13 Masters Student Exhibition Application For Creative Industries Precinct. Overview and Guidelines QUT Precincts seeks to present a balanced and challenging program that increases knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of contemporary visual art and design, with a focus on the digital. Staff or students in academic units of the University wishing to exhibit in The Block program are required to submit an exhibition proposal to the CIP Curator, Courtney Coombs. Post-grad shows are given a 5 day install and display period, and the scope of the project scale and requirements needs to reflect this tight time frame. The standard 5 day Monday-Friday booking is broken down as per the following: Monday & Tuesday (2 days): installation Wednesday & Thursday (2 days): exhibition open (standard hours: 2-6pm) Friday (1 day): bump-out Deadlines Round 1 Friday 8 March 2013 – ideal for students looking to exhibit Semester 1, 2014 or later Round 2 Friday 2 August 2013 – ideal for students looking to exhibit Semester 2, 2014 or later Proposal assessment As part of our role in supporting the education program at QUT, consideration is be given to exhibitions that relate to the University’s teaching and research programs, embrace cultural diversity and have the potential to attract new audiences. Only projects that are of a high standard, that have identified development strategies in place and offer extension programming opportunities and deliverables will be successful. Your proposal will be assessed according to the following selection criteria: suitability for the proposed space – why does your exhibition need to be at this venue? aesthetic and professional quality realisitic and well considered installation plan rationale content scheduling Your application should be forwarded to the CIP Curator by the relevant deadline and at least 12 months prior to intended exhibition date for consideration. 0 CIP – postgraduate exhibition application 2013 3/19/2016 Enquiries Further enquiries contact: Courtney Coombs Curator of Public Programs QUT Precincts – Creative Industries Precinct courtney.coombs@qut.edu.au Important Information Successful applicants are responsible for: Delivery of works to and from site, in timelines agreed with CIP staff Ensuring all works are ready to be installed. Successful applicants will need to meet with the Curator and technical staff (1 devlopment day) to discuss installation requirements including: o Organising any specialist equipment, care of such equipment, as well as its delivery and return o Providing CIP with a post development installation plan for approval by the CIP curatorial and technical team (all subsequent changes to this approvied plan will need to be discussed and approved) Ensuring the work is available for the entire exhibition. The exhibition must remain on display for the agreed period. Exceptions apply only with prior discussion – for instance projects that include deliberately changing elements or are performance-based and where the arrangements for these works have been previously discussed with the Curator and technical team. Any costs beyond the in-kind support supplied. Providing a 100-200 word exhibition brief which explains the exhibition concept/content (please include bio within this word limit). This will be used to advertise the exhibition on-line and needs to be provided at least 3 months prior to installation, with at least 1 high resolution (300DPI) image of example artwork with relevant credit line information: artist, title, date, medium and credit line. Student must cover marketing of the exhibition beyond basic on-line promotion provided by the CIP. Any marketing material must include the CIP logo and be approved by the CIP Marketing Officer prior to distribution. The organisation of any opening/closing event for the exhibition. Please advise the Curator 4 months prior to the exhibition of the opening event hours. All organisation and costs of food, drinks, Applicant rights and responsibilities 1 invitations etc. is the responsibility of the student. Please note that if providing alcohol, food must also be provided to patrons as per liquor licensing regulations. Creative Industries Precinct responsibilities and provisions Student is responsible for supervising the exhibition while open to the public. QUT Precincts reserves the right, in consultation with the applicant, to exclude part or parts of the exhibition if necessary due to financial, physical or other considerations. The Block holds considerable technical resources and while every effort will be made to accommodate your requirements, if other equipment is required this is at the cost of the student. CIP offers ‘in-kind’ support via the provision of installation crew (2 x 7.25hr standard days install) and equipment as well as limited support with access to any in-stock materials. The student is expected to be present and active during installation, CIP technical staff are there to provide support and technical assistance only. CIP requests that students share any photographic and/ or video documentation of the exhibition for CIP records. The student will retain all copyright and CIP will only use these images as stipulated in the attached copyright agreement. 2 The Block Specifications: 3 13 Post-Grad Student Exhibition Application Cover Sheet NAME FACULTY/SCHOOL ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POSTCODE TELEPHONE EMAIL SUPERVISOR WORKING TITLE Do you have a development and presentation time line in place, as part of your proposal? Yes PREFERRED DATES No Please select dates in order of preference (with 1 indicating first preference). Please note that if your application is successful, you are not guaranteed of being offered your first preference. Month only 1 2 3 4 CHECKLIST Before submitting an application ensure you have answered all the questions and signed the application form viewed the exhibition space read information provided about the exhibition space gained the support of your faculty and had the application signed by your supervisor read and understood your responsibilities and the responsibilities & support given by CIP enclosed all relevant support material, including plan drawings, images or video of intended work etc. provided at least 2 print quality images for publicity purposes (tiff or jpg, 300dpi) completed the non-exclusive copyright section (applications will not be accepted unless non-exclusive copyright is granted) SIGNATURE ………………………………………………….. date ……/……/…… (APPLICANT) SIGNATURE ………………………………………………….. date ……/……/…… (FACULTY SUPERVISOR) QUT PRECINCT STAFF OFFICE USE ONLY received ……./…..../….... reviewed …..../……./……. accepted Yes No 5 13 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Post-Grad Student Exhibition Application Project Proposal Outline the project in no more than 150 words. 6 PHYSICAL COMPONENTS OF THE EXHIBITION Describe dimensions, media and other relevant items. If works are not yet created include projected outcomes. Clearly indicate next to items where support material (such as images) has been provided. NOTE: Read rights and responsibilities section before completing this section. Describe the installation of your work and outline any requirements or considerations such as: INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS equipment (i.e. data projector, media players, computer interfaces etc) health and safety NOTE: Read rights and responsibilities section before completing this section. 7 TIMELINE Outline a timeline including CIP development day, delivery and collection of works, estimated installation time etc. NOTE: Read rights and responsibilities section before completing this section. 8 NON-EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT Do you grant QUT the right to reproduce and publish any images of works provided, for non-commercial purposes worldwide? Yes No NOTES – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING: A non-exclusive copyright licence permits QUT to reproduce in material or electronic form for non-commercial purposes images of works of art provided By agreeing to and signing this statement you hereby warrant that: o The images provided are original and do not infringe any existing copyright o You are the copyright owner or o If you are not the copyright owner, you are duly authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner. If you are duly authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner, written evidence of that authority must be provided to QUT. Non-commercial uses could include but are not exclusive to; educational kits, exhibition catalogues and posters, newspaper and journal articles, QUT publications, inclusion of images on QUT websites and advertising associated with activities related to QUT Precincts QUT believes there will be a mutual benefit in promoting both the artist’s work and QUT Precincts. QUT agrees to reproduce and publish the works to the highest possible quality and in such a manner as to enhance the artists’ reputation, and will not alter the work in any way. QUT agrees that in all uses the artist will be attributed, as per the label information given. SIGNED…………………………………………….. (applicant) DATE………./………./………. SIGNED…………………………………………….. DATE………./………./………. (on behalf of QUT) 9 Please indicate draft design of installation – as a start point for development 10