Name Date ______ Period ___ Chapter 48: The Age of Camelot

New Frontier
Name _______________________ Date __________ Period ___
Chapter 48: The Age of Camelot
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Berlin Wall
Cuban Missile Crisis
Test Ban Treaty
Peace Corps
1. Why was Kennedy’s presidency called the age of Camelot?
2. What were some main factors in Kennedy’s success on the first televised debates?
3. What did JFK state in his Inaugural Address?
4. Who were some of the “best & the brightest” Kennedy surrounded himself with?
5. What were some things he got passed through Congress on his legislative agenda?
6. What budget did Congress boost nearly 20%?
7. Why was Kennedy’s approach cautious to handle Civil Rights?
8. Which country was the first to land a dog and human on the moon?
9. Who was the first man on the moon in the US? What was the famous quote?
10. Who is Fidel Castro shaking hands with in the pic on pg 630? Why did this cause concern for the US?
11. What was the goal of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, what was the outcome?
12. What did Kennedy say privately about not willing to risk war to tear down a wall?
13. Why were we on the brink of war for 13 days?
14. What agreement did Khrushchev and Kennedy come to about the Missile Crisis?
15. How often is the hotline tested?
16. What was the goal of the Peace Corps and Alliance for Progress?
17. What was JFK doing when he was assassinated? Who assassinated him?
18. Why did many American’s question the Warren Commission’s findings?
Great Society
Name _______________________ Date __________ Period ___
Chapter 49: The Great Society
War on Poverty
Economic Opportunity Act
Immigration Act of 1965
Silent Spring
Warren Court
Miranda Rights
1. Who took presidency after Kennedy was assassinated?
2. List three Civil Rights acts that passed while Johnson was in office.
3. What was the goal of Job Corp, VISTA, and HUD?
4. In what two ways did Johnson improve healthcare?
5. What was the first aired TV show in 1969 on public television?
6. What happened to immigration since Johnson signed the Immigration Act?
7. Who is Rachel Carson and why was she important in the 1960’s?
8. In what ways did Johnson try and protect consumers?
9. What had the poverty rate fallen from in 1960-70?
10. Which court case redrew legislative districts & upheld “one person, one vote?”
11. Explain the Engel v Vitale case?
12. What did the court rule in the Mapp v Ohio Court Case?
13. What right did Clarence Gideon have violated?
14. Who was denied their constitutional right to be represented by a lawyer?
15. List some of your Miranda Rights…
16. Why did people want Chief Justice Earl Warren impeached?
Name _______________________ Date __________ Period ___
Chapter 50: The Emergence of a Counterculture
New Left
Free Speech Movement
The Establishment
Sexual Revolution
1. What was Bob Dylan’s song about in 1964?
2. What did the counterculture believe in?
3. What created the largest generation of children in American history?
4. What was the goal of the New left? Who was the strongest voice?
5. Why did the counterculture drop out of school?
6. What were some examples of distrusting the establishment?
7. Who were the yippies?
8. Why was there such a generation gap?
9. Who is Peggy Noonan?
10. What was the Human Be-In?
11. List 3 examples of how sexual behavior changed during the 60’s.
12. How many Communes popped up in the 1960’s?
13. What would a “bad trip” lead too? How did the government get involved?
14. What were some of the problems of Woodstock?
15. What did pop art focus on?
16. What famous song from Rock Musical Hair described the kind world of the counterculture?