Independence Movements in Latin America

Independence Movements in
Latin America
The American and French Revolutions took
place in the late 1700s.
Within twenty years, the ideas and examples of
these revolutions influenced the people of
Latin America to establish independent
nations, most notably in Haiti and Mexico.
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Born a slave
Granted freedom in 1777
Formed his own army
L’Ouverture- nickname
meaning “the opening”
Inspired by revolutions in
France and America
Led the revolt in Haiti
Contributions of
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Defeated the armies of
three foreign powers:
Spain, France, and
Abolished slavery
Won independence
The Haitian Revolution 1791–1804
Very brutal insurrection
Miguel Hidalgo
Catholic priest who was a
leader of the revolt that
sparked the Mexican
War for Independence
Ignited uprising of poor
Mexicans (indigenous
and mestizo peasants)
against Spanish ruling
class (peninsulares)
Mexican War of Independence
“el Grito de Dolores”
"Cry of Independence“a call to fight for Mexican
Separation of Mexico from
Result of the war: end to
slavery and exploitation
of native people
Hidalgo was executed but
sparked the movement
Father Jose Morelos
Wanted to improve
conditions, abolish
slavery, give vote to all
Captured and shot in
Simon Bolivar
Native-born resident who led revolutionary
Began campaign to rebel against royalty
Influenced by Rousseau
Supported a constitutional monarchy
Hoped to unite with Venezuela and Columbia
(Gran Columbia)
Simon Bolivar
el Libertador
Native-born resident who
led revolutionary efforts
Began campaign to rebel
against royalty
Influenced by Rousseau
Simon Bolivar
1810: Part of Gran
Columbia in 1819
1828: Gran
Columbia broke
into various
José de San Martín
Area controlled by
Prince Dom Pedro
Support from Britain
kept Brazil united
Monroe Doctrine 1823
Issued by American President James Monroe
Primary Objective: to free the newly independent
colonies of Latin America from European
intervention and control.
What do you see here?
Monroe Doctrine 1823
Latin American nations were acknowledged as
European efforts to colonize land/interfere
within the Americas would be viewed by U.S.
as acts of aggression requiring US
Asserted that the Western Hemisphere was not to
be further colonized by European countries
Characteristics of the Colonial System
Colonial governments
mirrored the home
A viceroy, or
representative ruled
in the name of the
King (monarch)
A Layered Society
The separation of the various peoples in the
colonies created a very intricate list of names to
describe one's precise race and, by
consequence, one's place in society
Peninsulares-born in Spain, held highest
positions in colonial government and Catholic
Creole- American born descendants of Spanish
settlers, owned most of the plantations, ranches
and mines. Treated as second class citizens.
A Layered Society
Mestizo- Native American and European
Mulatto- African and European descendant
African and Native American descendant were
the lowest social class
Allyn Cox
Oil on Canvas
Responding to Russian territorial claims along the northern
Pacific coast, and concerned that European nations would
attempt to seize recently independent Latin American states,
President James Monroe announced a new national policy. No
new colonies would be allowed in the Americas, and European
powers were not to interfere in the affairs of the Western
Hemisphere. This mural depicts a discussion among the
president and members of his cabinet; from left to right are
President James Monroe, Secretary of State John Quincy
Adams, Attorney General William Wirt, Secretary of War
John Calhoun, and Secretary of the Navy Samuel L. Southard.
Independence in Latin America
How did the French and American Revolutions influence Latin
American independence movements?
Influence of the American and French Revolutions on the
Slaves in Haiti rebelled, abolished slavery, and won
Father Miguel Hidalgo started the Mexican independence
Independence came to French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies.
Locations of selected countries that gained independence during
the 1800s
The contributions of Toussaint L’Ouverture and Simon Bolivar,
led to the development of independent states in Latin America
in the nineteenth century.
What were the contributions of Toussaint L’Ouverture and Simon
Bolivar to revolutions in Latin America?
Monroe Doctrine
After the American Revolution, the United States wished to
prevent foreign interference in America. The Monroe Doctrine
was issued in 1823, alerting European powers that the
American continents should not be considered for any future
How did the Monroe Doctrine impact revolutions in Latin
Monroe Doctrine was issued by American President, James
Monroe in 1823.
Latin American nations were acknowledged to be independent.
The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and
safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system
on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere.
What influenced the people of Latin America to establish
independent nations?
The Latin American colonies of what three nations rebelled as a
result of the American and French revolutions?
Who led the rebellion in Haiti?
Who led the revolutions in South America?