SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION I. Introduction Syndicated A. __________data: general information collected for many advertisers and reported on a regular basis Customized __________ data: information collected only upon request for a specific advertiser or brand B. PCs/CDs/Internet are currently used to access syndicated data. C. Need to exercise caution when using data in decision-making. Why? SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information General categories of information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Marketing data: Competitive Media Usage Data: Media Audience Data: Circulation and Rates Data SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information --How are they helpful to a media planner Marketing data: Helpful in target selection and weighting (geographic, product usage, and demographic) Competitive Media Usage Data: Helpful in goals, budget, media mix and allocation decisions SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information --How are they helpful to a media planner Media Audience Data: Helpful in media mix and vehicle evaluation and selection Circulation and Rates Data Helpful in vehicle evaluation and selection SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data –Product Usage vs. Geographic Markets On Product Usage 1. Nielsen Marketing Research Services ("Scantrack") -for market share in a specific market: "What is the market share of Nabisco's Oreo Cookies in Long Beach, California last year?" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A.Marketing Data –Product Usage 2 & 3. SMRB -"P" volumes or MRI-"P" volumes for product users/usage (heavy, medium, light, and all users), media patterns, demographics, and "lifestyle" characteristics "Who are the users of Peanut butter in terms of demographics, what magazines do they read, and what programs do they watch?" 4. MMR - similar to SMRB or MRI, but focus on HHs with $60K+ income: "How many adult women whose HH income is at least $60,000 are heavy users of gasoline?" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data On Geographic Markets 1. State & Metropolitan Area Data Book & Statistical Abstract of the United States-- issued by U.S. Government 2. 3. 4. Standard Rate and Data Services (SRDS), Consumer Market Data Summary-- marketing information located in front section of various SRDS's. Sales & Marketing Management, SURVEY OF BUYING POWER -- July issue of S&MM; similar to SRDS, but provides more data. Editor & Publisher Market Guide – ranks geographic markets by population, total incomes, total retail sales, total food sales and household income. Provides individuals descriptions of markets. SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data On Miscellaneous Marketing Data 1. Information Resources, Inc. (IRI) -- a syndicated tracking service for grocery Industry data (at the national, local market), which allows marketers to measure the Impact of ads, coupons, pricing and other marketing efforts on sales 2. PRIZM, SPECTRA, ACORN -- three major sources for zip code-based lifestyle data. PRIZM divides the country Into 62 distinct, homogeneous, lifestyle clusters; SPECTRA combines PRIZM groups with head-ofhousehold age and presence of children; ACORN provides 43 distinct market segments. 3. Government Printing Office -- for various kinds of research data that can be useful for marketing situation analysis SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information B. Competitive Media Data – General vs. Specific General -- providing general information for many media 1. CMR (Consumer Media Reporting)-- provides information for 11 media types including: Net TV, "How much Nabisco's Oreo cookies spent last year in TV (network, spot, cable, syndicated)?" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information B. Competitive Media Data –Specific:specializing in one medium Television 1. Network (& Syndicated) TV: BAR (Network TV) "In which network television programs did commercials for Sprite appear? How many :30 sec commercials? :15 sec ? :10 sec?“ 2. Spot TV: BARCUME (BAR) -- identify an example from “Source Exercise” SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information B. Competitive Media Data –Specific:specializing in one medium Radio 1. Network Radio: BAR (Network Radio) -- identify an example from "Source Exercise" 2. Spot Radio: RER "What spot radio stations Diet Coke used for their ads, in what dayparts they advertised, and/or how many ads were inserted in each?" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information B. Competitive Media Data –Specific:specializing in one medium Print 1. Magazine: LNA-PIB -- identify an example from "Source Exercise" 2. Newspapers: LNA Newspaper Report [formerly Media Records] -- identify an example from "Source Exercise" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information B. Competitive Media Data –Specific:specializing in one medium Out-of-Home 1. Outdoor: Outdoor Advertising Report (LNA) -- identify an example from "Source Exercise" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information C. Media Audience Data General Media Statistics 1. Marketer's Guide to Media -- provides current rates and estimated audiences for the major media. Describes trends In total advertising expenditures, costs, and audiences for network, cables, syndication, and spot television, radio, outor-home, magazines, newspapers, and online services. 2. TV Dimensions -- covers many aspects of TV such as a history of television, growth of cable, VCR usage, and the Internet; program type appeals, reach/frequency, qualitative factors regarding viewer Interest and attentiveness, commercial exposure and Impact, and Intermedia comparisons. Similar reports are available for magazines, the Internet, and consumer products. SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information C. Media Audience Data Television a. Network TV: Nielsen - NTI for daily rating/audience SMRB or MRI-M volumes for annual rating b. Spot TV: Nielsen Station Index (NSI) SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information C. Media Audience Data Radio a. Network Radio: RADAR, SMRB-M, MRI-M "What is the rating of a ABC affiliate station KMFA in Austin, Texas between 6 and 10 am last year?" -- RADAR "How many women ages 55 + listened to ABC during PMD (afternoon drive) time?" -- SMRB- or MRI-M volumes b. Spot Radio: Arbitron -- identify an example from "Source Exercise" SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information D.Circulation and Rates Data --Who are the major providers of circulation and rates data? 1. SRDS -- 2. ABC-Blue Book -- 3. BPA -- 4. Buyers Guide to Outdoor Advertising Eller Media Company and Lamar Advertising Company-- 5. TAA Rate Directory of Transit Advertising -- SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data E. Miscellaneous Data General Media-Planning Resources 1. Advertising Media Internet Center –an excellent starting point for media planners. Provides links to the major media research sources, media terminology, advice from experts, and many other planning services 2. Mediapost – provides a broad range of media planning and buying resources. Its Webs-based free media planning system, Mplanner lets you select, budget, schedule, and chart your media plan 3. MediaPlan WEBRF – another media planning system for television. SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Print-Planning Resources 1. Magazine Publishers of America – provides a wealth of free and useful information about magazines. Magazine Handbook in the research/resource section of its website is especially useful for magazine planning 2. Media Start – provides fast free access to consumer magazine planning data such as editorial content, rates, circulation, and availability of special creative units. 3. Newspaper Association of America – provides extensive free information about newspaper readership, and advertising expenditures in the medium. SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Print-Planning Resources 4. Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) Blue Book -- provides audited reports of magazine and newspaper circulation. 5. Business Publications Audit (BPA) -- provides audited reports of "controlled" business publication circulation. 6. Verified Audit Circulation – audited circulation for paid and free community newspapers including many special interest , niche, ethnic publications SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Broadcast Planning Resources 1. SQAD (Service Quality Analytics Data) : a major source for market-specific, daypaart-specific, household-based CPRP data covering all 210 DMAs. 2. Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau – a trade association for cable television industry, providing a lot of cable-related information as compared to other type of television. Provides detailed audience information on about 65 advertiser-supported cable television networks SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Broadcast Planning Resources 3. Television Bureau of Advertising – provides all kinds of general information that could be useful for network and cable TV planning 4. Radio Advertising Bureau – Radio Facts (Radio Marketing Guide and Fact Book for Advertisers) – provides information on radio listening habits and the strength of radio compared to other broadcast and print alternatives SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Internet Planning Resources 1. Internet Advertising Bureau – a trade association serving the Internet advertising industry. Provides some useful information about the industry issues, standards, practices, and so on. 2. Jupiter and Media Metrix company – provides various useful information for Internet planning 3. ClickZ today – offers the latest information, techniques, and advice on Internet advertising and e-marketing, along with extensive technological information 4. Internet Glossary – provides extensive glossary of Internet terms SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Interenational Media Sources 1. -- Provides links to international media services; despite the name, it covers all media in a number of countries. Information is organized by region, country, and media type 2. Kidon Media-Link –provides links to the websites of more than two thousand U.S. and international media services. Information is organized by region (Europe, Asia, etc.) SOURCES OF MEDIA & MARKET INFORMATION II. General Categories of Media Information A. Marketing Data Advertising Industry & Career Planning Resources 1. Standard Directory of Advertisers ("Red Book") -- a listing of companies involved in national advertising, their marketing/advertising personnel, and advertising agency used; has a geographical index to determine where company is located. 2. Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies ("Blue Book) -- a listing of advertising agencies, their key personnel, and accounts handled 3. September and March issues of Advertising Age -- provide information on many advertisers (September) and agencies (March).]