From the French Revolution to the Latin American Revolutions 1791-1822 1815 Battle of Waterloo Napoleon Forces Defeated ended French Revolution Napoleon Exiled to Island of St. Helena Monarchy restored in France/ King Louis XVIII Congress of Vienna European Powers meet to restore peace to Europe after war Conservatives triumph/ Monarchies restored Concert of Europe – Coalition of European powers to keep peace and solve conflicts Unable to stop spread of Liberalism and Nationalism Enlightenment Ideas spread to Latin America 300 years of rigid social structure in Latin America caused discontent and resentment Colonialism in the Americas 1800s A: The Marketplace of Tlatelolco by Diego Rivera 1945 Meaning Mural shows life in Aztec times Idealized Market at Tlatelolco under Aztec rule B:The Conquest by José Orozco, 1939 Meaning Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés arrived in in 1519 Tenochtitlan, Mexico C: The Absorption of the Indian by Jose Orozco, 1927 Meaning Symbolizing the mythical first coupling of Spanish man and Indian woman Hernán Cortéz and Malinche/Dona Marina Creating the Mestizo Colonial Domination D : by Diego Rivera 1933 Meaning 300 years of mistreatment by the Colonizing Spanish Enlightenment Inspires Latin Americans Nationalism leads to resentment of French Ruler in Spain Simón Bolivar inspired by French Revolutionaries Slave Win Freedom in Haiti Island slaves revoled in 1791 Toussaint L’Ouverture Educated slave/ lead revolt French unable to stop revolt 1820 Haiti became an independent republic Mexico and Central America Revolt Slave revolts inspired creoles to revolt Sept. 15, 1810 Father Miguel Hidalgo encouraged Mexicans to fight for Freedom from Spanish rule. “The Grito” / The Cry E: The Fight for Liberty by José Orozco, 1939 Father Hidalgo Leading a revolt 1810 Father José Morelos Mestizo Priest Continued the call for Revolution Wanted Politcal and social reform 1820 Liberals forced king in Spain to adopt a constitution Creoles, Mestizos, Indians banned together Mexico gained independence 1820. Central America split into separate states Revolution Ignites South America Creoles admired French and American Revolutions 1810 Simón Bolivar lead uprising in Venezuela Known as “The Liberator” Joined forces with Jose de San Martin By 1822, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, And Chile gained independence from Spain Freedom leads to Power Struggle Bolivar wanted to unite lands he liberated into a single nation called Grand Columbia Bitter rivals developed Split into 4 independent states Power struggles and Civil War Common people exchanged one set of masters for another F: David Alfaro Siqueiros Murals Meaning Years of mistreatment by Caudillos Military dictators