Vietnam War Test - Reading Community Schools

Name__________________________________________________________________ Date__________________
1. Who was the leader of North Vietnam?
A. Ho Chi Minh
B. Kim IL Jung
C. Dien Bein Phu
D. Ngo Dinh Diem
2. Who were the Viet Cong?
A. North Vietnamese soldiers
B. Vietnamese Nationalists
C. Communist guerillas of South Vietnam
D. Former tribesmen of Vietnam
3. The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam at the 27th parallel.
A. True
B. False
4. Which of the following U.S. Presidents did not have a role in the Vietnam War?
A. Kennedy
B. Johnson
C. Eisenhower
D. Truman
5. Which of the following was a pretext (reason) for the U.S. to become militarily
involved in Vietnam?
A. The Geneva Conference
B. Tonkin Gulf Incident
C. Vietminzation
D. The media
6. Which of the following is the correct order of countries that controlled Vietnam?
A. Japan, France, U.S.
B. France, Japan, France
C. U.S., Japan, France
D. China, Japan, France
7. America was worried that Japan and the Philippines would fall to communism if
Vietnam were a casualty; this is an example of what idea?
A. Containment
B. Red Scare
C. Domino Theory
D. Decolonization
8. Where did the agreement take place that led to a division of Vietnam as well as
free elections?
A. Paris Peace Accords
B. Geneva Accords
C. Treaty of Versailles
D. Vietnamization
9. The leader of forces in Vietnam?
A. Robert McNamara
B. William Calley
C. William Westmorland
D. George Dulles
10. He was the anti-war candidate for the Democratic party in the 1968 Presidential
A. Eugene McCarthy
B. Robert Kennedy
C. Hubert Humphrey
D. Richard Nixon
11. The battle of _______________________________ lasted 55 days and led to 15,000 French
casualties in Vietnam
12. ______________________ was jellified gasoline that, when detonated, would burn at
an extremely high temperature and remove the foliage that the VC was using for cover.
13. “To take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the
United States” was a remark from the _____________________________ referring to
the black check received by Lyndon Johnson.
14. You can avoid the draft through a ___________________________ such as being a
college student or working in a specialized career.
15. ______________ nickname for people supporting the war
16. ______________ nickname for those opposing the war
17. _______________________ is the gradual pullout of troops and emphasized the faith
in the ARVIN and their ability to maintain peace.
18. Shooting against student protesters at ________________________________ led to
more frustration and doubts in the government and its perspective of Vietnam.
19. ________________________ release of classified government history of America's
involvement in Vietnam
20. _________ is the year that Johnson announced he was not running for President,
assassinations of Robert Kennedy and MLK shocked the world, and violence broke out at
the Democratic national convention.
21. __________________ was President Johnson’s Secretary of State
22. The__________________________ was a coordinated surprise attack on U.S. and
South Vietnamese personnel in 120 cities throughout Vietnam.
22.SDS23. SEATO24. VC25. How was the Vietnam War different from World War II?