Unit 1 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Study Guide

Unit 1 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Study Guide
Know the definitions of these words
Lesson Essential Questions- Be sure to review your notes and handouts to answer these questions.
1.) How has archeology and anthropology impacted the study of prehistoric people and civilization?
2.) How do archaeologists date their finds?- list the ways scientists date artifacts:
Human History can be divided into 3 specific time periods:
Time periods can also be divided (how food was obtained):
Once people learned how to grow their own food this led to ______________________________ and
_________________________________. Before when people were hunters and gatherers, a person’s
life span was ____________________- average was about ___________________________.
Chapter 2 Continued
Questions 4-7: pages 32-46
4. List the Characteristics -Pages 37-40
5.) How were Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons like?
6.) What allowed the Cro-Magnons to advance compared to Neanderthals?
7.) How did specialization, government, and religion develop and change during the Neolithic Age?
(Pages 45 and 46)
Essay Questions- Be prepared to write complete paragraph answers to these questions providing
specific examples and evidence to support your answers.
8. How did tools, language, clothing, and the discovery of fire help early people advance?
9. How did people change from food gatherers to food producers?
10. How did specialization, government, and religion give to the start of civilization?