e.g. mass, height) rather than qualitative (e.g. colour). When data for a continuous variable in a large population is plotted, it produces a bell-shaped curve - a normal distribution curve. Directional selection Common during period of environmental change. Selection favours a version which was initially less common causing a progressive shift in the mean value e.g. European black bears increased in mass during each ice age as larger bodies lose relatively less heat than smaller ones. Disruptive selection Selection pressure selects extreme versions of a trait at the expense of the intermediate versions. Occurs when two different habitats/resource types become available. Can result in the population being split into two distinct groups. Stabilising selection Selection pressure goes against extreme variants and favours the intermediate versions of a trait. Leads to a reduction in genetic diversity e.g. human birth mass remains within range of 3-4 kg. Babies with lower mass are more susceptible to disease; those with higher mass have difficulties during birth. Disruptive selection 7 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome SPECIATION (FORMATION OF NEW SPECIES) NOTES A group of living things belonging to the same species: have a similar anatomy and physiology; are reproductively isolated from other groups of living things; share a common chromosome complement and gene pool (gene pool - total of all genes in a population); interbreed to produce fertile offspring. A species will remain unchanged if the environment is stable and the populations are able to freely exchange genes (they have a common gene pool). The formation of a new species is normally a very slow process and involves a number of stages. There are two types of speciation: Allopatric speciation and Sympatric speciation. ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION Allopatric speciation occurs when gene flow between two (or more) populations is prevented by a geographical barrier e.g. rivers, mountain ranges, desert, sea. Outline of allopatric speciation 1. The original population is divided into two groups, separated by a geographical barrier. 2. Gene pools in each population gradually alter due to: different mutations appearing in each sub-population giving rise to new variations in each group; differences in local conditions (climate, disease or predators ) result in natural selection favouring different alleles in each sub-population; genetic drift - the change in the frequency of an allele in a population (small populations may not have full set of alleles); chance – catastrophe such as fire or flood. 3. Gene pools gradually alter over long period of time until groups become genetically isolated. Groups can no longer exchange genetic information even if barrier is removed, resulting in new species. X and Y can no longer interbreed – new species have formed 8 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome SYMPATRIC SPECIATION NOTES Sympatric speciation: two (or more) populations live in close proximity in the same environment but still become genetically isolated. This happens due to a behavioural or ecological barrier or by the occurrence of polyploidy (in plants only). It is promoted by disruptive selection. Outline of sympatric speciation Large interbreeding population sharing the same ecological niche e.g. fruit flies living on hawthorn bushes. Alternative ecological niche appears (e.g. species of apple tree introduced by humans) Some members of the population start to exploit the new niche. The two populations now exploit different resources (e.g. food source) and no longer interbreed. Behaviour has become an isolating barrier. Mutants better adapted to exploit the new resources appear (e.g. better camouflaged on apples) and successfully breed. Natural selection favours the new mutants and eventually, over a period of time, two genetically distinct species are formed which can no longer interbreed. HYBRID ZONES An environment may contain several sub-populations of a species, some of which – but not all – can interbreed. Each sub-population can breed with its neighbour but may not be able to breed with more distant members of the species. Hybrid zones: where interbreeding is possible; as a result genes are able to flow between the sub-populations e.g. from A to E via B, C and D. A B C D E Hybrid zones If an intermediate population becomes extinct, gene flow is disrupted and populations that are not neighbours become genetically isolated therefore from two separate species. A C D E SPECIATION ON SCOTTISH ISLANDS Some species are ENDEMIC to Scottish islands i.e. they are found only here. Examples: European wren (Troglodytes troglodytes): the subspecies on the Outer Hebrides is larger than on the mainland and wrens on St. Kilda are larger still. Long-tailed fieldmouse (Apodemus hebridensis): subspecies living on different Scottish islands vary in size and colour. GENETIC DRIFT The total of all the different genes in a population is called the gene pool. If a species is under no selective pressure, frequencies of individual alleles will stay the same from generation to generation. Genetic drift is the random increase or decrease in frequency of genetic sequences. Genetic drift occurs due to: ● Sampling error ●Neutral mutations ● Founder effects Sampling error: in a small population, not all alleles are passed onto the next generation and some may disappear altogether. This reduces genetic variation and makes the population more uniform. Neutral mutations: these change the nucleotide sequence of a gene, but do not change the amino acids coded for. They are not subject to natural selection, but are affected by genetic drift. Founder effects: if a population becomes isolated and is not large enough to contain the entire gene pool, gene frequencies will be different in that population e.g. different blood group allele frequencies in different human populations. People A % population with blood group B AB O Chinese 31 28 7 34 Sioux Native American 7 2 0 91 (North America was first populated by a small unrepresentative group of Asian people who migrated across a land bridge, now the Bering Strait, and became separated.) 9 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES GENOMICS and GENOMIC SEQUENCING Genomics is the study of genomes. Genomics requires that the entire DNA of an organism is sequenced. [The human genome of over 3 billion base pairs has now been sequenced.] Major progress has been made possible by a fusion of molecular biology, statistical analysis and computer technology called BIOINFORMATICS. Computers can be used for comparison of data within and between species, including looking for start/stop or coding sequences and mutations. GENOMIC SEQUENCING Genomic sequencing is the process by which the sequence of nucleotide bases is determined for individual genes or even entire genomes. In order for the genome to be studied it must first be cut into more manageable sections. This is done by enzymes called RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES. A restriction endonuclease recognises specific short sequences (4-8 base pairs) of DNA nucleotides called RESTRICTION SITES. Different endonucleases recognise different sequences. The enzymes will cut the DNA at every point where these sequences appear. Each DNA fragment is then sequenced to find out the order of its bases. Sequencing DNA A piece of DNA with unknown base sequence is selected and many copies are made. Complementary DNA strands are made by adding DNA polymerase, primer, nucleotides and modified nucleotides. Modified nucleotides: • are labelled with fluorescent dye, making them easy to identify; • do not allow other nucleotides to bind to them, so halting replication at that point. They are used to identify specific complementary nucleotides (1). 10 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES Once the sequence of each DNA fragment has been determined, the fragments have to be ‘put back together’. This is done by computer analysis of the fragments, looking for sections that overlap (2) The fragment sequences are then arranged into one overall sequence using computer software (3). This method of DNA sequencing is called shotgun sequencing. 1. The DNA sequence for each fragment of DNA is worked out 2. The sequences are analysed and overlaps are looked for. 3. The fragment sequences are arranged into one overall sequence using computer software. . The Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project began in 1985 with the goal of determining the complete nucleotide base sequence of the human genome. The project was completed in 2003 with the sequencing of the entire human genome of around 3 billion base pairs (haploid). Scientists all over the world collaborated on this project in the hope that a complete record of our genetic code would lead to benefits to our health. This has already been the case for patients with cancers and genetic disorders. GENOMICS As well as sequencing the human genome, scientists have determined the genome sequence of a range of other organisms: • many pathogenic bacteria and viruses • pest species e.g. mosquitoes • model organisms (e.g. fruit flies, mice) that possess genes equivalent to those that cause diseases and disorders in people. Genomes and genes The size of an organism’s genome is not directly related to the number of protein-coding genes it contains e.g. human genome of around 3000 Mb has around 20 000 genes; pufferfish genome of around 400 Mb has around 30 200 genes. [1 megabase (Mb) = 1 x 10⁶ bases] COMPARATIVE GENOMICS This involves comparing the genomes of: • members of different species • members of the same species • cancerous and normal cells to identify similarities or differences in the genomes, which could give clues to causes of disease etc. Genome similarities Comparison of many genomes has revealed that DNA sequences of important genes are highly similar (conserved) from one organism to the next e.g. genes coding for proteins involved in aerobic respiration, or for key enzymes. The greater the number of DNA sequences in common, the more closely related the organisms. 11 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES Genome differences Genome variation affecting a single base pair is called a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism - SNP (‘snip’). A SNP results from a substitution mutation. The millions of SNPs in the human genome have been mapped using bioinformatics and are useful for research into disease. PHYLOGENETICS Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relatedness between groups of living things. Comparing the genetic sequences of organisms can demonstrate their degree of relatedness: the more similar the genomes, the more related the organisms are. Phylogenetic trees Over time a group of closely related living things will accumulate mutations e.g. nucleotide substitutions which gradually alter the genome. The number of these differences per unit length of DNA between two genomes gives a measure of how related two genomes are (evolutionary distance). Phylogenetic tree based on differences between several genetic sequences of 5 related species The further apart two species are, the more distantly they are related to each other (e.g. A and D). The closer they are the more closely related they are (e.g. B and C). Species A Species B Common Ancestor Species C Key: One unit of genetic change Species D MOLECULAR CLOCKS Nucleic acid molecules (and the proteins they code for) change over time as they are affected by mutations. Mutations accumulate at a steady rate over time. Therefore the number of nucleotide substitutions that a genome accumulates is regarded as being proportional to time. By comparing this data with fossil records, the molecular clock gives information about: • how long ago the most recent common ancestor of the species existed; • the sequence in which the species evolved. The use of molecular clocks can provide evolutionary insight but they have limitations, particularly as one goes back in time. α-globin as a molecular clock The fewer the amino acid differences between α-globin molecules, the closer the relationship between the species. Each point is for a pair/group of species. 12 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES THE THREE DOMAINS OF LIFE Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) nucleotide sequences have been studied because they are shared by all living things. Comparison of these sequences has demonstrated that living things belong to one of three domains: • Bacteria (prokaryotes) • Archaea (‘extreme’ prokaryotes) • Eukaryotes (fungi, plants, animals) EVOLUTIONARY TIMELINE Timeline based on comparison of genome sequence data and fossil data: Millions of years ago 4500-3500 Life on Earth 3900-2500 Cells similar to prokaryotes 3500 Last universal ancestor 2700 Prokaryotes able to photosynthesise 1850 Eukaryotes 1200 Multicellular organisms 580-500 Animals 485 Vertebrates 435 Land plants PERSONAL GENOMICS Sequencing the human genome took 13 years and cost millions of pounds; however, it now possible to sequence a human genome in a day for a few hundred pounds. This opens up many possibilities in medicine e.g. • Predictive medicine • Pharmacogenetics Predictive medicine Variations in DNA have been linked to many conditions e.g. cancer, heart disease, diabetes. Once a person’s DNA sequence is known, the following could be investigated: Disease-causing mutations Mutations that increase the likelihood of developing a condition. e.g. inherited mutation in BRCA1 & 2 genes increases risk of breast cancer (these genes usually produce tumour-suppressor proteins). Pharmacogenetics How effective a drug is in any one person is affected by their DNA. Therefore, knowing the genome sequence could be used to predict which medicines, and in which dosages, will be most effective in one person compared to another. Causes of disease are often complex, with environmental factors playing a part so that knowledge of the genome alone will not solve every problem. Ethical issues As a result of advances in this field, a question of ethics has arisen, including that of who should be able to access personal genome information. 13 HIGHER BIOLOGY DNA and the Genome NOTES Examples Employers may not give a job to someone with risk of a disorder. Insurance companies and banks may decline services or increase premiums as a result of finding out about e.g. a degenerative disease. This has been termed genetic discrimination. 14