GRADE LEVEL: 11 COURSE: American Literature & Composition Technology UNIT: Exploration and Settlement Texts Idea for lesson using technology Intro to exploration and settlement (1517th centuries) Using the internet for research Find additional passages from Columbus’ journal or letters that relate to passages read in textbook; discuss in groups Christopher Columbus Blogging Write a response to a passage we read in Columbus’ letters or diary from the point of view of either one of Columbus’ crew members or a native of the islands The Columbus Controversy, Part I Using YouTube Watch You Tube videos on debate over Columbus as a historical figure; take notes The Columbus Controversy, Part II Podcasting (like a radio show) Podcast a debate over Columbus with members of the class assigned to different sides Other Early Explorers: Vespucci, Las Casas, de Vaca, Cartier, de Champlain, Making a movie (students) Use digital technology to make a movie of an eyewitness account Lesson (10 total) OBJECTIVES As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: Perform basic online research; find common themes across texts; engage in discussion with others; enhance reading Use technology for effective written communication; contribute independent ideas to a larger group; think creatively while considering the point of view of another Understand Columbus as a controversial figure; understand the character of the debate; synthesize and analyze video Use technology for effective spoken communication; understand the key arguments to the debate about Columubus; collaborate in a group setting Use digital technology effectively; understand the elements of eyewitness accounts; compare today’s technology , Early Settlements: Virginia and New England Presentation Use presentation software to illustrate a short biography of an early settler Puritanism Mapping Captivity Narrative: The Case of Mary Rowlandson Digital Storytelling New France Google Tools Review Timeline Collectively use mapping software to show the relations between community members during the Salem witch trials Use a digital storytelling format to tell about a time when you felt trapped, either literally or figuratively Use Google Earth to find a location significant in the texts we’ve read; create a Google Knol to share something you have learned in this unit Use Timeline software to create a timeline from Columbus’ first voyage (1492) to the New England religious revivals (1740s) and its role in eyewitnessing, with that of the past Use technology for effective communication; publish a presentation online Use technology to organize concepts and analyze relationships Use technology to enhance narrative; empathize with Rowlandson in the state of her captivity Use Google tools; reflect upon learning Use software to organize historical events; review information learned