A COLLABORATION AMONG: CU-College of Health, Education & Human Development Greenville County School District CU-International Center for Automotive Research CU-College of Engineering and Science CU-College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences Business and Industry MISSION Improving the motivation, potential, and achievement of students and teachers through sustained engagement in science, math, engineering, and technology. Feb. 4, 2008 2 GOALS Increase Student Achievement Narrow Improve Achievement Graduation Gap Rates Increase Increase Increase success with Interest and Knowledge of Motivation STEM majors STEM careers Improve Math & Science Teaching Improve Pedagogical Skills Increase Retention Rates Feb. 4, 2008 Deepen Content Knowledge Increase Efficacy Attract Career Changers 3 KEY INITIATIVES Inquiry in Motion Institute Professional Development Institutes Feb. 4, 2008 Teacher Preparation CommunityBased School 4 INQUIRY IN MOTION INSTITUTE IIM Institute is a Research Facility for Teaching and Learning in Math and Science Test innovations in education Improve teacher quality Engage students in regional competitions Showcase student work Involve community in interactive learning Feb. 4, 2008 5 IIM INSTITUTE—The Vision 3-4 Exploration Learning Rooms 1 Large Exhibit Hall/Multipurpos e Room 4-5 Interactive Themed Rooms Feb. 4, 2008 Interior: 18,000— 20,000 sq.ft. Exterior: 3-5 Acres High-Tech, Highly Engaging, Environmentally Friendly 6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTES Research-Based Instructional Approach Collaborative Lesson/Unit Planning Contextual Learning Support Structures for Teachers & Students Feb. 4, 2008 7 TEACHER PREPARATION Undergraduate and graduate programs for math and science pre-service and inservice teachers Multiple field experiences with exemplary classroom teachers for pre-service teachers in math & science Feb. 4, 2008 8 COMMUNITY-BASED SCHOOL Neighborhood and magnet school emphasizing math and science Community resource, including library, recreation, health care … Contextual learning environment Setting for pre-service teachers’ field experiences and educational research Feb. 4, 2008 9 OUTCOME MEASURES Retention & Recruitment of Teachers Teacher Performance Teacher Efficacy Student Performance Student Achievement Community Interaction Feb. 4, 2008 Student Attitudes Depth of Understanding 10 STAKEHOLDERS Greenville County School District Clemson University Feb. 4, 2008 Business and Industry Community Partners 11 FUNDING Current EPSCOR GCSD Moore School of Education Proposed US Department of Education National Science Foundation SC Commission on Higher Education Feb. 4, 2008 12 FUTURE FUNDING NEEDS Inquiry in Motion Institute programmatic and capital expenses Professional Development Institutes for teachers and students Scholarships for STEM majors Mentoring for K-16 students Regional STEM competitions Feb. 4, 2008 13 For Further Information Contact: Bob Horton: bhorton@clemson.edu Jeff Marshall: marsha9@clemson.edu Webpage: www.clemson.edu/iim Come Visit Us at: www.clemson.edu/iim Feb. 4, 2008 15