Soc Ch 5 Study Guide

Sociology Chapter 5 Study Guide
1. What was Carol Gilligan’s contribution to understanding morality?
2. How would conflict theory explain some children being socialized to believe
they can do anything and other children believing in hard work and
following orders?
3. How does the bureaucracy of a high school fit into the concept of a hidden
4. What symbols might a parent use to make sure other people know the
gender of their infant?
5. When parents hand down their values to their children so that they will
help contribute to help sustain society- what paradigm are they bought in
6. What kind of socialization experiences might a child experience in their first
few days of school?
7. What does Mead mean by the “preparatory stage”? Supply a couple of
8. In Erik Erikson’s 8 stage theory, how does do the actions of society help
shape people’s personalities?
9. What did Cooley mean by “the looking-glass self”? Give an example
10.How are gender roles formed? Example
11.According to Kohlberg’s moral development theory. What perspective are
teenagers able to do during their teenage years that they weren’t able to
do before?
12.What is an example of a college student engaging in anticipatory
13.If a senior moves into a nursing home with much different routines than
they are used to they are probably going through a __socialization
14.What are the conditions necessary to label something as a total institution?
What are some examples of total in our society?
15.What kind of ceremony do inmates or soldiers experience when they arrive
at their institution?
16.What is the nature vs nurture debate all about?
17.What kind of norms do parents generally socialize into their children?
18.Why is education important to society?
19.How is Durkheim’s suicide study a good example of the differences
between the fields of psychology and sociology?
Questions 20-25 are short answer responses
20. When studying suicide, how would a sociologist’s focus be different that a
21. How much of our current gender role stereotypes in the US are nature and how
much is nurture?
22. Why are twin studies an important way to learn about the relative effects of
genetics and socialization (Nature vs Nurture) on children?
23. Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young
24. Based on your observations, when are adolescents more likely to listen to their
parents or to their peer groups when making decisions? What types of dilemmas
lend themselves toward one social agent over another?
25. Consider a person who is joining a sorority or fraternity, or attending college or
boarding school, or even a child entering kindergarten. How is the process the
student goes through a form of socialization?