BGU-ISO: a stable isotope laboratory at the Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences A new stable isotope lab was established at the Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences in BGU. Funding for the establishment of the lab was granted by the Wolfson Foundation to Dr. Orit Sivan, Dr. Sigal Abramovich and Dr. Yaron Katzir. The university vigorously supported the lab and matched the Wolfson grant from its own resources. The lab enables a highly precise measurement of isotope ratios in rocks, minerals, fossils, gases and water. The hub of the lab is a Gas Source Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GS-IRMS). The mass spectrometer is connected through several interfaces to variable gas conduction and purification systems that transfer gases produced from diverse materials into the mass spectrometer. The lab enables measuring the stable isotope composition of: 1) oxygen in silicates, water, carbonate and dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrogen; 3) nitrogen in dissolved inorganic nitrogen and; 3) carbon in carbonate, dissolved inorganic carbon and methane.