Programme Rep briefing for students

Become a Programme Rep!
Why should I be a Programme Rep?
 Programme reps are the key link between students and staff on your course.
They make sure students’ views are heard and help staff improve students’
experience on your course.
 As a programme rep you will be trained to be an effective rep, gain useful
experience working alongside staff and help to make your course as good as it can
be for you and your fellow students.
 Programme Reps are fully supported in their roles, and to develop the useful
transferable skills they will need in the role and in the graduate job market;
including time management, communication, self motivation, presentation skills and
problem solving
• Make new friends, meet like-minded students, and work with other motivated,
enthusiastic people
• Get involved in the wider work of the Students’ Union and the University
• You will be eligible for our programme of Programme Reps’ recognition and reward
What do Programme Reps do?
 Participate in Departmental/School meetings
 Gather the views of students on their Programme and raise issues to the course
and/or School where appropriate.
 Feedback to students on decisions made and actions agreed
See the Programme Rep role description for more information
What kind of issues have Programme Reps worked on and improved?
Programme Reps throughout the University have worked to improve things like:
 Teaching & Study Resources (availability of lecture rooms, books, facilities);
 Teaching Methods (Is a variety of methods used? Are there other things that
could be used – for example lecture capture? Are there things elsewhere in the
University which might be good on your course?);
 Programme content, structure & workload (Is your course delivering on what
students expect? Is it structured appropriately? Is the workload expected too high?)
 Communication with students about the course;
 Hidden course costs (Are additional costs like photocopying, required textbook
purchase made clear to students?)
 Access to facilities: Do students have access to all facilities they need?
What issues are you not responsible for?
You do not represent students in relation to their individual needs: for example marks or
personal problems, finance, health and welfare issues.
Becoming a Programme Rep is easy! You will be invited to put yourself forward in
your class, and your programme leader/course staff will give you details of how the
election will work. Stand for election and ask your fellow students to elect you.
Why stand for election?
• You believe students should have a say on decisions that will affect their education
• You want to help students have a better experience at City University
• You want to take part in University life to the full and to leave City with more than
just a degree
• You want to develop your own key skills for the graduate job market
What support is there for Programme Reps?
 Training and staff support
 A Programme Reps’ Community on Moodle, with resources and a Forum to share
experiences and ideas
 The VP Education will support you with academic related issues
 Time in lectures to promote the Programme Rep system, to conduct elections, for
Programme Reps to talk to students
 Support from School Admin staff to help you reach your fellow students e.g.
delivering group emails on your behalf
Who do I contact for more information and answers to my questions?
 Your Programme Leader
 Students’ Union VP Education – 020 7040 5614
 Students’ Union - 020 7040 5600
 Shereen Sally, Academic & Student Affairs Officer –
020 7040 8971