Chapter 20 & 21 Notes

Name _____________________________
Period ______
Chapter 20: The Civil Rights Struggle
Section 1: Challenging Segregation
1. What is segregation?
2. What is de facto segregation?
3. What was the one issue that angered both segregationists and integrationists alike?
4. What are civil rights?
5. Which doctrine did the Plessy v. Ferguson case establish? Explain what this meant.
6. What was the NAACP?
7. Who was Thurgood Marshall?
8. What was the Brown case?
9. Who was Linda Brown?
10. Who was Earl Warren?
11. How was integration supposed to be carried out?
12. How did southern whites feel about the Brown decision?
13. What was President Eisenhower’s initial attitude toward segregation?
14. Where was the first challenge to integrating schools?
15. Who were the “Little Rock Nine”?
Section 2: Freedom Now
1. Who was Rosa Parks?
2. What is a boycott? What was boycotted after Rosa Parks’ famous act?
3. Who led this boycott? Was it successful?
4. When did Martin Luther King, Jr. emerge as the leader of the civil rights movement?
5. King stressed the importance of nonviolent resistance. What does this mean?
6. Who was another icon that used nonviolent resistance?
7. What was the SCLC? Who was its first president?
8. What are sit-ins? (picture on p. 677)
9. What was SNCC?
What was one of their slogans, and what did this mean?
10. SNCC used civil disobedience. What does this mean?
Section 3: Government Response
1. Who was Robert Kennedy?
2. What was the dilemma that John F. Kennedy faced in the 1960 election?
3. How close was the 1960 election?
4. How did Kennedy plan to keep black support?
5. What is enfranchisement?
6. What was the CORE?
7. What was the purpose of Freedom Rides?
What happened during one of the Freedom Rides in Anniston, Alabama?
8. What did King do during the time that he spent in the Birmingham jail?
9. When was the March on Washington? What was its purpose?
10. Who was George Wallace?
11. What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 provide?
What was a result of this act?
Section 4: Disappointed Hopes
1. What is a martyr?
What are some examples of martyrs from this time period?
2. What is black separatism? Who believed in its use?
3. What is black pride?
How was black pride demonstrated during this time period?
4. Who was Malcolm X?
5. Who was Stokely Carmichael?
6. What was black power?
7. What happened in Watts, Los Angeles in 1965?
8. What were the goals of the Black Panther party? How did it differ from other civil rights
9. What was purpose of the Kerner Report? What did it conclude?
10. What were the three triggers for racial violence?
11. When was King assassinated? What did his assassination mean for the civil rights
Chapter 21: The Kennedy and Johnson Years
Section 1: New Frontier and Great Society
1. What was the New Frontier?
2. What did the Communists build in 1961?
3. What programs did Kennedy initiate to bring about international development?
4. What happened on November 22, 1963?
5. Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? What happened to him?
6. What was the Warren Commission? What did it conclude?
7. Who became president after Kennedy was shot? How was he different from JFK?
8. What did Kennedy not get passed through Congress before he was assassinated?
9. Why did the American people work in Johnson’s favor in the 1964 election?
10. What were some of the major pieces of legislation that Johnson signed?