
Salvaging America's Wealth, Part Four
The goal of the international Banksters has always been to control the vast natural resources of America
for their own enrichment. Don't we all want to control a little chunk of this nation's resources for our own
enrichment? Wouldn't we all like to pass down something for our children and grandchildren? Of
course. The barrier protecting the average citizen's American Dream from the Banksters is our
Constitution. Our Constitution protects citizens' rights to work and enjoy the reward for their labors. Our
Constitution was designed to protect those rights and oppose those who would enslave us for their own
enrichment. This is what our Founders understood when they created our Republic's Constitution.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they
have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of
money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, drafter of the Declaration of Independence
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent
means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance."
James Madison, 4th President of the United States, "Father of the Constitution"
With the engineered collapse of the Federal Reserve Board's fiat currency, the Banksters intend to make
Americans vulnerable. When we are destitute, desperate, and vulnerable, our Constitution will be
willingly abandoned in exchange for hand-outs and financial security offered by the Banksters. At least
that's their plan. It's a variation on the same plan their forefathers had before the Boston Tea Party. But
we don't have to go along with it.
Realize first, our nation has over 61 million armed hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts. We have
more individuals under arms than any military in the world. Nobody can take this nation by force if we
resist. The Banksters don't want to destroy the infrastructure or labor force of the United States with a
war. They need those intact to make money. They plan to bring us into compliance by destroying the fiat
currency. For that to work, Americans must be deceived and willing to go along with the ruse.
Americans must believe the lie the Federal Reserve Board's dollar actually represents America's wealth.
It does not. Take any dollar, it says, "Federal Reserve Note". It's an IOU from the owners of the Federal
Reserve Board. It doesn't represent the wealth of the United States. It represents the unconstitutional
debt of the Banksters. Our real wealth is in our natural resources and our ability and industry to support
life and an advanced society. The Federal Reserve Board note doesn't even represent good toilet paper!
Some morning soon when America wakes up and every dollar they have is worthless, our timber,
agricultural lands, mineral resources, oil, natural gas, water, climate, infrastructure, homes, and business,
will still be the real wealth of America. And those things are what the Banksters are after. We must not
exchange our real assets for the debt the Federal Reserve Board has created.
To be continued.