
Joji Mori (PhD Candidate)
Doctoral Consortium
IDG Group
4th May 2010
Bell, C. G., & Gemmell, J. (2009). Total recall : how the E-memory revolution will
change everything. New York: Dutton.
“Lifeloggers typically wear computers
in order to capture their entire lives, or
large portions of their lives” wikipedia
Phones – Lifelogging devices
Smart Phones can be used/are being
used as lifelogging devices
Location aware (GPS, Compass)
 Call, SMS, Email, docs, photos,
video, social network updates
Hartnell-Young, E., & Vetere, F. (2005). Lifeblog: a new concept in mobile learning?
Paper presented at the Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education. WMTE 2005.
IEEE International Workshop on.
A critique of lifelogging
Beyond Total Capture: A Constructive
Critique of Lifelogging
Sellen, A., & Whittaker, S. (2010). Beyond total capture: a constructive
critique of lifelogging. Communications of the ACM, 53(5), 70-77.
Selectivity, not total capture
Cues not capture
Memory refers to a complex, multifaceted set of concepts
Synergy not substitution
Related reference.
Mayer-Schö nberger, Viktor. (2009), Delete : the virtue of forgetting in the digital age /
Viktor Mayer-Schö nberger Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. ; Woodstock
Facebook in “The Age”
Grieving issues - Gas leak tragedy:
grandfather slams Facebook page 3 June
Privacy fears - 30,000 quit Facebook in
protest 2 June
Data Mining - The terrors of Twittering:
growing up in an unexploded data
minefield 5 May
Our digital past
It seems inevitable more of our
everyday lives will be captured digitally
The end of the ephemeral
Harper, R. Rodden, T., Rogers, Y., Sellen, A. (editors), 2008. Being human: Human–
computer interaction in the year 2020. Cambridge: Microsoft Research
Designing for deletion
How to better design for deletion in
technology that stores personal digital
Think Email – does anyone have a
good email storage/deletion system?
Think Facebook – What should happen
to mundane, day to day stuff well into
future? Inappropriate or incorrect
comments relating to you, regretful
photos, how do you delete a friend?
Designing for deletion
Limited storage
Abundant storage
Bergman, O., Tucker, S., Beyth-Marom, R., Cutrell, E., & Whittaker, S. (2009). It's not
that important: demoting personal information of low subjective importance using
GrayArea. Paper presented at the Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems.
Candidate audiences
Everyday life
The commuter (yesterday’s observation)
Reading MX
Spacing out * 2
Music on phone * 2
News on phone * 2 (I was reading sport news)
Billiards game on phone
Candidate audiences
Youth into adulthood
Formal processes for deletion
Museums (unwanted artifacts)
Photographer – what to delete / keep?
Hard waste
Juvenile Crime, Bankruptcy Law
Allen, A. L. (2008). Dredging up the Past: Lifelogging, Memory, and Surveillance.
University of Chicago Law Review, 75(1), 47-74.
Consider death
When you create a will, you decide the
future of items of monetary, and
emotional value
What digital content should be kept
and who should have access to it?
What should be deleted?
Related Research
Technology Heirlooms
Kirk, D. S. & Banks R. (2008). On the design of technology heirlooms. International
Workshop on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies (SIMTech ’08).
Personal Experience
Question for you
How should I best spend my time prior
to collecting data, as the topic is still
being formulated?
Especially given we typically apply
grounded theory
Is meeting people and reading relevant
literature enough?
Contact details
Room 2.33
Phone: 8344-1554