Analytical methods Seafloor samples were dredged in the central Lau basin during April-June 2008 with the SS07/2008 voyage of the RV Southern Surveyor ( nationalfacility/voyagedocs/2008/MNF-SS07-08_sum.pdf) of the Australian Marine National Facility. All samples have previously been analysed for their major and trace elements and He isotope compositions [Jenner et al., 2012; Lupton et al., 2009]. For Hf-Nd-Fe isotope analyses, approximately 100 mg of powdered glass chips was dissolved in 15 ml Teflon vials in a HNO3-HF acid mixture on a hotplate at ~150°C for 24h. Samples were subsequently dried down and repeatedly re-dissolved and dried in concentrated nitric acid with traces of HCl+HF until a clear sample solution was achieved. For Fe isotope analyses, a 5% aliquot was taken prior to Hf-Nd separation (see below), dried, and re-dissolved in 10M HCl. Iron was separated from the rock matrix using ~1 ml of DOWEX AG-MP-1 (200-400 mesh) anion exchange resin. Sample were loaded onto the columns in 1 ml 9M HCl and matrix elements were washed from the columns with additional 5 ml 10M HCl and subsequent 5 ml of 5M HCl. Purified Fe was eluted from the resin in 4 ml 1M HCl and dried. For isotope analyses, a ~4-6 ppm Fe sample solution was spiked with ~1520 ppm Ni solution to ensure a 1V signal on 61 Ni for mass bias control of Fe. Isotope measurements were performed on a ThermoFisher Neptune-plus multi-collector mass spectrometer with an inductively coupled plasma source (MC-ICP-MS) housed at ANU in high-resolution mode and using Ni H-cones. The sample was introduced with a 50µl aspirating nebuliser into a cyclone glass chamber in 0.1 M HNO3. The IRMM-014 isotope reference standard (by definition 57Fe=0‰) was analysed between samples and all samples were normalised to the average of the bracketing standards analysed prior and after sample analyses. Masses 54, 56 and 57 were collected and data is presented in the delta notation: 5XFe = [5XFe/54Fe(sample) / 5XFe/54Fe(average IRMM-014) -1] × 1000 where 5X refers to the relative masses 56 or 57. All samples are reported in the 57Fe notation, but 56Fe is only used for data control to ensure samples lie on a mass dependent fractionation line. Data was collected in 45 cycles and 4 sec integration time. Possible remnants of isobarically interfering chromium isotopes (54Cr) from the sample was monitored online during the measurements, but was always insignificant during analyses. All sample solutions were analysed at least twice and internal 1 errors (1 standard deviation of the mean) are listed in the data table. The long-term reproducibility of isotope analyses of IRMM-014 (n>>50) with the standard sample bracketing method and internal mass bias correction using Ni is 57Fe±0.03 for a period of approximately one year. Our true external reproducibility was estimated by repeated analyses of standard reference material BHVO-2. Independent dissolutions analysed at ANU and at the university of Adelaide yield a 2 s.d. of the mean of ±0.03‰ for both isotope compositions. The absolute values are in excellent agreement with recommended values [Craddock and Dauphas, 2011]. As to the low number of SRM analyses (n=5), we estimate our reproducibility with ±0.05‰, in line with values reported elsewhere [Poitrasson and Freydier, 2005; Schönberg and von Blanckenburg, 2006] using the std.sample bracketing technique. Blank levels for Fe were below detection limit and insignificant throughout the study. Both, Hf and Nd were sequentially extracted from the rock matrix using a combination of Eichrom Ln Spec and DOWEX cation resin. First, Hf was separated from the rock matrix using a procedure described in [Münker et al., 2001]. Afterwards, REE were purified using True Spec resin [Pin and Zalduegui, 1997]. The clean REE fraction was then loaded on the Ln-Spec columns and Nd was separated from other REE following the procedure of [Pin and Zalduegui, 1997]. Hafnium and Nd were analysed on a Thermo-Fisher Neptune MC-ICP-MS at ANU. Detailed descriptions of the chemical procedures and mass spectrometric measurements are given elsewhere [Nebel et al., 2009; Nebel et al., 2010]. All samples were normalised to a JMC-475 143 176 Hf/177Hf=0.282160 [Blichert-Toft et al., 1997] and La Jolla Nd/144Nd=0.511858 [Lugmair and Carlson, 1978] from standard values during the analytical sessions of JMC-475=0.282145±9 and 0.282158±5 and La Jolla=0.511829±20 and 0.511848±8, respectively. Blanks for both elements were constantly low during the course of the study with Hf<10 pg and Nd<30pg. References Figure FS01: (Figure A-1): [Martinez and Taylor, 2002] [Pearce and Peate, 1995] [Jenner and O'Neill, 2012]; References Appendix: Blichert-Toft, J., C. Chauvel, and F. Albarède (1997), Separation of Hf and Lu for high-precision isotope analysis of rock samples by magnetic sector-multiple collector ICP-MS, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 127, 248-260. Craddock, P. R., and N. Dauphas (2011), Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials and Chondrites, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 35(3), 101-123. Jenner, F. E., and H. S. C. O'Neill (2012), Analysis of 60 Elements in 616 Ocean Floor Basaltic Glasses, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13, doi: 10.1029/2011GC004009. Jenner, F. E., R. J. Arculus, J. A. Mavrogenes, N. Dyriw, O. Nebel, and E. Hauri (2012), Chalcophile element Systematics in Volcanic Glasses from the Northwestern Lau Basin, Geochemistry Geophysics - Geosystems, 13, doi: doi:10.1029/2012GC004088. Lugmair, G. W., and R. W. Carlson (1978), The Sm-Nd history of KREEP, paper presented at 9th Lunar Planetary Science Conference Lupton, J. E., R. J. Arculus, R. R. Greene, L. J. Evans, and C. I. 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