Teaching and Learning of English 2014-2015 Planning Teachers to reference the 2014 Curriculum for English English is planned using quality text as a focus Grammar and spelling to be planned for using the 2014 Curriculum Books Big writing books are purple Big writing folders are used to store pupils’ Big Writing assessments English books are yellow Each pupil from year 1 to year 6 have a yellow spelling books which stays at school All work should be marked in accordance with the ‘Effective Marking and Feedback Policy’ Spelling Teachers to refer to the spellings in the appendix of the 2014 Curriculum for guidance on appropriate words, spelling patterns and rules. 10 spellings are to be sent home on a weekly basis Year 1- Year 6, Reception to send home a minimum of 5 words. Spellings to be differentiated (minimum of three) to suit the needs of all learning groups. Teachers to ensure pupils know the meaning of the word as well as the spelling and can write it in an appropriate sentence Teachers to test pupils on their spellings on a weekly basis Read, Write Inc Phonics The Read, Write Inc Phonic program runs across the school for pupils who are not yet proficient in reading and writing In Reception, lessons run for 20 minutes a day For those pupils in Year 1 and 2 whom are on the Read, Write Inc program, lessons are an hour long and are in place of English lessons. Reading Big Reading to be completed on a weekly basis. One ‘Big Read’ lesson to be completed every Monday. Reading SPIES lessons to be completed on a daily basis using a carousel of activities Pupils to be provided with a Reading book and a library book on a weekly basis (Reception-Year 6) Each pupil to be provided with a Reading Record Book (Reception-Year 6) Pupils’ reading targets to be recorded in their reading record book by their class teacher. Parents are encouraged to sign Reading Record Books Pupils are timetabled to have one library session per week Each class to use Junior Librarian to record the books they take home. Every book MUST be scanned before the pupil can take it home Lucy Candlin to provide letters for any damaged, lost or overdue books Handwriting Pupils are taught using ‘The Collins Formation’ Teacher to model ‘The Collins Formation’ in their own writing Pupils are encouraged to join their handwriting Pupils to practise their handwriting on a weekly basis Pupils to be encouraged to use handwriting pens once they demonstrate legible and neatly formed letters Writing VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) and grammar activities to be planned for in literacy lessons and written on literacy plans each week Big Writing occurs every Friday VCOP lesson to be completed every Friday from 9.45am-10.15am Big Writing to be completed every Friday from 10.30am-11.15am Pupil feedback time from 11.15am-11.30am Big Writing Talk homework to be sent home every Thursday, all pupils are encouraged to bring their Big Writing homework in as this will be used as a discussion tool at the start of the talk topic lesson One piece of Big Writing work to be displayed every Monday by 9:00am Big Writing assessments to occur on a monthly basis and assessed using the Ros Wilson Writing Criterion. Assessments to be completed on paper and filed in the classes Big Writing folder Levels for all pupils to be recorded on the system in the assessment folder Big Writing assessment timetable will be provided to identify writing genre so all years are consistent Assessment Writing to be assessed each half term during assessment week and recorded on G2 Integris Reading to be assessed each half term during assessment week and recorded on G2 Integris