Students Union at Bournemouth University

Students Union at Bournemouth University
Education Council Meeting
Wednesday 15th January 2013 10.00am Board Room
Amy Nguyen
Ellie Mayo-Ward
Laura Pomfrey
Laurent Durham
Nicholas Payne
Nomitha Gallagher
Peter Allen
Sam Honnoraty
Shannon Hardy
Sian King
Stephen Milles
Tess Walter
Thomas Clapham
David Hill
Joao Oliveira
Hannah Gilchrist – Chairperson
John Gusman – SUVP Education
Matt Wall – SUBU Rep & Democracy Manager
Gillie Lewis – Minute Taker
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
Apologies from:
Charlie Ayling
Suyan Zou
Corinne Randall
Timothy Randle
Joao Oliveira
Alan Labrow
Mustafa Alsoodany
Not present:Pongaskorn Chachiasrisakul
Gerald-mark Wilson
Iv Marks
Ashley Mitchell
Florian Pyttel
Holly Hillbourne - Gollop
Gerald-mark Wilson
Rebecca Phillips
Xin Shao
Ellen McCausland
Introductions and apologies.
Education Council School Rep hoodies given out to all present. Remaining hoodies will be
brought to the next meeting to be given out.
Minutes of last meeting approved
Tess – ‘worked for’ – amend on minutes. Gillie Lewis to ACTION
1. Provide names of reps for school/framework/course – being worked on. Gillie/Matt
5. school champions hall of fame – ACTION john speaking to champions
John Gusman/Champions
David, Joe Amy and Kyle to be sent details of school Reps
HSC/Alan – on going with John
All present happy with matters arising
Rep Awards Event Committee
Survey given out to all to complete for Rep opinion to shape Rep Awards Event on
Wednesday 2nd April.
Gillie Lewis amend minutes
Updates from School Reps
Stephen – New time table issues working with tutors
Sian – went to Bus SEF – issues re reading week
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
Nick – working on course rooms and availability
Tom – issues with kit for exams for level C.
Laura – Course work issues resolved with leader
Ellie – No current issues
David – Forum with 1 other rep. Good update from FW Leader.
Kyle – No issues. Forum coming up.
Peter – raised Assignment issues. Waiting to hear.
Sam – meeting Assistant Dean re issues.
Tess – Jim roach merger Dec/App Sci. YSTH Feb. Note Rep Saffron Cole has replaced
Megan Fletcher. ACTION -Gillie Lewis to amend on SUBU Rep Records
Gillie Lewis update records
Shannon – meetings re App Sci integration re worries. Meeting after exams.
Amy – course had test before Xmas. Some questions confusion. Now sorted. FWTM
could not attend.
Laurant – Meeting FWTM. Networking with Reps and meetings.
Joao – issues with exam dates. Two exams on same day and both 3 hrs long. Comms
to bring media together ‘Life at BU’ video.
Nomitha – Met FW reps.
Set up discussion board on myBU to work out times for
Hannah – Exec meeting tomorrow. Idea’s from the system to vote on. Packed schedule.
Planning stuff in agenda.
Matt - complimented all present on great work being done. Update on Friday to help
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
School Reps and Course Reps log their successes. 10 points for letting SUBU know
Ideas – Vote carried forward to this meeting
Reading week for Law Business and Law Accounting and Law Frameworks
Speech For - Sian clarified different courses. At SEF asked about reading week. AC & F
courses said no, Law & Business said yes definitely.
Hannah clarified SUBU will work with BU & School to support this happening.
Laura – words need amending to apply to other courses.
Sian – not to amend – just think about this course this time.
John – Reading weeks designed as gap in academic schedule, not for ‘half term’.
Matt – was it raised with academic staff in Business School? Sian – yes. Raised with Mark
Ridolfo. Final year desperate for it.
AGAINST – Kyle. This issue is about an Individual framework, and trying to set SU policy on
specific courses will cause difficulty later on when other courses might want it. Could end up
being loads of policies.
Speech FOR – Laurant – Can motion be addressed and then encourage other people to do
it in a different motion. Just need to start lobbying the Uni as a small step.
Speech AGAINST - No one.
David – is this for final year? Hannah – the motion doesn’t say that.
Reading week for the Law/Business and Law/Accounting and Law Frameworks.
VOTE on whether to vote.
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
FOR – 11
Against – 5
Abstain – 2
Vote as stands:FOR – 11
MOTION PASSES – John to action. Refer to reps and parties and discuss and campaign
John Gusman to approach
locally. In future should consider nature of motion before vote.
Matt – to clarify Education Council should be here to decide overall education issues.
Joao – should address this through SOS. John agreed. Hannah – yes SOS a better place
for raising issues like this in the future.
VP Education Update
John – work with PG research students and cert in Ed practice. Representation has not
been to the same level. Different relationship to the Uni.
Involved in broader stuff. FT Officer Elections.
Rest of update forms agenda items for this meeting.
SOS Campaign
John – SOS campaign is one full week 10th February, Monday to Friday – focus for School
Reps to push SOS to their students and is a Rep owned campaign. Education is to explain
what the SOS is. 1000 responses required. 1500 this semester so ambitious target.
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
Monday – Atrium pitch. Telling students about SOS and use ipads. Also attend lectures and
educate on what SOS is.
Tues – Boho Lounge.
Wed/Thur/Fri in schools and lectures and converse with students. Action – John - Email
John to email All with
will be sent today with Comms plan for the campaign.
Comms Plan - ASAP
If all School Reps do a few hours for a few days would really help. Also focus on YSTH too.
We can then form a bank of data on all the stuff that happens as a result of feedback. Also
planning Vines style videos and fun. All School Reps should be involved in school specific
Speak Week
John – 1 month after SOS 10th March. To be owned by School Reps and Student Reps.
School reps to populate the agenda for this. Ed Council to shape the week.
ACTION – John circulate Principles of Good Feedback.
John – Principles of Good
John/Joff working to get feedback, on where on the scale Reps think their feedback sits.
Feedback - ASAP
Then able to feed back to the Uni on this.
Talk out last time – is talk out to specific school a good idea for this Speak Week?
Shannon – yes for DEC/App Sci merger.
Tess – not available on 12th, so can it be on Mon or Tues as really want to attend meeting.
Tom – better attendance likely at school specific talk out.
All present agreed Ed Council to take a lead on this.
Business School – Dean Roger Palmer has retired. School Reps not aware.
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
ACTION – ALL provide John with School Specific YSTH changes that have happened.
changed email John. -
ASAP. For 1st semester. End week preferred.
Group Work
Hannah – feedback from all. ACTION - Please email Hannah once find out from reps
and own experience of group work. Positives and negatives. Want to bring it to the same
level across BU.
David – also Marking of Group Work – John explained BU is aware of issues which come
under Assessment and Feedback. John is working on a document to support how feedback
of Group work is done. This will support students and can be taken to ESEC as feedback.
(17:05 Nomitha Left the Meeting.)
(17:05 Sian left the meeting.)
Kyle requested that document be formed and passed back with common issues identified.
John – Yes this will be done.
Centre for Excellence in Learning (CEL)
John – Uni have FUSION vision of Uni. 3 cornerstones to excellence, Research, Education,
and Professional Practice. In the middle the three fuse and this is where the student is. Ed
Council can be involved and invited to various meetings. Gail Thomas to attend next
meeting and explain Fusion and CEL.
Rep Events committee
Nick is Events Committee Chair. ACTION - Ideas for social to Nick before next term.
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
Email Nick Ideas for Social
John – for final year reps and students. Not masters just Level H we will support this
campaign. NSS is a benchmark for all Uni’s again each other. We want people to give
decisive feedback either good or bad and not sit on the fence. Be aware of this as you will
need to support level H’s and promote this.
Kyle – important to get the message out that it’s a reflection of the entire period rather than
once specific incident. The Whole Uni journey.
NUS National Course Rep Conference
NUS National Course Reps conference coming soon, 8th Feb. 4 Reps will get to go. Great
opportunity to see how good BU is and develop awareness of national issues. And Ideas to if
communicate them. ACTION - Anyone interested should email
reps@’ and say why you want to come along. In London at
Goldsmiths Uni.
Rep Development Scheme
MATT – School Reps should help to develop reps now they have a list of all reps in their
school. All now have 2 months to get up to speed and get RDS stuff done. Awards 2 nd April
so need hand in of RDS portfolio approx. 2 weeks before. News letter explaining additional
John confirm points for
points and all workshops which are recommended. Calendar will be in the News Letter.
Speak Week - ASAP.
Points for Speak Week to be confirmed by John ACTION.
Course Rep Conference on Campus
5/7th Feb – BU campus Course Rep conference to discuss with champions and own school
reps and CEL people to network chat about things are going, and identify common issues
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
and themes.
Objectives for Semester Two
John – All present split in to their schools discuss what they want to get out of semester 2.
Hannah/John meet School
Conversation 20 mins. ACTION - Hannah/John to meet and discuss each school
Reps in each school.
Halls for Returning Reps
Hannah – Annie Hall SU VP Comms presented this to Hannah/John for this agenda. 2nd
year and final year reps to get feedback from seminar groups to see if final years returning
ACTION – Tom, David, Ellie
from placement would consider living in halls residence. What is the general feel about this?
to find out from their Reps
Would students in final year prefer halls of residence or house/private accommodation?
and email John with any
Mandy Baron from BU keen to find out this info. Tom can find out from reps in his
feedback - ASAP
framework. David, Ellie, etc. all happy to ask their reps. David – specific question, consider
living in halls of residence after placement for final year. ACTION - Email any feedback to
John who will forward this to Anne.
Hannah – Consistent time needed for Education Council meetings. Doodle pole indicated
Mondays at 5 til 7 is the best time. Regular time slot. Mondays specific. Kyle suggested
alternate Monday – Wednesday.
All agreed.
Tasks set today to be completed by the next meeting unless otherwise stated in the
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
VARSITY SUPPORT for American Football Team. Chapplegate
Ellie – Timing of Exam results. John met Jackie Mack and discussed this. Exam results will
be 3 weeks from the end of the exam period, and indicative and subject to ratification.
Normal for all Uni’s to operate like this. Can be upgraded if borderline result.
Matt – Two events coming up.
1. Johns job up for grabs, FTO elections. Nomination period
2. 3rd Feb. NUS Conference coming up. Big conference with 5 delegates voted on to
send forward to form agenda for NUS. Will send more info.
Next Meeting Monday 3rd Feb 5pm – 7pm – Board Room, Poole House
Minutes of the Education Council Meeting - SUBU
MATT – Email details to
School Reps - ASAP