
Unit 3
Dependence to Independence
Final Assessment Study
Part 1: Vocabulary Review
1. Before the Revolutionary War, the American colonists decided to
_______________________, or refuse to buy, British goods.
2. A _______________________was a military officer who gained power in Latin America
after independence
3. A person with certain rights and responsibilities under a particular government is a
_______________________of that country.
4. A _______________________ is the overthrow of a ruler or government by a group,
which then takes power.
5. A _______________________ is someone who was born in Latin America, and had
Spanish parents or grandparents.
6. A _______________________ relies only on the mother country for products and services.
7. One important _______________________ idea was that government exists to protect the
rights of the people.
8. A _______________________ is a large group of people who work together for political
9. The Spanish colonies did not have a _______________________in which everyone
shared basic rights and equality.
Enlightenment - Coup - Boycott - Society - Caudillo
Political movement -
Citizen - Creole - Dependent
Part 2: Mexican Independence Timeline
1811: Father
Hidalgo is
captured and
shot to death
by a firing
1810: Father
Miguel Hidalgo
calls for a revolt
against the Spanish
1812-1813 Father
Jose Morelos takes
over Mexico’s fight
for independence
from Spain.
1820-1821: Augustin de
Iturbide guides Mexico to
independence from Spain
and declares himself
1815: Jose
Morelos is
executed by the
Spanish for leading
the rebellions.
1822: Santa Anna
forces Iturbide out of
Mexico and begins a
new government based
on a constitution
Use the timeline as a guide to answer the following questions.
10. According to this time line, how long did it take for Mexico to gain independence?
11. How long did Jose Morelos fight for independence?
12. After Jose Morelos was executed, how long did it take for Iturbide to gain Mexico’s
13. Why did Santa Anna force Augustin de Iturbide to resign as emperor?
Part 3: Revolution and Independence Students will have questions from this section in
all parts of the test
Fill in the blank WITHOUT a wordbank!
A. Haiti was the first European colony in Latin America to _________________________
from a country in Europe. In this case, the European country was France.
B. Like most of the Latin American countries, Haiti’s independence was extremely violent.
What made Haiti’s independence different was that it was executed by the
___________________________. ___________________________ was the slave who led
the revolt.
C. The Haitian Revolution IS or IS NOT (circle one) an example of how non-violence can
result in positive change. However, _______________________ won its independence
without using violence from Portugal and not from Spain.
D. Brazil was once a colony of Portugal. In 1807, King John of Portugal escaped from the
Napoleon’s invasion in Europe by staying in the New World, Brazil. Once Napoleon was
_______________________, in charge.
E. Most countries of Latin America relied on some form of revolution and violence.
However, ___________________________was not an example of a violent overthrow of
F. Other than Brazil, Latin American countries were ruled by caudillos after independence.
Caudillos did not care at all for the well-being of the people of their countries. The caudillos
were concerned mainly with __________________________________.
Part 4 - Open Ended Questions They will be worth 7 points each. One question will be
based on comparing methods of gaining independence. Another question will be to explain
why some countries were able to be successful while others were led to more violent leaders.
Complete the following table by determining whether the country used violence or nonviolence to gain independence and the type of government that followed, either democracy
or a dictatorship run by a caudillo.
Method of
Leadership or
Government Following
Democratic government
The United States did not fall victim to violent overthrows or coups as was the case in most
Latin American countries. Before, during and after the Revolutionary War (1775 - 83),
American leaders banded together to work out the grievances of each colony; their needs and
concerns, and by 1788, the colonies approved the framework of the government as the
Constitution of the United States. The Founding Fathers also developed a Bill of Rights
which addressed the rights/personal freedoms of the people. Due to the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights, America had a successful democratic government after its revolution, whereas
Latin American countries, save Brazil, struggled after their independence.
*Canada was a Dominion of Great Britain, but was granted its own central democratic
government. Canada developed for over a hundred years. They gained their independence
from Great Britain through petition, unheard of in most Latin American countries. As a result
of the British North American Act of 1867, Canada had its own central government.
Latin America was often the heat of the moment and leadership was taken by the powerful
with little regard for the people. Brazil was the notable exception as most newly formed
independent governments of Latin America were taken over by corrupt caudillos.
Part 5 - Map Skills: Use the map above to answer the next 5 questions.
20. Between which two lines of latitude do you find the island of Aruba (south central
Caribbean Sea)?
21. Give the absolute location of San Juan, Puerto Rico?
22. Of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas, the island(s) found furthest west? South?
23. Which country is north of Cuba? Name one country south of Aruba?
24. Name the island located at 24 degrees north latitude and 75 degrees west longitude.
Part 6: Primary Source RASC Essay Question:
Haitian Declaration of Independence
It is not enough to have expelled the barbarians who have bloodied our land for two
centuries. We must, with one last act of national authority, forever assure the empire of
liberty in the country of our birth; we must take any hope of re-enslaving us away from the
inhuman government that for so long kept us in the most humiliating conditions. In the end
we must live independent or die.
Independence or death... let these sacred words unite us and be the signal of battle and of our
~Jean-Jaques Dessalines, Commander in Chief of Haiti, 1804.
Respond to this quote by following the RASC model. Yous must CITE evidence from
the text, and explain what it means and how it supports your answer.
What is Dessalines saying to the people of Haiti? What is he telling them to do?